[Revised: October, 2011]

We will be initiating a ranking system for our Altar Boys. The purpose of the ranking system is to promote thorough knowledge on the part of the Acolytes. Below are the requirements for each rank.

Eventually, Acolytes will be identified by rank (and according to rank) on the schedule (by virtue of their position). Acolytes are to obey those of higher rank andhigher position. To be promoted to the next rank, they will be tested by Fr. Anthony. Tests will not be offered unless the Acolyte is considered by Father to be ready. Preparation for the next rank includes speaking to Father about the specifics for each requirement and being thoroughly knowledgeable of those specifics. Tests for each rank may include requirements for previous and present ranks.


1st Rank:

* Know how to enter the Altar (blessing of priest), how to (and when not to) cross behind the

Altar and where not to go in the Altar

* Know how and when to do the sign of the Cross (& meaning of the Cross: 3 fingers; 2 fingers)


2nd Rank:

* Know how to receive Holy Communion & Antidoron

* Know how and when to kneel during the Liturgy


3rd Rank:

* Know where we are in the book at all times during the Divine Liturgy

* Know where the Communion Prayers are found and explain the purpose of these prayers


4th Rank:

* Memorize the Lord's Prayer (in English)

* Know the ranks of the Clergy (Deacon, Priest, Bishop)


5th Rank:

* Know how to address the Priest, Deacon, Bishop, Metropolitan, Archbishop (English & Greek)

* Where is our Metropolitan located? (Name?) Archbishop? (Name?) Patriarch? (Name?)

* Know the various titles within the individual ranks of Clergy (including: Archdeacon;

Protopresbyter; Archimandrite; Metropolitan; Archbishop; Patriarch)


6th Rank:

* Know what is in the Holy Altar and in the Church (and where located)

* Know which items are on the Holy Altar table


7th Rank:

* Know the names of each of the clerical vestments

* Know which items are on the Prothesis

* Know the purpose of the Proskomide (& the portions of the Prosforon used)


8th Rank:

* Know which Icons are on the Iconostasion & their order

* Know the names of the three sections of the Church


9th Rank:

* Know when & how to bring the Zeon to the Altar Table

* Know how to maintain the censor (including when to take it to the Priest, how to give/receive it and how to use it during the Divine Liturgy)

* Know how to assist with Holy Communion (including censor afterwards)


10th Rank:

* Memorize the Lord's Prayer (in Greek, or according to ethnic background, where applicable)

* Know the various Procession Routes (and places where we stand)

* Know the general outline of the Divine Liturgy

* Know what to do after the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy


11th Rank:

* Memorize the Creed (in English)

* Know the Acolyte's responsibilities for the Divine Liturgy


12th Rank:

* Memorize the Creed (in Greek, or according to ethnic background, where applicable)

* Know the acolyte's responsibilities for the Orthros

* Know the acolyte's responsibilities for the Memorial & Trisagion services

* Know the acolyte's responsibilities for the Artoclasia service