Graduate Alumni Survey

Draft 1/22/2016

To be administered six months after graduation.

Items to capture from database:

  • Graduation date
  • Degree, Program, Major
  • Gender
  • Race/Ethnicity

Q1. Which of the following BEST describes your PRIMARY status after graduation? National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) First-Destination Survey item.

  • Employed full time (on average 30 hours or more per week)in my field
  • Employed full time (on average 30 hours or more per week)not in my field
  • Employed part time (on average less than 30 hours per week)in my field
  • Employed part time (on average less than 30 hours per week)notin my field
  • Participating in a volunteer or service program (e.g., Peace Corps)
  • Serving in the U.S. military
  • Enrolled in a program of continuing education
  • Seeking employment
  • Planning to continue education but not yet enrolled
  • Not seeking employment or continuing education at this time

Ask if Q1 = 1, 2, 3 or 4

Q2. Please select the category which BEST describes your employment: NACE survey item.

  • Employed as an entrepreneur
  • Employed in a temporary/contract work assignment
  • Employed freelance
  • Employed in a fellowship, postdoctoral residency or other postdoctoral appointment
  • Employed in a faculty tenure track position
  • Employed in a faculty non-tenure track position
  • Employed in all other capacities

Ask if Q1=1, 2, 3 or 4

Q3. Please provide the following information concerning your employment: NACE survey item.

Employing organization: _____

Position location – city, state, and country: _____

Job title: _____

If employed full time, annual base salary amount in U.S. dollars: $_____

Guaranteed first-year bonus amount in U.S. dollars, if you are receiving one: $_____

Ask if Q1=1, 2, 3 or 4

Q4. Were you employed in this position while you were pursuing your degree? NACE survey item.

  • Yes
  • No

Ask if Q1=5

Q5. Please provide the following information about your volunteer or service assignment: NACE survey item.

Organization: _____

Assignment location – city, state, and country: _____

Role or title: _____

Ask if Q1=6

Q6. Please provide the following information about your military assignment: NACE survey item.

Service Branch: _____

Rank: _____

Ask if Q1=7

Q7. Please provide the following information concerning your current enrollment: NACE survey item.

Name of institution: _____

Location of the institution – city, state, and/or country: _____

Program of study: _____

Degree you are pursuing: _____

Ask if Q1=1 or 2

Q8. To what extent did your graduate education at Texas State University allow you to be competitive with peers at your current place of employment?

  • Very well
  • Well
  • Adequately
  • Poorly
  • Very poorly

Ask if Q1=1 or 2

Q9. How satisfied are you with your current job?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

Ask if Q1=1 or 2

Q10. How has graduate education been an advantage in your current job? (Check all that apply.)

It satisfied hiring qualifications

It resulted in a higher position

It resulted in a higher pay scale

It Increased my knowledge

Other, please specify below

It has not been an advantage


Ask if Q1=1 or 2

Q11. Does your current job require you to hold a graduate degree?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Uncertain

Ask if Q1=1 or 2

Q12. How close is your current job related to your graduate education?

  • Directly related
  • Somewhat related
  • Not related

Q13. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements about services provided by The Graduate College at Texas State.

Strongly agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Do not remember / Not applicable
The graduate college application process was easy to complete. / O / O / O / O / O / O
The fall Graduate College orientation session provided useful information. / O / O / O / O / O / O
The process of applying for graduation was clear and easy to complete. / O / O / O / O / O / O
Graduate College staff was helpful. / O / O / O / O / O / O
My graduate program is committed to diversity and inclusion. / O / O / O / O / O / O
The GradBulletin provided information useful to my degree, including information about deadlines, scholarships, and initiatives. / O / O / O / O / O / O
The Graduate College website provided useful information about graduate college policies and deadlines. / O / O / O / O / O / O

Q14. The Graduate College offers workshops to assist graduate students with different aspects of the graduate school experience, including the areas of degree success, research development, and career preparation. Please indicate the overall quality of the workshops you attended:

  • Very good
  • Good
  • Poor
  • Very poor
  • Did not attend

Q15. What other types of workshops would have enhanced your graduate experience and better prepared you for your career?


Q16. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements about your graduate program.

