Questionnaire Part 1: BMO Assessment of Proponent’s Environmental and Social Performance
Question / Information Required from Proponent
1. Contact Details
1.1 / Proponent has a person with overarching responsibility for coordinating the company’s corporate responsibility/sustainability initiatives?
If yes, please provide person’s name, title and contact details. / Yes No
If yes, provide contact information:
2. Policies
2.1 / Proponent has an overarching written policy relating to corporate responsibility/sustainability? / Yes No
2.2 / Proponent has a written environmental policy? / Yes No
2.3 / Proponent has a written human rights policy? / Yes No
2.4 / Proponent has written policies dealing with the following labour/human resource issues:
  • Anti-discrimination
/ Yes No
  • Workforce diversity (e.g. gender, ethnicity, persons with disability)
/ Yes No
  • Opposition to child labour
/ Yes No
  • Opposition to forced and compulsory labour
/ Yes No
  • Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
/ Yes No
  • Employee health and safety
/ Yes No
  • Workplace and Sexual Harassment
/ Yes No
  • Working hours
/ Yes No
  • Fair compensation and benefits
/ Yes No
2.5 / Proponent has a Code of Conduct, or other written policy, addressing corruption? / Yes No
3. Management, Practices and Procedures
3.1 / Proponent has in place a documented environmental management system (EMS)?
If yes, please state whether or not it is certified to ISO (International Standards Organization) 14001 or equivalent. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
3.2 / Proponent has in place a documented system to manage occupational/ employee health and safety?
If yes, please state whether or not it is certified to OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) 18001 or equivalent. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
3.3 / Proponent has in place a documented system to manage workplace and labour practices?
If yes, please state whether or not it is certified to SA (Social Accountability) 8000 or equivalent. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
3.4 / Proponent has integrated environmental and social considerations within its risk management procedures? / Yes No
3.5 / Proponent provides employee training on business ethics and conduct? / Yes No
3.6 / Proponent provides its employees with a confidential grievance or whistle blowing facility? / Yes No
3.7 / Proponent has in place practices and procedures designed to minimize environmental impacts flowing from the following:
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
If yes, please state whether proponent measures its environmental impacts in this area and sets specific reduction targets. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
  • Non-greenhouse polluting emissions
If yes, please state whether proponent measures its environmental impacts in this area and sets specific reduction targets. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
  • Energy consumption
If yes, please state whether proponent measures its environmental impacts in this area and sets specific reduction targets. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
  • Resource Consumption
If yes, please state whether proponent measures its environmental impacts in this area and sets specific reduction targets. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
  • Material Consumption
If yes, please state whether proponent measures its environmental impacts in this area and sets specific reduction targets. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
  • Waste: hazardous and non-hazardous
If yes, please state whether proponent measures its environmental impacts in this area and sets specific reduction targets. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
  • Water Consumption
If yes, please state whether proponent measures its environmental impacts in this area and sets specific reduction targets. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
  • Effluents
If yes, please state whether proponent measures its environmental impacts in this area and sets specific reduction targets. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
  • Biodiversity Impacts
If yes, please state whether proponent measures its environmental impacts in this area and sets specific reduction targets. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
3.8 / Proponent uses or is intending to use renewable energy sources? / Yes No
3.9 / Proponent has documented procurement policies and practices designed to consider the environmental and social performance of your own suppliers and sub-contractors?
If yes, please briefly describe the policies and practices employed. / Yes No
If yes, explain:
4. Reporting
4.1 / Proponent publicly reports on its environmental and social performance?
If yes, please identify whether such reporting takes place through an integrated annual report or a free-standing CSR/sustainability report. Please also identify whether the report is prepared in accordance with the ‘Sustainability Reporting Guidelines’ of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). / Yes No
If yes, explain:
5. Other Relevant Details
5.1 / Are there any further details the proponent wishes to add about the environmental and/or social performance that have not been expressed above? / If yes, provide details:
Questionnaire Part 2: BMO Assessment of Environmental and Social Attributes of a Product/Service
Question / Information Required from Proponent
1. Environment
1.1 / Does proponent’s product or service have any attribute(s) that will aid in lowering the environmental footprint of BMO?
If yes, provide details of the relevant attributes as well the environmental impacts addressed, e.g.:
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Non-greenhouse polluting emissions
  • Energy consumption
  • Resource Consumption
  • Material Consumption
  • Waste: hazardous and non-hazardous
  • Water Consumption
  • Effluents
  • Biodiversity Impacts
/ Yes No
If yes, provide details:
1.2 / Has proponent’s product or service obtained any certification or any other form of external recognition on account of its environmental attributes?
If yes, provide details. / Yes No
If yes, provide details:
1.3 / Does proponent’s product or service have environmental attributes that will result in cost savings for BMO?
If yes, provide details and an indication of the potential cost savings. For example, cost savings might result from resulting reductions in:
  • Energy consumption
  • Resource Consumption
  • Material Consumption
  • Waste: hazardous and non-hazardous
  • Water Consumption
/ Yes No
If yes, provide details:
1.4 / Does proponent’s product or service have any attributes that would make it more environmentally friendly than other like products or services?
If yes, provide details. / Yes No
If yes, provide details:
1.5 / Has proponent performed an environmental lifecycle analysis of your product or service?
If yes, provide details of the analysis and a summary of major findings. / Yes No
If yes, provide details:
1.6 / Are there any further details proponent wishes to add about the environmental attributes of product or service that have not been expressed above? / Yes No
2. Social
2.1 / Does proponent’s product or service have any specific attributes that are socially beneficial?
If Yes, provide details of the relevant attributes which might include, amongst other things:
  • Advance Human Rights
  • Support the Local Economy
  • Support Social Enterprises
  • Supports Aboriginal Peoples and or Enterprises
  • Support for Fair Trade
  • Promote employee health and safety
/ Yes No
If yes, provide details:
2.2 / Does proponent’s product or service have any attributes that will promote employee health and safety?
If yes, provide details. / Yes No
If yes, provide details:
2.3 / Has proponent’s product or service obtained any certification or any other form of external recognition on account of its social attributes?
If yes, provide details. / Yes No
If yes, provide details:
2.4 / Are there any aspects of proponent’s product or service that pose a risk to human health or safety?
If yes, provide details. / Yes No
If yes, provide details:
2.5 / Are there any further details proponent wishes to add about the socially beneficial attributes of product or service that have not been expressed above? / If yes, provide details:

BMO Financial Group Sustainable ProcurementQuestionnaire - 1 -