Minutes of the meeting of The Crypt School Governors 12th October, 2015

The Crypt School

Minutes of the meeting of the full Governing Bodyheld on 12th October 2015 at 4.00pm

Present:Richard James (Chair), Nick Dyer (Headmaster), Clare Chad-Daniels, David Preece,Gordon Taylor, Glenn Webster, Alison Borley,Dylan Green, Birgit Whitman, Grant Stevens, Robert Blade.

Attendees:Joanne Hitchings (Company Secretary/Bursar), Phil Stanlake (Deputy Head), Janette Hicks (Clerk)

Apologies:Mike Evans, Jeremy Bird,David Hall, James Price.

Extended School Nurse Drop-in Proposal presented by Rachel Pike:

Rachel provided Governors with her vision and current school nurse provision. Following this she gave details on the proposed additional extended services and explained why the extended drop-in is so important. She advised Governors that the next steps to implement the service are parent and pupil consultations.

GW questioned how the service would work for students who did not qualify for the service. Rachel advised the group that a student in this situation would be referred to other support services. RDJ asked Rachel to outline the nurses’ qualifications and training in dealing with child sexual health, safeguarding and mental health issues. BW raised the issue of student confidentiality and link to safe-guarding. Rachel assured the group that all issues are dealt with in confidence unless it is felt that someone is at harm. Following further discussion on the current difficulties of accessing support, Rachel informed the group that many schools have taken up the service and the Crypt School is encouraged to take up the service also.

1 / Apologies received: as above, approved by Governors.
2 / Declaration of Interest: None
3 / Minutes of the last meeting: Approved
4 / Matters arising from previous minutes:Chartwells appointed.
5 / Chairman
RDJ welcomed RB onto the board of Governors. Board members approved the appointment.
  • Committee Vacancies – Vacancy on the Audit Committee to be filled by James Price. Vacancies on the PHS Committee to be filled by Robert Blake and Dylan Green.

5 / Company Secretary/Bursar Report:
  • Business Declarations – Outstanding Business Declarations to be returned immediately.
  • Scheme of Delegation – BW to send through amendments following an exercise of comparing the scheme of delegation with the terms of reference.
  • Terms of Reference – Committees to check terms of reference based on BW amendments.
  • Peter Lautner’s letter and Academy Handbook –JH requested for all Governors to read both the letter and updated Academies Handbook. JH provided Governors with a brief summary of the letter which stresses the important role of the accounting officer and trustees.
  • YE Financial Summary – JH informed governors that the recent audit raised no issues and governors would be taken through the accounts at the next meeting. RDJ reported to the group that staff costs are currently running at greater than 80% and therefore the board need to understand the implications of this and the impact to decisions going forward. RDJ further emphasised the importance of financial control and proposed a second training session with Lucy Hadley in November.
JH informed Governors that school fund contribution requests have received a good response with £2.5k already collected. CC raised the possibility of asking ex-pupils for a contribution to the school fund.
CC enquired on the status of fairer funding. JH confirmed that nothing was likely to happen until 2017.
. / BW
6 / Headmaster’s Report:
Governors were provided with a copy of the Headmaster’s report prior to the meeting.
  • Examination Results – NCD reported back to Governors the examination results and actions arising. In summary AS & GCSE outstanding, A Level results good/Satisfactory. ND highlighted to Governors the significant number of remarks. ND informed Governors of his targets for next year which prompted much discussion on the merits & disadvantages of setting targets considered to be too high.
  • Staffing update – NCD advised Governors that all new staff have joined as expected in September and provided a summary of further starters and leavers.
  • Dave Peck Self Evaluation –Governors received a copy of Dave Peck’s recent audit of the school.
  • Teaching School Update – ND guided governors through the new developments taking place as outlined in the headmasters report.
  • Build Proposal – ND confirmed that two bids had been placed for condition improvement and expansion.
  • Admissions – ND guided governors through current pupil numbers, highlighting record numbers sitting the admissions test in September.
BW questioned the consultation format for a) increase PAN to 140 for 2017 b) going mixed.This triggered significant discussion with regard to the timings for both points a) and b) above and the need for one or two consultation periods. ND highlighted to Governors that the consultation window was very tight (due to open days) and needed to go out in the next couple of days. ND also put forward that the timeline was too tight to achieve mixed status by 2017. ND proposed a 2 phase approach with a view to becoming mixed in 2018.
RDJ reminded governors that the strategy to become mixed was financially driven and built into the 2017 budget, therefore to delay the transition to mixed could result in financial problems which need to be understood.Governors raised their concerns that without mixed entry it would be difficult to draw enough boys into the school for 5 forms of entry without academic risk. ND also added that the LEA favoured co-ed status potentially with Ribston but as yet the change in admission policy had not been approved. AB to arrange an introduction to the Ribston board of governors.
RDJ requested that a financial impact assessment of delaying a mixed intake until 2018 was undertaken.
  • Policy Links – document outlining policy/governor responsibility to be sent to all governors.
  • Safeguarding – BW volunteered to become the new safeguarding governor.
  • Other – ND announced the start of a new income stream – summer camps. ND requested for all Governors to provide a photograph & commentary for the school website.
/ AB
7 / Deputy Headmaster
  • Proposed Term Dates – presented to Governors and agreed. RDJ requested for the 185 day criteria is circulated to governors and also to check that the target is being met.
/ PS
8 / Committee Reports
PHS – No Update
Admissions – policy grading to be amended. Consultation formats to be agreed.
9 / Policy Reviews:
  • Capability – to be reviewed next meeting.
  • Fixed Assets – no change, approved.
  • Admissions - to be submitted (6th form entry grades to be amended)
  • Assessment – approved.

10 / AOB:
11 / Next Meeting Date:Monday 7th December at 4pm.

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