Strongly agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Not applicable
My advisor was helpful in planning my degree program. / O / O / O / O / O
The courses required for my degree were offered in the proper sequence. / O / O / O / O / O
My courses were offered frequently enough so that I could complete my degree requirements as planned. / O / O / O / O / O
Professors in my program were interested in my progress as a student. / O / O / O / O / O
Professors in my program were available outside the classroom. / O / O / O / O / O
I had the opportunity to develop one or more mentoring relationships with professors. / O / O / O / O / O
My courses adequately prepared me to conduct research. / O / O / O / O / O
My courses adequately prepared me for employment in my chosen field. / O / O / O / O / O
The courses required for my program were rigorous. / O / O / O / O / O
Courses in my program addressed current developments in my field. / O / O / O / O / O
My graduate program prepared me to think and communicate professionally. / O / O / O / O / O
My graduate program prepared me to take professional responsibility. / O / O / O / O / O
My graduate program prepared me to continue pursuing professional growth. / O / O / O / O / O
My professors encouraged me to participate in professional organizations. / O / O / O / O / O
Graduate students in my program were treated with respect. / O / O / O / O / O
Library holdings were adequate for my program. / O / O / O / O / O
My department/program office helped me find appropriate employment or pursue further study. / O / O / O / O / O
Office staff in my department/program office was helpful. / O / O / O / O / O
My program prepared me to work in a global environment. / O / O / O / O / O
My program prepared me to assume leadership roles in my field. / O / O / O / O / O

Q17. If you have any comments or suggestions specifically about the course schedule or frequency of course offerings required for your graduate program, please provide them here:


Q18. What were the strongest aspects of your graduate program at Texas State?


Q19. What suggestions do you have to improve your graduate program at Texas State?


Q20. How satisfied are you with the educational experience you had at Texas State?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very dissatisfied

Q21. Since completing your graduate degree, have you done any of the following?

Have done / Have not done / Not applicable
Belonged to a professional organization or association / O / O / O
Enrolled in continuing education / O / O / O
Enrolled in a for-credit course / O / O / O
Presented a workshop, talk or poster session / O / O / O
Published an article / O / O / O
Presented a paper at a professional meeting / O / O / O
Presented a talk to a community group / O / O / O
Been involved in a community advisory board or committee / O / O / O
Written or helped to write a grant / O / O / O
Supervised interns or staff / O / O / O
Written for a newsletter / O / O / O
Written a letter to the editor / O / O / O
Created or written for a blog / O / O / O

Q22. Are there activities other than listed above which you have done since graduating? If so, please list:


Q23. Have you passed and maintained certification or licensure in your area since graduation?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not applicable

Ask if Q23=1

Q24. While certification or licensure do you hold:


Q25. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements about the Texas State community.

Strongly agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly disagree
I felt accepted while at Texas State. / O / O / O / O
I felt safe while at Texas State. / O / O / O / O
I felt valued while at Texas State. / O / O / O / O

Q26. What was your enrollment status during most of your graduate work?

  • Full-time
  • Part-time

Q27. Where did you attend most of your graduate classes?

  • San Marcos campus
  • Round Rock campus
  • Online
  • Other, please specify:


Q28. Which time of the day were most of your classes?

  • Daytime (classes that start before 3:00 p.m.)
  • Afternoon (classes that start between 3:00 p.m. and6:00 p.m.)
  • Evening (classes that start after 6:00 p.m.)
  • Other, please specify:


Q29. What type of assistantship(s) did you hold at Texas State during your graduate studies? (Check all that apply.)

  • I did not hold an assistantship
  • Teaching assistantship
  • Instructional assistantship
  • Research assistantship
  • Graduate assistantship
  • Other, please specify:


Q30. Did you receive a stipend, scholarship, fellowship or grant to attend graduate school?

  • Yes
  • No

Q31. Did you receive a loan to attend graduate school?

  • Yes
  • No

Q32. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of general University services?

Very satisfied / Satisfied / Dissatisfied / Very dissatisfied / Not applicable
Location of food vendors/dining facilities / O / O / O / O / O
Dining facility hours of operation / O / O / O / O / O
Opportunities for recreation / O / O / O / O / O
Availability of athletic facilities (pool, basketball courts, etc.) / O / O / O / O / O
Availability of extramural/ intramural sports and exercise classes / O / O / O / O / O
Availability of fitness center facilities for student use / O / O / O / O / O
Availability of parking / O / O / O / O / O
Availability of buses/Bobcat Shuttle / O / O / O / O / O
Registration for classes / O / O / O / O / O
Campus health care services / O / O / O / O / O
Health insurance provided by Texas State
Campus day care services
Career services / O / O / O / O / O
Psychological counseling services
Access to computer labs / O / O / O / O / O
Information technology resources / O / O / O / O / O
Laboratories, clinics, studios, or other physical facilities / O / O / O / O / O
Your personal workspace (e.g. desk or office) / O / O / O / O / O
Financial Aid office hours of operation / O / O / O / O / O
Financial Aid office services / O / O / O / O / O
Programs and services for international students / O / O / O / O / O
Alkek Library materials / O / O / O / O / O
Alkek Library hours of operation / O / O / O / O / O
Funding provided for aspects of graduate study like tuition and health insurance / O / O / O / O / O

Q33. Please share your suggestions for improving general University services to graduate students.
