Class Level: 1 / Topic: Shopping / Estimated Class Length: 3 hrs / Date:
Lesson Objectives:
  • Describe articles of clothing
  • Read prices and money correctly
  • Count American money

Language Skill Proficiency:
  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Writing
/ Materials and Equipment:
  • Ventures Basic textbook
  • Flyers/ads from clothing companies (Belk, JC Penney, etc.) with prices
  • Fake money set or money handouts (like the ones at:
  • A suitcase/bag of clothes: tie, blouse, sweater, skirt, jacket, raincoat, dress, pants, shirt, shoes, socks, T-shirt

Activity Plan
Warm Up: Welcome Ss to class (“Good morning” or “Good evening”, “How are you?”). Ask “How many students are in class today?” count as a class. Review today’s date in both long (September 1, 2015) and short (9/1/15) form and review meaning and pronunciation.
Introduction: Draw Ss’ attention to suitcase. Ask, “What color is this bag?” and elicit color. Open bag and take out a shirt. Ask Ss, “What is this?” “Shirt.” Continue with all objects in the bag, reviewing the previous articles often. Ask “yes/no” questions, holding up articles: “This is a shirt.” (Yes/No.) Continue with all.
Presentation: Go to Ventures bookp. 85. Look at picture. Have Ss point to vocabulary words (dress, pants, shirt, shoes, socks, T-shirt) and repeat as T says. Repeat with items on p. 86.
Practice: In pairs, have Ss practice conversation: “What’s this?” “A dress.” “What’s this?” “Shoes.” For 12 items listed. Write words in notebooks and practice reading the words.
Practice:Open suitcase again. Pull out individual items. Have Ss name each item. Have Ss stand in a circle (or put them in manageable rows). Pass each item around the class, so that each S gets the chance to hold the item and name it in English. Repeat if necessary.
Practice: Hold up several flyers, preferably one that has the word “SALE!” written on it. Draw attention to the word “Sale.” Ask Ss to explain it. (Price down, a lower price than usual.) Look again at p. 86. This is a sale paper. Ask how much each item is. Show the two options for naming prices: “19-99” or “nineteen dollars and ninety-nine cents.” Practice saying each price in the book both ways.
Put Ss into groups of 2-3 with a flyer. Introduce conversation: “How much is (the dress, the skirt, etc.)?” “$19.99.” Show that shoes, socks, and pants all count as plural: “How much are..?” Monitor Ss gently correct mistakes.
Presentation: Show Ss fake money. Show there are coins and bills. Ask how many bills we use (six: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100). How many coins (four: 1, 5, 10, 25). Teach names of each bill (20 dollar bill) and coin (penny, nickel, dime, quarter). Pass fake money around and name each one.
Practice: Complete money counting sheet. Review as a class.
Practice: Put Ss into groups with plastic (or real) coins. Call out amounts and have Ss prepare the money.
Evaluation:Ss cut out pictures of clothing from magazines and add their own prices. Present in small groups.
Extension Activities:
  • Play “Clothing Race.” Have 2 suitcases with the same articles in each one at one end of the classroom. Ss are divided into 2 teams. T calls out an item of clothing. Two Ss race to find clothing (write article on board if desired), then take it back to their team.
  • Introduce colors: a pink shirt, a blue dress