Compensable Factors Manual

Instructions: Rate each employee on a scale of 1 through 5 for each compensable factor below. Circle the corresponding number on the weighted chart and multiply by the weight given. Adding all of the corresponding totals will give you each employee’s rating.

Factor: Problem solving skills

Description: Theprocessofworkingthrough details of a problemtoreachasolution. An individual seeking to solve a problem will have to identify the most importantelements thatinfluencetheanswerand thenworkthrough aseriesof operationstodeterminea logical solution. Problem solving mayincludemathematical orsystematicoperations and can be agaugeof anindividual'scritical thinkingskills. (

Degree / Point Value / Description of Characteristics
1 / 10 / Job does not require any analysis or critical thinking capability. Employee decision-making or interpretation of data is limited.
2 / 20 / Job requires some analysis or interpretation of data. Job does not require any complex critical thinking.
3 / 30 / Moderate data analysis needed. Employee will need to make some decisions pertaining to data and be able to interpret results. Though rare, complex issues may be encountered.
4 / 40 / Job requires several critical thinking points. Interpretation of complex data may be necessary at times. Employees need to be able to make creative decisions to solve problems.
5 / 50 / Tasks typically involve complex issues that are difficult to solve. Nearly all data requires multi-stage interpretation. Many problems require creative solutions not easily discovered.

Factor: Innovative

Description: Ability to create new, unique ideas that directly contribute to company objectives.

Degree / Point Value / Description of Characteristics
1 / 10 / Job does not require innovative techniques or practices.
2 / 20 / While not required, job may have opportunities to discover/apply innovations.
3 / 30 / Job requires employees to have an innovative mindset, though large-scale innovation is not needed.
4 / 40 / Job requires an employee to be innovative in discovering solutions. While most innovations are on a small scale, some tasks may require large scale innovation.
5 / 50 / Employees must be highly innovative, large scale innovation is necessary to complete projects successfully.

Factor: Initiative

Description: Desire to lead, inspire, or otherwise take control of a group or task. Motivation to excel at any given task.

Degree / Point Value / Description of Characteristics
1 / 10 / Tasks do not require initiative. Employees tasks involve data entry or other menial tasks.
2 / 20 / Job requires minor initiative to complete. Tasks may not always be clear or complete. Employees may need to work with supervisor or other employee to find answers.
3 / 30 / Tasks require a significant amount of initiative, as employees must seek solutions to complex issues occasionally.
4 / 40 / Tasks require a self-motivated individual. Supervision may be limited or complex issues may require employees to seek additional assistance consistently.
5 / 50 / Tasks require a self-motivated individual. Supervision may be minimal or not available. Employees must constantly deal with complex situations that require immediate attention.

Factor: Open to change/ flexible

Description: Willingness to adapt to changes in the business environment. Ability to succeed in a changing environment and maintain or increase level of productivity despite new obstacles.

Degree / Point Value / Description of Characteristics
1 / 10 / Tasks require little to no flexibility. Job rarely changes, and tasks are similar.
2 / 20 / While most tasks in the job are similar and rarely change, scheduling of tasks may vary and conditions sometimes vary.
3 / 30 / Job requires a moderate amount of flexibility by the employee, both in hours worked and intensity/effort.
4 / 40 / Job significantly varies from day-to-day, or task-to-task. Flexibility is required by all employees to be successful in this role.
5 / 50 / Change is constant in this job, and employees must be flexible to be able to adjust to constantly changing conditions and terms.

Factor: Teamwork

Description: Ability to function within a team atmosphere. Able to collaborate with a group to come to a solution. Desire to solve team issues in a constructive manner.

Degree / Point Value / Description of Characteristics
1 / 10 / Work is usually done alone and without the assistance of others. Teamwork is rarely needed for tasks.
2 / 20 / While teamwork may be necessary to complete certain tasks, most work is usually done without a team. Employees may need to collaborate on small portions of a task.
3 / 30 / Employees may need to work in teams for various projects, though interaction is usually minimal to moderate.
4 / 40 / Teamwork is needed for the majority of tasks. Collaboration to complete most tasks is essential.
5 / 50 / Teamwork is required to complete all tasks. Employees must work together to achieve completion in all projects.

Factor: Strong communication

Description: Ability to communicate effectively with others, including peers, supervisors, and customers. Able to effectively relay important information to others in a clear, easy to understand, and consistent manner.

Degree / Point Value / Description of Characteristics
1 / 10 / Most tasks do not require employees to communicate with anyone, though basic e-mail skills may be required.
2 / 20 / Basic communication skills required to complete tasks. Employees may need to communicate with a partner or supervisor as needed.
3 / 30 / Employees may need to communicate with peers, clients, and supervisors daily to complete tasks. Significant tele-communication may be required.
4 / 40 / Tasks require significant communication constantly throughout the day. Associates must possess strong communication skills and be able to explain technical aspects of FastCat to less knowledgeable customers.
5 / 50 / Constant communication is required to be successful. Bi-lingual/Multi-lingual ability is preferred. Employees must be able to represent FastCat professionally to all clients, managers, executives necessary to complete a task.
Compensable Factor / Degree x Weight=Total
Innovativeness / 1 2 3 4 5 x 30%=_____
Communication / 1 2 3 4 5 x 25%=_____
Teamwork / 1 2 3 4 5 x 20%=_____
Problem Solving / 1 2 3 4 5 x 15%=_____
Open to Change/Flexible / 1 2 3 4 5 x 5%=_____
Initiative / 1 2 3 4 5 x 5%=_____