New Collaborative Graduate Specialization Proposal

New collaborative graduate specialization submissions must receive the approval of the Graduate Studies Executive Council (GSEC) and the provost prior to the proposal being submitted to the secretary of the Senate Committee on Academic Development (SCAD) and after approval of relevant academic units and the respective Faculty Graduate Council(s)/Committee(s). SCAD will review the proposal and make recommendations to Senate. It is important that academic units work closely with the appropriate associate dean in the SGS, and the respective faculty offices(s) during the development of their proposal. Refer also to the QUQAP website for information.

NOTE: the textboxes in this template will expand as needed.

Part A – General Summary

Name of Proposed Collaborative Specialization:
Participating Academic Programs:
Proposed Start Date:
Contact Information (1) / Contact Information (2)
Name: / Name:
Title: / Title:
Unit: / Unit:
E-mail: / E-mail:
Executive Summary (1 page maximum suggested – minimum font size 11)
Briefly summarize the rationale for introducing this new collaborative specialization and how it fits with the academic goals of the faculty/school and the Academic Plan and Strategic Framework of the university. Briefly describe: the educational goals and learning outcomes that extend beyond those of the participating programs; the value added to existing programs in the participating academic units; how the relevant stakeholders (e.g. faculty, staff, students) were consulted in preparing the proposal; and additional resources required to deliver this specialization.

Part B – Evaluation Criteria

Part B is to be completed by the unit/faculty.

In accordance with Queen’s University Quality Assurance Processes (QUQAP), the criteria should be regarded as the minimum criteria upon which the new Collaborative Program submission will be assessed. Further information can be found in the Queen's University Quality Assurance Processes.

1. / Introduction
1.1 / List the objectives specific to the collaborative specialization and specify the anticipated learning outcomes and career paths. [Refer to Graduate Degree Learning Outcomes GDLE, Appendix 1of QUQAP]
1.2 / Explain how the objectives will be achieved (e.g. learning experiences beyond those available to students in the participating programs such as courses, thesis/project topics, teaching and research seminars, laboratory and/or technical training, etc).
2. / Program Regulations and Oversight
2.1 / Admission Standards – Comment on the consistency of the admission standards of the participating degree program with reference to the learning outcomes and expectations of the collaborative specialization.
2.2 / Describe the administrative structure and academic oversight for the collaborative specialization to ensure requirements associated with the specialization are being met
3. / Program Structure and Requirements
Describe the collaborative program under the following headings (as applicable)
3.1 / Course Requirements – In Table 1 below, list core (required) courses that are beyond those required in the home programs (must have at least one foundational, core course in the area of specialization), optional courses (e.g. select X from the following list) and elective courses (indicate level and disciplines intended to meet requirements of the collaborative specialization. Identify those courses that are also offered to undergraduate students and are listed in the undergraduate calendar. Explain the rationale for including them in the graduate collaborative specialization and confirm that at least 2/3 of courses taken to fulfill degree requirements are offered exclusively at the graduate level. [In course-based Master’s programs at least 30% of course requirements must be in the area of specialization]
Table 1. Course requirements (beyond those required for participating programs) (add additional rows as needed)
(number and name) / (C)ore, (O)ptional or (E)lective / Field
(if applicable) / Undergraduate Enrolment (Y/N) / Proposed Instructor(s)
AAAA 801 Seminars in Ergonomics / C / N/A / N / A. Suzuki
BBBB 832 Human Factors / O / N/A / Y / B. Laurier
SSSS 842 Design Standards / E / N/A / N / C. Agarwal
3.2 / Course Descriptions - For each new graduate course that is part of the proposed collaborative specialization, provide a calendar description and append the course outline. [see Section 10]
3.3 / Major research paper or thesis- In programs requiring a major project, essay or thesis, the topic must be in the area of the specialization. Comment on the resources (supervisory and other) in place to ensure this requirement can be met
3.4 / Degree requirements for all participating programs – Describe the degree requirements for each participating program and the additional requirements of the collaborative specialization. Comment on any inconsistencies in the number of courses required for degree completion for each participating program, and indicate whether requirements of the collaborative specialization can be substituted in place of one or more requirements of a participating program.
Describe any additional program requirements, and provide comments on program timelines and program evaluations (if different from those of participating programs).
4.. / Program Content
4.1 / Describe any unique curriculum, innovations or creative components of the proposed collaborative specialization.

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5. / Assessment of Teaching and Learning
5.1 / Degree Level Expectations (DLE) – In Table 2 below, summarize only the additional DLEs for the proposed collaborative specialization. [Refer to Graduate Degree Learning Outcomes (GDLEs), Appendix 1of QUQAP]
Table 2. Mapping curriculum and DLEs – (for additional DLEs only). (add rows as needed)
DLE / Learning Outcomes / Relevant Courses, Academic Requirement / Indicators of Achievement / Transferable Skills
Depth and breadth of knowledge / A thorough understanding of a substantial body of knowledge that is at the forefront of the discipline / AAAA801
Comprehensive examination / Demonstrated depth of knowledge in xxx and ability to field questions.
Passing grade in 3 areas of comp.
Research and scholarship / Example: Project management
Application of knowledge
Communication skills / Example: Communication skills appropriate for different audiences
Autonomy and professional capacity
Awareness of Limits of knowledge
… (add program-specific DLE)

