Parliamentary Committees Series 9/2014 Committee Meetings 24 to 27 February & Veritas on Twitter 24 February



[24th February 2014]

Committee Meetings Open to the Public 24th to 27th February

Note: Veritas will trying to send out information on Monday meetings separately. This is because the whole week’s schedule is sometimes received late.

Note: Veritas has started sending out Twitter messages informing followers about important meetings. This week we managed to send out Twitter messages [Tweets] to inform some followers of the Public Accounts Committee’s meeting on NSSA. If you would like to receive these short news flashes, please follow Veritas@veritaszimon Twitter.

Note: for new Readers:

National Assembly Portfolio Committees exercise Parliament’s’ role on oversight of government Ministries. Each of the 19 committees is allocated one or two Ministries. Part of these committees’ duties is to consider and report to the National Assembly on Bills originating in the Ministries they monitor. Some Bills may be considered by more than one Portfolio Committee if more than one Ministry will be affected by the Bill; for instance, the Trafficking in Persons Bill originated from the Ministry of Home Affairs but the Ministries of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare are intimately involved, as is the Ministry Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development. In fact, as there is a gender equality clause in the new Constitution, the latter committee should probably be looking at most legislation for gender impact.

Senate Thematic Committees also exercise oversight functions, but monitor Government policies and activities in the thematic areas assigned to them rather than concentrating on one or two Ministries. There are 6 Thematic Committees.

There are three types of meetings

Both Portfolio Committees and Thematic Committees hold three types of meetings:

1. closed meetings –these meetings are for such purposes as drawing up a committee’s work plan, preparing questions to be put to witnesses at future meetings, considering evidence given, and preparing reports for the National Assembly. Details of these meetings are not given in Veritas Bulletins.

2. open meetings – thesemeetings are usually to hear oral evidence from Ministers or their representatives, or stakeholders, about a matter being investigated by a committee. Members of the public may attend these meetings, but as observers only, not as participants, i.e. they may listen but not speak. .

3. public hearings – when a committee considers it appropriate to hear the views of the public on, for example, a Bill due to be presented by the Government, it will hold public hearings at which stakeholders and representatives of affected sectors, as well as ordinary members of the public, are invited to give their views. Frequently, a committee will hold a series of such hearings at provincial centres countrywide. Members of the public may attend, not only to express their views but in order to observe Parliamentarian in action.

Members of the public, including Zimbabweans in the Diaspora, can at any time send written submissions to Parliamentary committees by email addressed to

This Week’s Open Meetings

The following details are based on the latest information from Parliament. But, as there are sometimes last-minute changes to the meetings schedule, persons wishing to attend should avoid disappointment by checking with the committee clerk [see names below] that the meeting is still on and open to the public. Parliament’s telephone numbers are Harare 700181 and 252940/1.

Monday 24th February at 10 am

Public Accounts Committee

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Ministry of Public Service and Social Welfare and National Social Security Authority [NSSA] Management on 2011 and 2012 NSSA accounts

Committee Room No1

Chairperson: Hon MpariwiaClerk: Mrs Nyawo

Portfolio Committee: Environment, Water, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Oral evidence from Environmental Management Agency and Zimbabwe National Water Authority on their mandate and operations

Government Caucus Room

Chairperson: Hon A. NdhlovuClerk: Mr Mazani

Portfolio Committee: Mines and Energy

Oral evidence from the Zimbabwe Miners Federation, Chamber of Mines, Zimbabwe Artisanal Miners and Small Scale Council on issues relating to gold sector

Senate Chamber

Chairperson: Hon MatukeClerk: Mrs Mataruka

Portfolio Committee: Higher Education, Science and Technology

Oral Evidence from the University of Zimbabwe Vice Chancellor, Professor Nyagura on the Cadetship Programme

Committee Room No4

Chairperson: Hon MataruseClerk: Mrs Hazvina

Monday 24th February at 2 pm

Thematic Committee: HIV/AIDS

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Health and Childcare on their programmes and policies

Government Caucus Room

Chairperson: Hon LabodeClerk: Mrs Mataruse

Portfolio Committee: Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Oral evidence from the General Manager of NSSA on the operations and investment projects of the entity.

Committee Room No 1

Chairperson: Hon ChikwamaClerk: Ms Masara

Tuesday 25th February at 10 am

Thematic Committee: MDGs

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education on MDG 2 [Achieve Universal Primary Education by 2015]

Government Caucus Room

Chairperson: Hon Chief MtshaneClerk: Mrs Hazvina

Portfolio Committee: Health and Child Care

Oral evidence from PSMAS on its mandate and government’s contribution towards civil servants medical subscriptions

Committee Room No1

Chairperson: Hon Dr LabodeClerk: Mrs Maturuse

Portfolio Committee: Lands, Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Agriculture Mechanization and Irrigation Development on government policy regarding the strategies, operations, and financing of Grain Marketing Board

Senate Chamber

Chairperson: Hon ButauClerk: Mr Chiremba

Portfolio Committee: Local Government, Rural and Urban Development

Oral evidence from the Town Clerk of Harare City Council on the provision of adequate picking and offloading zones and public amenities for commuter omnibuses

Committee Room No. 413

Chairperson: Hon ZindiClerk: Ms Macheza

Portfolio Committee: Industry and Commerce

Oral evidence from Anchor Holdings Private Limited on challenges faced by yeast production sector and possible solutions

Committee Room No. 311

Chairperson: Hon KaukondeClerk: Ms Masara

Portfolio Committee: Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Ministry of Land and Rural Settlement on gender mainstreaming

Committee Room No. 4

Chairperson: Hon NyamupingaClerk: Mr Kunzwa

Wednesday 26th February

No open meetings

Thursday 27th February at 9 am

Thematic Committee: Peace and Security

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Local Government. Rural and Urban Development on floods recently experienced in the country

Committee Room No. 2

Chairperson: Hon MumvuriClerk: Mr Kunzwa

Thursday 27th February at 9.30 am

Portfolio Committee: Youth, Indigenization and Economic Empowerment

Oral evidence from Marange and Tongogara Share Ownership Trust on their operations

Senate Chamber

Chairperson: Hon WadyajenaClerk: Ms Zenda

Thursday 27th February at 10 am

Portfolio Committee: Education, Sport, Arts and Culture

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education on the examination results and BEAM funding

Committee Room No. 4

Chairperson: Hon MliswaClerk: Mr Munjenge

What Other Committees Will be Doing in Closed Meetings

All the other committees are also scheduled to meet this week, but for tours of inspection or in closed meetings to which the public will not be admitted. For example:

  • the Portfolio Committee on Finance and Economic Development will be considering its report on the Sovereign Wealth Fund Bill [soft copy available – see addresses at the end of this bulletin].
  • the Portfolio Committee on Media, Information and Broadcasting Services will go on a familiarization tour of Kingstons Limited at Number 34 Kwame Nkrumah and Zimbabwe Media Council at Rainbow Towers all in Harare.
  • the Thematic Committee on Human Rights will be discussing a legal opinion by Counsel to Parliament on the committee’s intention to exercise oversight on the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission.

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