Medicine MCQs 21/02/07

  1. A 20 year old man was admitted in a coma 3 hrs after drinking a bottle of methylated spirit. A low toxic concentration of methyl alcohol is found in the plasma. You would immediately arrange for :
  2. Haemoperfusion
  3. IV ascorbate
  4. IV infusion of ethanol
  5. Administration of activated charcoal
  6. Gastric lavage

2. The following features are found in typhoid fever EXCEPT :

  1. Relative bradycardia
  2. Leucopenia
  3. Splenomegaly
  4. Rose spots in the 2nd week of disease
  5. Intestinal haemorrhage in 1st week of disease

3. An elderly lady with multiple myeloma was admitted in a stuporous state. Your immediate management will depend on the

  1. Liver function test
  2. Degree of proteinuria
  3. Plasma calcium levels
  4. Blood Gas results
  5. Serum Uric Acid levels

4. ECG in Wolf-Parkinson-White shows :

  1. Short PR interval & Normal QRS duration
  2. Short PR interval & Increased QRS duration
  3. Short PR interval & Short QRS duration
  4. Prolonged PR interval & Normal QRS duration
  5. Prolonged PR interval & ProlongedQRS duration

5. Angina Pectoris and Syncope MOST LIKELY associated with :

  1. MS
  2. MR
  3. AS
  4. AR
  5. TS

6. Pulsus Paradoxus typically found in :

  1. L.V failure
  2. Pericardial Tamponade
  3. Aortic Stenosis and incompetence
  4. Aortic Incompetence
  5. Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy

7. The process in which the rate of handling of a drug by body tissues depends on the blood concentration at any given time is called :

  1. Zero-order kinetics
  2. 1st-order kinetics
  3. 2nd-order kinetics
  4. one compartment model
  5. equilibrium

8. Acanthosis Nigricans is associated with all of the following EXCEPT :

  1. Cushing’s Syndrome
  2. Obesity
  3. Ca Stomach
  4. Insulin Resistant DM
  5. Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease

9. Myxoedema may present with :

  1. Loss of Vision
  2. Diplopia
  3. Anosmia
  4. Ataxic Gait
  5. Seizures

10. Acute Hep B infection, which of the markers appears last :

  1. HBsAg
  2. Anti-HBe IgM
  3. Anti-HBc IgM
  4. HBeAg
  5. Anti-HBs IgG

11. Pleuritic Involvement is not a feature of :

  1. SLE
  2. Scleroderma
  3. RA
  4. Pulm infarct
  5. Ankylosing Spondylitis

12. Commonest cause of Infective Endocarditis in IV drug abusers is :

  1. Strep Viridans
  2. Staph Aureus
  3. Enterococcus Faecalis
  4. Candida Albicans
  5. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

13. Dengue Fever is associated with the following except :

  1. Leucopenia
  2. Moderate splenomegaly
  3. Headache
  4. Maculopapular rash
  5. Bone pain

14. Treatment of chloroquine resistant Falciparum Malaria, MOST useful drug is :

  1. Amodiaquine
  2. Pyrimethamine-Dapson (Maloprim)
  3. Mefloquine
  4. Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (Fansidar)
  5. Quinine

15. Acute Renal Failure with complete anuria is MOST likely due to :

  1. Acute G.N
  2. Obstructive Uropathy
  3. Leptospirosis
  4. Septicaemic Shock
  5. Interstitial Nephritis

16. Circulating Immune Complexes important in pathogenesis of :

  1. Goodpasture’s
  2. Pernicious Anemia
  3. Serum Sickness
  4. Myasthenia Gravis
  5. GBS

17. Characteristic features of ischemic colitis at onset of attack include :

  1. Inflamed anal mucosa
  2. Normal barium enema
  3. Necessity of emergency surgery
  4. Signs of generalized peritonitis
  5. Bloody diarrhoea

18. Malabsorption of pancreatic origin is characterized by :

  1. Fe-def anemia
  2. High faecal fat content
  3. Inability to absorb medium-chain triglycerides
  4. Low serum folate levels
  5. Macrocytic Anemia

19. 58yr old man serum potassium 2.5mmol/L. May be secondary to :

