There are three parts to this proposed Project which, when completed, will make the Rotary Track/Soccer Complex a safer facility and a more secure facility for equipment, in which to present the myriad of competitions and practices that are held there.

The three parts can be described as follows:

1.  Track Fencing (see attached Diagram):

Install fencing between the high jump area and the long-triple jump area with a bit of overlap or gates at each end. This will prohibit people from inadvertently, or otherwise, using the track when moving from one area to watch at another.

Estimate: 280 feet @$10 per foot = $ 2,800.00

2.  Paving (see attached Diagram):

There is an area on the north side, adjacent to the track that presently has shale gravel. Unfortunately, from time to time, gravel stones are kicked onto the track, thereby causing potential injuries to track athletes who wear a soft-shoe.

Excavate, remove materials, compact, and asphalt

187 square meters = $10,900 + GST = $ 11,445.00

3.  Storage Area Fencing (see attached Diagram):

When the storage garage was erected on the northeast side of the track, the concrete pad was extended 6’ on the west side of the building and steel poles imbedded in this extension. The intent is to have the area fenced (at about six feet high) and a gate installed to store equipment that is nearly impervious to inclement weather during the winter months.

Estimate: (including gate) $ 1,900.00


As noted above, the estimated costs for the three-part Project consists of the following:

1.  Track Fencing: $ 2,800

2. Paving: $11,445

3. Storage Fencing: $ 1,900

Total $16,145

Consideration for assistance is requested from the three parties that have a vested interest in the Track/Soccer Complex:

1.  Medicine Hat School District #76:

The School District was provided with a $50,000 grant from the 2008 Alberta Summer Games Society.

The installation of the three-part Project including fencing and paving the graveled section would enhance the Rotary Track/Soccer complex to even a higher level than it is now.

2.  Medicine Hat Track and Field Society:

Although the Society has been in existence for just a few years, multi practices and competitions have been held since the Complex was developed. The Society is working diligently to raise funds where and when they can but is a slow process. However, the Track and Field Society is prepared to participate in this three-part Project because they know that the Track is a first-class facility well known across the province.

3.  Community Foundation of Medicine Hat and Southeastern Alberta:

The Community Foundation was provided with an Endowment Fund by the 2008 Alberta Summer Games Society that can be accessed by groups “bidding for events” to be hosted in the community or for other special requests.


It is recommended that the costs of this proposed three-part Project be funded in the following manner:

1.  MH School District #76 $ 8,145

2.  MH Track and Field Society $ 4,000

3.  Community Foundation (Medicine Hat and

Southeastern Alberta) $ 4,000

Total estimated support $ 16,145