Minutes of meeting held 7.30pm 22 May2013

Westbury Leigh Community Hall

Present:4 residents

The Brambles

The tree maintenance has been completed – trees have been thinned and a new one planted, with some hedging planted to fill a gap. There are a number of ash saplings that will need thinning out as they grow. Maintenance of the copse will presumably revert to Wiltshire Council. Ian will try to find out their longterm plans for its maintenance.


The results of the 2012 traffic survey (over a week) are:

Northbound: 85% percentile 30.9 mph (5125 vehicles)

Southbound: 85% percentile 30.4 mph (5578 vehicles).

Wiltshire Council does not consider that speeding is a problem in Westbury Leigh but they have asked the police to undertake occasional spot checks. There was one last week.

Craft Fair

Arrangements for the Craft Fair are in hand. Meeting to finalise arrangements: 17 June 8pm at 18 Westbury Leigh.

The Hollies

The restaurant is still not open (perhaps June?) but at least the scaffolding is down, so the pub looks open for business.

World Book Night

Both Sue and Angela were givers. The turnout for the free book and the Book Sale was disappointing.

Conservation area

Ian will look into what is involved in becoming a conservation area.

Any other business

The Town Council has invested in hanging baskets for Westbury but not for Westbury Leigh or Leigh Park. Ian will look into the cost of putting up and maintaining baskets. It may be possible to get funding from the Town Council.

The WLVA website is now hosted by Dentons, who maintain the new Community Hall website. Angela has asked them to tidy up the WLVA website, which will cost c£250. Dentons will upload newsletters and minutes (the only non-static content of the site) as part of the maintenance charge. Any funds raised in the next few months should go towards the website.

Next meeting