  1. Thiazide therapy
  2. Hypoaldosteronism
  3. Hemolysis
  4. Acute Renal Failure
  5. Lactic Acidosis

20. Organophosphate poisoning may give rise to :

  1. Fasciculations
  2. Mydriasis
  3. Tachycardia
  4. Dry mouth
  5. Constipation

21. Cannon waves may be seen in jugular veins in :

  1. Constrictive pericarditis
  2. 1st deg AV block
  3. T.S
  4. Ventricular pacing
  5. Supraventricular tachycardia

22. Drug-induced Lupus MOST likely caused by :

  1. Methyldopa
  2. Isoniazid
  3. Sulphamethoxazole
  4. Phenytoin
  5. Procainamide

23. Insulin-dependant diabetic patients may develop severe hypoglycemia on taking :

  1. Metoprolol
  2. Ethanol
  3. Chlorpromazine
  4. Ephedrine
  5. Bezafibrate

24. Erythema Nodosum is NOT feature of :

  1. Streptococcal infection
  2. Sarcoidosis
  3. R.A
  4. Primary TB
  5. Sulphonamide therapy

25. Photosensitivity found in

  1. Atopic eczema
  2. Erythromycin therapy
  3. Tetracycline therapy
  4. Scleroderma
  5. Bullous Pemphigoid

26. Manifestations of hypercalcemia include all of the following EXCEPT

  1. Constipation
  2. Shortening of QT interval on ECG
  3. Raised plasma ALP
  4. Polydipsia and polyuria
  5. Paraesthesia

27. Liver abscess in SG most commonly caused by

  1. Entamoeba Histolytica
  2. Pyogenic organisms
  3. TB
  4. Fungal organisms
  5. Clonorchis Sinensis

28. Characteristic features of Parkinson’s Disease include all of the following EXCEPT :

  1. Decreased blinking
  2. Excessive salivation
  3. Diminution in size of handwriting
  4. Negative Romberg’s
  5. Positive grasp reflex

29. TB meningitis is :

  1. More likely to be associated with focal neurological signs than viral meningitis
  2. Associated with normal CSF glucose and raised CSF protein
  3. Rarely complicated by communicating hydrocephalus
  4. Associated with abnormal CXR in most patients
  5. Best treated initially with intrathecal anti-TB medication

30. 68yr old woman experiences sudden onset of fever, shaking chills, sharp pleuritic pain, rust-colored sputum. Infection caused by :

  1. Hemophilus Influenzae
  2. Steptococcus Pneumoniae
  3. Mycoplasma Pneumoniae
  4. Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
  5. Eikenella Corrodens

31. Most important factor in prognosis of SLE is

  1. Antinuclear antibody titre
  2. Severity of arthritis
  3. Sex of patient
  4. Degree of renal involvement
  5. Presence of lupus anticoagulant

32. Cryptococcal meningitis should be treated long term with :

  1. Metronidazole
  2. 5-cytosine arabinoside
  3. griseofulvin
  4. 5-fluorouracil
  5. fluconazole

33. Propanolol given to diabetic patients may mask or prolong :

  1. DKA
  2. Obesity
  3. Fever
  4. Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia
  5. Hypocalcemia

34. MOST important prognostic feature of malignant melanoma is

  1. Degree of pigmentation
  2. Level and depth
  3. Amount of inflammation
  4. Degree of pleomorphism
  5. Patient’s nutritional state

35. Bullous lesions found in following EXCEPT :

  1. Barbiturate poisoning
  2. Lichen planus
  3. Impetigo
  4. Psoriasis
  5. Porphyria cutanea tarda

36. Hepatic Encephalopathy precipitated by all of the following EXCEPT :

  1. Hyperkalemia
  2. Acute upper GIT haemorrhage
  3. Constipation
  4. Codeine phosphate
  5. Abdominal Paracentesis

37. Normal Aging not associated with decrease in :

  1. Arterial wall compliance
  2. Body fat
  3. GFR
  4. Arterial oxygen tension
  5. Lean body mass

38. Biological false-+ve serology for syphilis may occur in all of the following EXCEPT

  1. SLE
  2. Leprosy
  3. Tabes Dorsalis
  4. Chronic Malaria
  5. Pregnancy

39. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome seen in following EXCEPT :

  1. Acromegaly
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Myxoedema
  4. SLE
  5. RA

40. In Rheumatoid Arthritis, following is FALSE :

  1. Females outnumber males in presentation
  2. Age of onset usually between 20-40yrs old
  3. Rheumatoid factor diagnostic
  4. Mononeuritis may occur
  5. Splenomegaly may be present

