Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 on POPs

Triannual 2013-2015 report

[under Article12 (1) and 12(3)]



July 01, 2016


Format for the submission of data and information under Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 on persistent organic pollutants

B-TRIAnnual report on the application of Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 (Articles 12(1) and 12(3).


1. Member State: BULGARIA

2. Name and title of contact officer: Tsvetanka Dimcheva, state expert

3. Full name of the institution: Ministry of Environment and Water

4. Mailing address:

Ministry of Environment and Water

Hazardous Chemicals Department

67, W. Gladstone Street,

Sofia 1000,


5. Telephone number: +359 2940 6261

6. Fax number: +359 2980 3317

7. E-mail address:

8. Date of the report: 01/07/2016

9. Years of the report: 2013 ÷2015


1. Are there in your Member State any notified stockpiles of any substance listed in Annex I or II and the use of which is permitted?(Yes/No) - NO

1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "Yes", please, specify the name of the substance(s). For each specified substance, specify for each stock the year in which it was identified, its nature, its content (% or mg/kg), its volume (kg), its location and the measures taken to manage it.


1. Has your Member State developed an action plan on the substances listed in Annex III to Regulation (EC) N° 850/2004 (hereinafter "Annex III")?(Yes/No) YES?

1.1. If the answer to question 1 is "No", please specify why.

1.2. If the answer to question 1 is "Yes", please, specify the name of the substance(s) for which you have release data. For each specified substance, specify for which compartment (i.e., air, water, and land) you have release data. For each specified compartment, give the release in g TEQ/year (WHO-TEF[1] 2005) or in kg/year.

PCDD/PCDF, HCB, PCB and РАН Releases

The measures for the reduction of PCDD/PCDF, HCB, PCB and РАН Releases are included in the Action plan of the first update Bulgarian NIP for POPs, 2012-2020 and are reported under the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (EPRTR).

The responsible institutions at national and regional level for the Emissions inventory are the Executive Environment Agency /EEA/ and the Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water (RIEWs) under the Ministry of Environment and Water /MoEW/ and the National Institute of Statistics /NSI/.

Two parallel emission inventory programs are conducted in Bulgaria. The first one covers 150 large point sources and it is conducted by REIWs. The second one covers nearly 2000 point sources and is conducted by NSI. The data collected are air pollution control facilities and their efficiency, technological and production data, data for fuels used etc.

NSI is responsible for the assessment of the following emission sources:

·  Combustion processes in energy production and transformation;

·  Combustion processes in the commercial and administrative sector, the agriculture, forestry and water management sectors;

·  Combustion processes in the industry;

·  Production processes;

·  Production and distribution of fossil fuels;

·  Agriculture and forestry;

·  Nature.

EEA is responsible for the assessment of the following emission sources:

·  Road transport;

·  Combustion processes in the residential sector;

·  Other motor vehicles and machines;

·  Waste treatment and disposal.

Data from the emission inventory are stored at regional and national level. On the national level the Executive Environment Agency is the responsible organisation for the final preparation of the National air emission inventory and data reporting under UNECE/CLRTAP (Convention on Long-Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution).

Emissions of PCDD/PCDF, HCB, PCB, РАН

POPs emissions are calculated using the “Methodology for establishing the emissions of harmful substances in the air” (CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guidebook 2009). It adapts the EU methodology CORINAIR-2009, SNAP-97 to the Bulgarian conditions taking into account the source categories, the existing technological processes, the state of the equipment and the effective regulatory framework in the country. An updated methodology for emissions inventory of harmful substances in the air (Order No.RD-165/20.02.2013 of minister of environment and water) is used for the calculation of the POPs emissions.

The CORINAIR methodology for inventory of the emissions of harmful substances in the air covers the activities from anthropogenic sources, which may lead to releases of emissions in the air. The CORINAIR methodology includes the SNAP 97 codes encompassing all pollutants and gases subject to inventory.

This methodology is used for inventorying and for balanced determination of the emissions of harmful substances into the air, dividing the pollutants into three groups.

The inventory of the POPs emissions covers the POPs substances from unintentional production included in the third group: PCDD/PDDF, РСВ, НСВ and PAH, determined by book inventory according to the methodology proved by MoEW.