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5.2 / Describe how the proposed methods of assessing student achievement (for new DLEs only) relate to the collaborative specialization learning outcomes and degree level expectations. Comment also on thesis/project as appropriate.
5.3 / Outline the plans for documenting and demonstrating the level of performance of students registered in the collaborative specialization (for new DLEs only).
6. / Anticipated Enrolment
6.1 / Describe the enrolment projections for the collaborative specialization (by degree level as appropriate); specify the number of students for each participating program and indicate how many are expected to be ‘net new’ (i.e. beyond the current enrolment in a single program). Indicate how the collaborative specialization might impact on other fields of study in each participating program.
6.2 / Describe the recruitment strategy for the collaborative specialization.
7. / Resources
Provide evidence that the participating academic units have the necessary resources to implement and deliver the proposed new collaborative specialization under the following headings (where applicable).
**Budget Module and template must be completed - found on the QUQAP website.
7.1 / Faculty – In Table 3 below, list faculty who will be involved in the collaborative program.
Table 3. Core faculty associated with the proposed Collaborative Specialization (add rows as needed)
*** The core faculty of Collaborative Specializations are only those faculty members (tenure-stream, tenured, and continuing adjunct professors) in the participating home programs who have an interest and expertise in the area of the collaborative specialization Submit CVs (following the CV guidelines found on the QUQAP website)
Faculty Member / Rank/Status
(Tenured, tenure-track, continuing adjunct).) / Field / Home Unit / Grad Teaching in Collaborative Specialization / Supervisory Privileges in Collaborative Specialization
A. Suzuki / Asst Prof / tenure-track / Design & industrial ergonomics / AAAA / AAAA-802 Principles of … / Sole supervision
B. Laurier / Assoc Prof/
tenured / Design & industrial ergonomics / SSSS / YYYY-801 Foundation in <area of collaborative specialization> / None
C. Agarwal / Assoc Prof/
Adjunct (continuing) / Design ergonomics / AAAA / Co-supervision
Use the space below to comment on Table 3 above. If net new students are anticipated, comment on the adequacy of the faculty complement to teach and/or supervise in the collaborative specialization. Indicate how the teaching and supervisory requirements of the collaborative specialization can be covered by tenure/tenure-track faculty in accordance with respective participating units’ workload agreements.
7.2 / Staff - Comment on the adequacy of the staff complement to support the collaborative specialization (administrative, technical, IT, laboratory, etc.).
7.3 / Student Funding - Indicate if graduate students in the collaborative specialization will receive funding packages. If yes, state the minimum annual support (by degree level) and describe how the funding commitments will be met. Comment on any inconsistencies relative to other graduate students enrolled in the home academic unit.
7.4 / Describe any additional resources required that are not currently available. Provide evidence of institutional commitment to supplement existing resources as needed [See budget module].
8. / Other Matters
8.1 / Provide evidence of student demand for the collaborative specialization and describe how this information was obtained.
8.2 / Explain how the collaborative specialization will fulfill a societal need (e.g. labour market gap, employment opportunities). Comment on similar specializations or programs offered elsewhere and why the proposed specialization will be attractive to applicants
9. / Quality and Other Indicators
9.2 / Comment on the faculty attributes (including research activity) that will support the area of specialization and ensure the intellectual quality of the student experience.
10. / Supporting Documents
Append any additional material that is pertinent to the proposed collaborative specialization (e.g. letters of support from prospective employers)

Part C – Reporting Information – Office of the University Registrar

Part C is to be completed by the department(s)/faculty(s) in consultation with the Office of the University

Registrar and the School of Graduate Studies.

Information for and/or from the Office of the University Registrar and/or the SGS Registrar
Academic Administration
Academic Career / GRAD
Participating Departments/Units
List all departments/plans that may admit students into the collaborative specialization (Sub-Plan).
Indicate department with primary responsibility for sub-plan by underlining.
Proposed Start Date
mm/yyyy /
Expected enrolment (total new)
Initial Year / Steady State
Academic Sub-Plan
(Name of Collaborative Specialization)
( e.g. Political Thought) / Pattern of Study
(Master’s programs only; choices: Pattern I, II, III)
Course Information
New courses with new subject code required? Yes No
If yes, suggested subject code

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Part D - Authorizations

Part D a-d is to be completed prior to GSEC approval.

a. Department Head(s) / ______
Signature Date
b. Faculty Dean(s) or delegate(s) /
Signature Date
c. Date approved by Faculty Graduate Council/Committee / ______
d. Date approved by Faculty Board(s) if required as per Faculty Graduate Council/Committee regulations / ______
e. Date Approved by GSEC /
f. Vice-Provost and University Librarian /
Signature /
g. University Registrar /
Signature /
h. Associate Vice-Principal
(Planning & Budgeting) /
Signature /
i. Vice-Provost and Dean,
School of Graduate Studies /
Signature /
j. Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) /
Signature /

Submit completed document to the School of Graduate Studies for approval by GSEC and then the Provost.

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