41. In patient with AIDS, MOST common organism causing CNS infection is by :

  1. Candida Albicans
  2. Toxoplasma Gondii
  3. Herpes Simplex
  4. Listeria Monocytogenes
  5. Coccidioides immitis

42. Known complications of nephritic syndrome EXCEPT :

  1. Bleeding tendency
  2. Hyperlipidaemia
  3. Acute Renal Failure
  4. Hypertension
  5. Increased risk of infection

43. MOST common ‘false’ localizing sign of of intracranial tumor is

  1. Anosognosia
  2. Homonymous hemianopia
  3. Oculomotor nerve palsy
  4. Abducens nerve palsy
  5. Mydriasis

44. Leukotriene Receptor antagonists

  1. Potent antagonists of histamine
  2. Destabilize mast cell membrane
  3. Interfere with adherence of allergen to sensitized mast cell
  4. Have bronchodilator activity
  5. Are only of value in young atopic asthmatics

45. Following drug should not be used for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy

  1. Digoxin
  2. Atenolol
  3. Diltiazem
  4. Propanolol
  5. Verapamil

46. Generalised exfoliative dermatitis seen in following EXCEPT :

  1. Psoriasis
  2. Lymphoma
  3. Drug eruption
  4. Atopic dermatitis
  5. Secondary syphilis

47. Features of Wilson’s EXCEPT :

  1. Low serum ceruloplasmin
  2. High serum copper
  3. High urinary copper
  4. AR inheritance
  5. Increased absorption of dietary copper

48. Features of DIVC EXCEPT :

  1. Generalized bleeding tendency
  2. Elevated Serum Fibrin Degradation Products
  3. Prolonged clotting time
  4. Normal platelet count in over half of cases
  5. Red Cell fragmentation in blood smear

49. Aplastic Anemia classically associated with :

  1. Low reticulocyte count
  2. Presence of metamyelocytes
  3. Presence of large, young platelets
  4. Marked poikilocytosis
  5. Lymphocytopenia

50. Adjuvant Chemotherapy led to improvement in survival in :

  1. NPC
  2. Breast Ca
  3. Non-Small Cell Lung Ca
  4. Gastric Adenocarcinoma
  5. Oesophageal Carcinoma

51. All of the following are extrapulmonary manifestations of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae infection EXCEPT :

  1. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
  2. Bullous myringitis
  3. Erythema Multiforme
  4. Erythema Chronicum Migrans
  5. Pericarditis

52. In patient with acute exacerbation of COLD, following antibiotics should be considered as 1st line therapy EXCEPT :

  1. Amoxicillin
  2. Ampicillin-sulbactam
  3. Erythromycin
  4. Ciprofloxacain
  5. Co-trimoxazole

53. Most sensitive clinical index of fluid retention is :

  1. Elevated JVP
  2. Decreased Frequency of Micturition
  3. Increase in body weight
  4. Pitting Edema
  5. Reduced osmolality of urine

54. Strategies used to retard progression of diabetic nephropathy EXCEPT :

  1. Glycaemic control
  2. BP control
  3. Dyslipidaemia control
  4. High protein diet
  5. Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors

55. The following statements are true of Bronchogenic Carcinoma of the Lung EXCEPT :

  1. It may occur in tuberculous scars
  2. Small Cell is often associated with hypercalcemia
  3. Radiotherapy is a useful treatment of SVC obstruction
  4. May cause myasthenic syndrome
  5. Cerebellar signs may occur in the absence of brain secondaries

56. Metabolic Acidosis may occur in all of the following EXCEPT :

Amitriptyline poisioning

  1. Methanol Poisoning
  2. Acute Tubular Necrosis
  3. Severe Vomitting
  4. Severe Diarrhoea

57. Osteoporosis  all are true EXCEPT :

  1. More common in women than men
  2. Most cases in women could be prevented by using HRT (oestrogen and progesterone) starting from menopause
  3. Fluoride treatment reduces rate of fracture of hip
  4. Leanness predisposes to it
  5. Steady, weight-bearing exercises protects against its development

58. Enlarged spleen NOT found in :

  1. Liver cirrhosis
  2. Infective Endocarditis
  3. ITP
  4. CLL
  5. Myelofibrosis

59. Recognised cause of stridor :

  1. Foreign body in L main bronchus
  2. Klebsiella Infection
  3. Haemophilus Influenza infection
  4. Hypercalcemia
  5. Hypermagnesaemia

60. Known complications of Nephrotic Syndrome EXCEPT :

  1. Bleeding tendency
  2. Hyperlipidaemia
  3. Acute Renal Failure
  4. Hypertension
  5. Increased risk of infection