For 2014 submission a recalculation for the entire time series 1990 – 2014 is done according to the third updated variant of the CORINAIR methodology. Recalculation is done for category “Road Transport” due to the update of activity data for vehicles standards; for the category “Clinical Waste Incineration” – from 1988÷2002, Tier 1 emission factors were used and from 2003-2014, Tier 2 emission factors were used, due to the availability of the application of the controlled air facilities. For 2014 submission several improvements have been implemented, as follows:

·  Emissions from 1990 to 2014 of domestic and international navigation have been estimated for the entire time series consistency;

·  Emissions from 1990 to 2014 of domestic solvent use has been estimated for the entire time series consistency;

·  Emissions form clinical waste incineration have been estimated by Tier 2 method.

The emissions of unintentionally generated POPs – PCDD/PDDF, РСВ, НСВ and PAH in the ambient air for the years 1990 (accepted as a base year) – 2014 are presented in Table 1 and Figure 1.

For the POPs pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, chlordecone, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex, toxaphene, endosulfan, alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH (lindane) no emission values are reported because the import, marketing and use of POPs pesticides have been banned since tens of years, and some have never been imported in the country. Currently, РеСВ is not included in any of the groups of pollutants and, hence, it is not included in the inventory.


Table 1: Annual POPs emissions (PCDD/PCDF, HCB, PCB & РАН) in Bulgaria for the years 1990 - 2014

Year / 1990 / 1991 / 1992 / 1993 / 1994 / 1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
g I-TEF/y / 74,00 / 64,60 / 84,33 / 86,23 / 96,21 / 96,58 / 98,77 / 98,28 / 104,78 / 89,20 / 112,11 / 91,41 / 95,05 / 113,00 / 123,19 / 110,38 / 147,13 / 90,50 / 74,39 / 47,64 / 43,32 / 51,29 / 56,89 / 59,72 / 49,79
PCB, kg/y / 6,24 / 5,72 / 6,85 / 6,94 / 5,88 / 5,33 / 6,35 / 5,37 / 5,57 / 4,30 / 3,84 / 3,09 / 4,23 / 4,86 / 4,19 / 4,03 / 4,22 / 4,49 / 4,31 / 3,38 / 4,19 / 4,70 / 5,01 / 4,56 / 3,39
HCB, kg/y / 22,97 / 14,91 / 19,24 / 27,14 / 21,42 / 24,76 / 20,39 / 19,95 / 17,24 / 14,72 / 19,86 / 19,14 / 16,67 / 21,21 / 21,74 / 20,70 / 25,42 / 23,32 / 26,47 / 22,66 / 19,04 / 21,63 / 16,48 / 13,76 / 15,94
PAH, t/y / 49,68 / 43,93 / 55,42 / 61,75 / 65,10 / 66,01 / 67,80 / 72,97 / 69,18 / 57,53 / 56,79 / 53,53 / 53,67 / 61,52 / 54,38 / 55,31 / 56,66 / 46,42 / 37,44 / 25,85 / 29,32 / 31,88 / 31,90 / 30,17 / 28,00

Figure 1: Annual POPs emissions (PCDD/PCDF, HCB, PCB & РАН) in Bulgaria for the years 1990 - 2014

The annual POPs emissions by source categories in the ambient air for the period 2011 – 2014 are set out in Table 2.

Table 2: Annual POPs emissions (PCDD/PCDF, HCB, PCB & РАН) in Bulgaria by category sources for 2011-2014

