Minutes of the University Academic Council
November 16, 2006
A meeting of the University Academic Council was held on November 16, 2006, at 3:00 p.m. in Brock Hall. Members present were Dr. David Bailey, Dr. Pat Beatty, Mr. Wayne Bedford, Dr. Richard Buckner, Dr. Marsha Cannon, Dr. Linda Carr, Mr. Donnie Cobb, Dr. Michael Cooke, Mr. Clarence Egbert, Dr. R. T. Floyd, Ms. Sylvia Homan, Dr. Martha Hocutt, Dr. Judy Massey, Dr. John McCall, Dr. Bradley Moore, Mr. Carey Moore, Dr. Thomas Ratkovich, and Dr. Stephen Slimp.
The only curriculum change for the College of Education was presented by Dr. R. T. Floyd. Dr. Floyd proposed changing P.E. 250, First Aid and Safety, to a one-hour class so that twice as many sections can be taught. He added that no additional faculty will need to be hired. Dr. Stephen Slimp moved that the change be accepted, Mr. Carey Moore seconded, and the motion passed.
Dr. Michael Cooke presented the curriculum changes for history. Dr. Cooke said that more prerequisites are needed for HY 300, Historical Methodologies and Practice, so that students will be better prepared to take the course. He suggested that the prerequisites should include nine hours of 100-200 level history courses. The second curriculum change involved the creation of a new on-line course, HY 409/509, Internship in Historical Preservation. Dr. Cooke said that the course will consist of a supervised internship at a public history facility. Dr. Judy Massey moved that the changes in history be accepted, Dr. David Bailey seconded, and the motion passed.
Dr. Cooke moved on to the proposed curriculum changes in psychology. He suggested that the prerequisites for PY 325, Physiological Psychology, include PY 100, BY 101, and BY 102. He also proposed that the prerequisites for PY 490, Psychological Research Project, include PY 440, Experimental Psychology. Dr. Cooke proposed deleting PY 480, Advanced General Psychology, as a course because the same material is being taught in PY 100, General Psychology. Dr. Cooke added that the deletion of PY 480, Advanced General Psychology, will require that the requirements for the Psychology Major be changed from 15 to 18 hours. Dr. Clarence Egbert suggested that the prerequisites for PY 490, Psychology Research, be changed to “PY 440 and twelve additional hours in psychology.” Dr. Judy Massey moved that the changes in psychology be accepted, Dr. Pat Beatty seconded, and the motion passed.
Dr. John McCall presented the changes for biology and environmental sciences. Dr. McCall said that Dr. Doug Wymer has proposed the creation of a new course, GE 100, Physical Geology. Dr. McCall then proposed the creation of new courses that were originally taught as Selected Topics: By 491/591, Biogeography; BY 575, Vertebrate Zoology; and BY 429/529, Entomology. Dr. McCall said that the description for BY 571, Biochemistry, was changed to match the CH 471 listing. Finally, Dr. McCall suggested that the required number of elective hours for the Environmental Sciences Comprehensive Major be changed from five to four hours and that the total number of hours be reduced from fifty-four to fifty-three hours. Dr. Linda Carr moved that the changes be accepted, Dr. Michael Cooke seconded, and the motion passed.
Dr. David Bailey presented the proposed curriculum changes in chemistry. He suggested that students with an ACT math score of 23 or higher be allowed to take CH 111, General Chemistry, concurrently with MH 113, Precalculus Algebra. Mr. Egbert said that under our present computer system, we cannot include all of these prerequisites. Mr. Egbert did not know if Datatel will accept this number of prerequisites or not, although Datatel will allow advisers to over-ride requirements. Mr. Egbert suggested that the Council approve the change, and then we will see if Datatel will accept it. Dr. Bailey proposed dropping CH 305, Problem Solving in Chemistry II, because it has not been offered in three years. He also suggested changing CH 341, Organic Chemistry III, to CH 341, Organic Chemistry, and removing the laboratory requirement for CH 360, Environmental Chemistry. Dr. Bailey also proposed changing the prerequisite for CH 441, Advanced Organic Chemistry, from CH 451 to CH 351. Finally, Dr. Bailey suggested the creation of a new course, CH 472, Biochemistry II (3). Dr. Martha Hocutt moved that the changes in chemistry be accepted, Mr. Donnie Cobb seconded, and the motion passed.
Before the meeting ended, Mr. Clarence Egbert requested that the deans have their master schedules for the summer and fall schedules ready by the first week of February because of the implementation of Datatel. Mr. Egbert said that the schedules will have to be submitted before the next scheduled meeting of the University Academic Council.
The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dr. Alan Brown, Chair