Call to order – Susan Dengler at 8:15

Secretary’s Report – September 28, 2008 minutes presented and accepted. Condolence cards sent to Amanda Charles and Mary Fox and Well Wishes sent to Anna Biernat.

Treasurer’s Report – Julie Kuras: September 28, 2008 - Total Assets are $4475.67 with 62 paid members including 18 provisional members. Sally Jarvis moved to accept the treasurer’s report, seconded by Brent Stoddard and passed by the members. It was noted that the large bill for the bulbs was not yet paid from these assets.

Committee Reports

Program: needs chairperson.

Demo Garden: Carol Buxton – thanked everyone efforts in making the demo garden look very good. She also prepared bags of Dahlia rhizomes donated by God’s Way garden for anyone who would like to take them this evening.

Garden Groups:

Hummingbird Garden – Jean Brown: garden ready for winter Friendship Garden – Annette Yasin: Fall maintenance chores are to continue on Thursday evenings. The clematis arbor should be replaced. We can look into arbors for next spring along with planting a tree.

Herb Garden – Betty Steinoff: waiting for Dairy Do

Perennial Garden – Cynthia Hilling: Susan Dengler reported that mulching has been done and now this garden is in need of grass clippings and shredded leaves. Request that members leave bags of leaves or grass at the garden.

Refreshments – Lorraine Blazic: Thanked October volunteers

Sharon Whitmore, Deb Daly and Paulette Goddard. Lorraine requested to step down as Refreshment Chairman and asked for a volunteer to take her place.

MGV Coordinator – Jeanne Freymuth:

Amanda Charles was given her MG certificate. She was unable to attend the ceremony earlier this month.

Photos of MGV activities and gardening articles are encouraged and welcome for the December newsletter by Dec. 1 – contact Jeanne

The Spring Banquet Committee is being formed please contact Jeanne if interested

Old Business:

1. Fall Workshop: Amanda Charles gave a summery of the successful Fall Workshop including a summery of the program survey, which was very positive. She will be compiling a binder of organizational information for future workshop reference.

2. Bulb Sale: Susan Dengler speaking for Cynthia Hilling – left over bulbs available at reduced prices this evening.

New Business:

1. The membership agreed that money not spent this year on the individual gardens could be added on to next year’s money allotment.

2. Nominating Committee: Marilyn Kaczanowski, Cynthia Hilling and Ed Doss – Jean Brown spoke for the nominating committee announcing the members who have given intent to run for office as follows:

President – Annette Yasin

Vice-President – Susan Dengler

Secretary – Karen Blewett

Treasurer – Chris Cook

If anyone is interested in any of these positions they are to contact the nominating committee. Nominations will also be taken from the floor at the annual meeting.

3. Holiday Party (date and place pending): Deb Daly – Chris Cook volunteered to help Deb organize this potluck party/meeting. Trinity Lutheran Church site is pending. Suggestions taken from the membership include: a $5 gift exchange, donations for the Trinity Church pantry, donations to another charity like the Animal Shelter, silent auction of donations from Carol Buxton (proceeds going to the Demo Garden), sale of left over Christmas décor from the Fall Workshop. The Committee will decide which activities to include and I will send out the details. $50 was allotted for party expenses.

4, United Way donation: Randy Goddard moved and Chris Cook seconded a motion to donate $200 to the United Way for the use of the meeting room. Motion passed by the membership.

Program: (presented before the meeting) Tony Dunaske photographer, spoke on photographing flowers and the garden.

Education Hours = 1.25 hrs

Adjournment: Next meeting Trinity Lutheran Church (date and place pending) 6:30 pm

Hors d’oeuvres/ Dessert potluck with further activities to be announced.

Note: Since this meeting the date for the Annual Meeting/Holiday party has been confirmed as Wed., November 19th at Trinity Lutheran Church

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Yasin, AMGA Secretary