/ Emission category sources / PCDD/PCDF
g I-TEQ/y / PCB,
kg/y / HCB,
kg/y / РАН,
t/y /
/ YEAR / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 /
1.  / Combustion in energy and transformation industries / 2.68 / 12.33 / 12.91 / 10.59 / 0.32 / 0.35 / 0.27
2.  / Non-industrial combustion plants / 29.91 / 29.99 / 28.26 / 25.93 / 3.57 / 3.55 / 3.21 / 2.78 / 0.19 / 0.20 / 0.19 / 0.19 / 29.96 / 30.06 / 28.31 / 25.98
3.  / Combustion in manufacturing industry / 5.53 / 5.45 / 6.20 / 6.34 / 1.08 / 1.11 / 1.06 / 0.31 / 0.03 / 0.03 / 0.03 / 0.03
4.  / Production processes / 4.28 / 3.26 / 2.71 / 3.14 / 21.37 / 16.22 / 13.48 / 15.70 / 1.76 / 1.66 / 1.70 / 1.84
5.  / Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels and geothermal energy
6.  / Solvent use and other product use
7.  / Road transport / 1.37 / 1.49 / 1.33 / 1.49 / 0.15 / 0.17 / 0.15 / 0.17
8.  / Other mobile sources and machinery / 0.22 / 0.26 / 0.18 / 0.02 / 0.02 / 0.01 / 0.02 / 0.02 / 0.01 / 0.01 / 0.01 / 0.01 / 0.01 / 0.01 / 0.01 / 0.01
9.  / Waste treatment and disposal / 7.30 / 4.11 / 8.13 / 2.28 / 0.03 / 0.02 / 0.02 / 0.01 / 0.03 / 0.02 / 0.05 / 0.01
10.  / Agriculture
11.  / Other sources and sinks
Total annual emissions / 51,29 / 56,89 / 59,72 / 49,79 / 4,70 / 5,01 / 4,66 / 3,39 / 21,63 / 16,48 / 13,76 / 15,94 / 31,88 / 31,90 / 30,17 / 28,00

In the reported period 2011 – 2014 the PCDD/PCDF, PCB, HCB and PAH the level of emissions is almost constant and is relatively low compared to the POPs releases in ambient air of other EU member states.

Therefore it may be concluded that a significant reduction has been achieved in the POPs emissions compared to the base 1990, which is due mainly to the reduction in the industrial production. The most significant POPs emissions reduction is shown by PCDD/PCDF and РАН, followed by PCB and НСВ. The annual PCDD/PCDF, PCB, HCB and PAH emissions by source categories for the reported period 2011- 2014 are almost constant but considerably lower compared to the base year 1990 due again to the reduction in the industrial production.


The amounts of annually released POPs emissions to air, water, land and transferred to waste water for the years 2013-2015 by activity in Bulgaria as reported to European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (EPRTR) are shown in Table 3 below.

Table 3: Amounts of annually released POPs emissions to air, to water, to land and transferred to waste water for the years 2013-2015 by activity in Bulgaria as reported to European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (EPRTR)

No / Pollutants / Activity / to air
kg/year / to water
kg/year / to land
kg/year / transfer to waste water
kg/year /
2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 /
42 / Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) / 1. Landfills / 6607.389 / 8122.898 / 2024.798
47 / PCDD + PCDF
(as I-TEQ) / 1. Installations for the production of pig iron or steel (primary or
Secondary melting) including continuous casting.
2. Installations for the production of non-ferrous crude metals from ore, concentrates or secondary raw materials by metallurgical,
chemical or electrolytic processes.
3. Installations for the production of cement clinker in rotary kilns.
4. Landfills
Total / 0.0001
0.0008 / 0.0004
0.0005 / 0.0005
0.0005 / 6607.389
6607.389 / 733.8
8856.698 / 571.38
48 / Pentachlorobenzene (PeCB)
50 / Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
72 / Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) / 1. Installations for the production of cement clinker in rotary kilns.
2. Installations for the recovery or disposal of hazardous waste. / 2.001 / 1.985 / 1.55 / 555.3285 / 51.9964

No releases of POPs emissions to water and land are reported for all POPs pollutants (HCB, PCDD + PCDF, PeCB, PCBs and PAHs. No data reported for PeCB and PCBs for any activity. The PAHs releases are far below the threshold while for dioxins and furans are above the threshold mainly from installations for the production of non-ferrous crude metals from ore, concentrates or secondary raw materials by metallurgical, chemical or electrolytic processes



2. Has your Member State developed measures in order to identify sources of substances listed in Annex III? (Yes/No) YES

2.1. If the answer to question 2 is "Yes", please describe the measures developed.

Bulgaria identifies sources of substances listed in Annex III on the basis of the inventory on these substances. The inventory has been updated in 2014 and it serves as a basis for reporting according to the POP Protocol of the UNECE and of the Stockholm Convention.