Pre-Meeting Preparation

·  Review the “Recovery Meeting Format & Dialogue” and become familiar with meeting procedures.

·  Prepare spiritually. Read the current step, looking for application in your own life.

·  Arrive at least 15 minutes early to prepare the room and greet those who arrive early.

·  Display the LDS Family Services 12-step poster.

·  Greet participants with warmth and friendship. Introduce yourself, ask for their first name, and thank them for coming.

1. Welcome

·  The “Recovery Meeting Format & Dialogue” should be followed and read as written.

·  Start the meeting on time.

·  If there are newcomers, welcome them and invite them to introduce themselves by their first name.

·  Announcements may include upcoming firesides, new meetings, meeting changes, etc.

·  Allow time for a participant to volunteer for the opening prayer before calling on someone.

2. Mission Statement

·  Read the mission statement exactly as written.

3. 4. 5. Introduce 12 Steps, Step Study, Action Steps

·  Reading is an opportunity for participants to contribute to the meeting; however, some may be uncomfortable reading in public. Provide an atmosphere of acceptance so participants feel free to read or pass as they desire.

·  Label pass-around copies of the Guide: “For Meeting Use Only – Please Return."

·  When the group reaches the “Action Steps,” stop and read number 5 of the dialogue, then proceed with participant reading of the “Action Steps.”

·  Step 4 is essential to recovery. Its importance should not be diminished by cutting the reading short. In 1-hour meetings, read all the way to “Four necessary elements” on page 22. In 1-1/2 hour meetings, read all the way to “Study and Understanding” on page 24.

6. Introduce Facilitator

·  If no facilitator is present, the missionary group leader does not share at this time but bypasses number 7 of the dialogue and proceeds directly to number 8, “Introduce Group Sharing.” The missionary group leader then asks someone with experience in recovery to begin the sharing.

7. Facilitator Sharing – 5 Minutes

·  It is important for the facilitator to set the example of appropriate sharing.

·  Limit sharing to 5 minutes or less.

·  Share positive recovery experience relating to this week’s step.

·  Focus sharing on the solution rather than the problem.

·  Share testimony of the Savior.

8. Introduce Group Sharing: Handling Problems

·  Follow the guidance of the Spirit when correction is necessary.

·  Most problems and questions are more effectively addressed in person following the meeting.

·  On occasion, some problems need to be addressed during the meetings. Common problems and possible responses may include:

1) Ignoring the signal to conclude remarks – “It is time to bring your comments to a close.”

2) Inappropriate language – “In our groups, we use appropriate language.”

3) Graphic details – “In our groups, we focus on the solution rather than the problem.”

4) Cross talk – “In our groups, we do not engage in cross talk.”

·  Above all, please be as gentle as possible when providing correction.

9. Close Group Sharing

·  If time is short, it is not essential that everyone shares.

·  Facilitators do not share a second time.

·  It is important that facilitators turn meetings back to the missionary group leaders on time.

·  In meetings where there are few participants, it is acceptable to end the meeting early.

·  Fifteen minutes prior to the end of the sharing portion, ask participants if there is anyone with a strong desire to share. As time permits, allow those who respond to share.

10. 11. Missionary Sharing, Closing

·  When addressing the group, use “I” or “we” statements rather than “you” statements.

·  Missionary group leaders, as with participants, should not “cross talk,” which is any comment that singles out one or more participants for criticism, counsel, or praise.

·  Adhering to the 5-minute sharing limit and closing the meeting on time fosters consistency, trust, and respect.

·  Closing comments are enriched when missionary group leaders include personal experience with the steps, the “Action Steps,” and scriptures from the “Study and Understanding” sections.

After the Meeting

·  First – reach out to newcomers.

·  Allow time after the meeting for fellowshipping and answering questions.

·  Distribute Guides and program information.

·  Arrange the room as it was prior to the meeting. Empty the trash and turn off lights, heat, and air conditioning. Lock the doors and secure the building.

Note to Missionary Group Leaders

·  If there is reason to suspect that a child has been abused or neglected, or if participants may be in danger of harming themselves or others, immediately notify your LDS Family Services agency director.

·  In cases of extreme emergency, contact local police or other appropriate emergency personnel.