- If you are intending to run for office or interview for an appointed office, make sure to file

your papers of candidacyhere.

- This year, the Salutatio and Valedictio will be delivered by Preston Lee and Briti Nandi


- Candidates, please refer to the “Changes to General Assembly Speeches for Elected

Candidates” section for important information.

GJCL Spring Planning Meeting Minutes

Location: / The Bouis Residence
Date: / 3/25/2018
Time: / 10:30A.M.
Attendees: / Michael Banks, Lucas Kuan, Michelle Cho, Kevin Fan, Lucy Ku, Anika Park, Seong Ryoo
Agenda Items / Details
Logo, Social Media, and Local Publications Contests /
  1. There have been no new submissions to the Logo Contest! Any students interested in submitting a logo design should do so immediately.
    a. You can find more information about the contesthere.
  2. There is still time to submit to the Social Media Contest! You can find submission information about this contest here.
  3. Local editors, remember to submit to the Local Publications Contest!
    a. You can find the rubric for the contest here.

Election Procedures /
  1. There are only a few days left to file your papers of candidacy! You can do that here.
  2. The GJCL Parliamentarian, Kevin Fan, has created a Campaign Corner to give prospective candidates more information about running for office and the responsibilities of each office.

Appointed Offices /
  1. Interviews for appointed GJCL officer positions (Historian, Editor, and Webmaster), will be held by the current Historian, Editor, and Webmaster during State Convention. Be sure to file your papers of candidacy.
  2. Be prepared to answer questions about your experience in your chosen field, your qualifications, and what you hope to accomplish in your position.

TOTY/SOTY Banquet /
  1. Blaine Kantor, the GJCL Host, will host the TOTY/SOTY Banquet and provide centerpieces!

Salutatio and Valedictio /
  1. The Salutatio and Valedictio this year will be delivered by Preston Lee and Briti Nandi respectively.

Changes to General Assembly Speeches for Elected Candidates /
  1. There will no longer be introductory speeches before candidates’ General Assembly speeches.
  2. Each speech must begin with the words, “My name is ___, and I’m running for ____.”
  3. Please direct all inquiries to the GJCL Parliamentarian, Kevin Fan, at .

Other Activities /
  1. Some of the “for-fun” activities that will be available at this year’s State Convention are the following:
a. Karaoke
b. Trivia
c. Zumba
d. Dances
e. Ice Cream Social (Middle School)
f. Bazaar