Church of the GoodShepherd
NOVEMBER2011 NEWSLETTEROctober 1, 2011
Dear Friends in Christ,
In less than three weeks, we will be enjoying the German Dinner. It’s so much more than good food and good times, it’s our single best opportunity to find new people to share our love of Jesus. This is the time to meet and greet. Invite them to church to share the joy of our worship. This is an all hands on deck activity from cooking, to serving, to the evangelism that comes from community. Sell those tickets. Leave no person unasked. Our price is more than reasonable and the rewards are beyond compare. Check with Bonnie Dillard if you are not sure what your part is or were you are needed. Trust me, you are ALL needed.
The Stewardship Time is also on us. This year we will be streamlining the process by having the pledge cards available at church. You can fill them in, put them in an envelope and put them in the alms basis (collection plates). They will be available every Sunday through October. If you haven’t put yours in by then, the vestry will send you a copy so you can finish up this part of your church duty. We need an all in effort here. Please also note that we are seeking the areas that are of interest to you. The backside of the card will have some check-off categories that will help us serve you better. We will be discussing the Godly relationship between time, talent and treasure and our lives throughout the month.
During the Monday Lection @ Lunch, we are not only studying scripture, but we are filling in those bits of information that will help to develop the core of Service Shepherds. Anyone who would like to help new people who come to visit better understand our service can be part of this effort. It allows us to give every potential parishioner a friendly face to help them on their journey.
Know that also we are expecting the Bishop for his annual visit on the 30th of October. That should give us time to let the dust settle from the German Dinner and maybe even to give him good new of our stewardship progress.
Celebrating NovemberBirthdays and Anniversaries
6 / Anna and Bob Stone
In thanksgiving for their anniversary
1 3 / For the Glory of God
20 / Joyce Harrison
In thanksgiving for another birthday
27 / Advent
Weekly Schedule
November Schedule
Chalice/Readers: Acolytes & Candles:
Altar Guild: Deborah Childs, Sue Byrd
Women of the Church Luncheon Hostesses: Sue Byrd, Susan Timmins
Liturgy @ Lunch
Continuing on Mondays at noon - Father Bradley gives insight to the next Sunday’s readings and to develop the core of Service Shepherds. Bring a brown bag lunch and join us as we look closer into the scriptures and discuss the upcoming lessons. The Bible and several reference books are used to broaden our thought processes as well as open discussion. Join in!
Prayer for Rain
O God, heavenly Father, who by thy Son Jesus Christ hast promised to all those who seek thy kingdom and its righteousness all things necessary to sustain their life: Send us, we entreat thee, in this time of need, such moderate rain and showers, that we may receive the fruits of the earth, to our comfort and to thy honor; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Women of the Church
Dear Ladies of Good Shepherd,
Bonnie Dillard, President WOC
Vestry Members
2009-2012 / 2010-2013 / 2011-2014Jose Brown,
Junior Warden / Clois Broome / Olene Hart-Brown
Bonnie Dillard, Secretary & Treasurer / Robert McDaniel / Frank Niemiec
Cooper Morelock / Peggy Ross / Babbie Painter
Mario Salazar / Jay Timmins, Senior Warden / Michael Schultz
Michael Heinrich
College BoundUpdate
Brandon & Ashlyn Beadel
Recognizing our Veterans
Defending Liberty and Freedom
November 11
Prayer Web
A group of women have committed to pray on a daily basis for the needs of parishioners and friends. Requests are delivered to e-mail addresses or by phone.Please call any of the following to request prayer for a special need:
Stephanie AdamezDeborah ChildsKit Timmins
Susan BradleyMargaret ClaytonSusan Timmins
Betty BroomeBonnie DillardMary Jo Turner
Sue ByrdLynda Thomas