October 16, 2012

At 6:00 P.M.

1. Call to order by ______, Board President


2. Roll Call:Mr. Bruce Steenrod, Treasurer

Mr. Bill Elasky, ______Mr. Tom McGuire, ______Mr. John Young, ______,

Mr. Lester Green, ______and Mr. Dan Torrence, ______.

3. Pledge of Allegiance as led by Lester Green.

4. Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we approve the agenda, the addendum and any items resulting from executive session.

Vote: Mr. McGuire ______, Mr. Young ______, Mr. Green ______,

Mr. Elasky ______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______

5. Any additions, corrections, or deletions:

Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we approve the minutes of the Regular Board meeting held on September 18, 2012 as submitted by the Treasurer.

Vote: Mr. Young______, Mr. Green ______, Mr. Elasky ______,

Mr. McGuire ______, and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______

6.Public Participation and School Related Organizations:

Individuals or groups who wish to speak to the Board will be recognized as set forth in the Board agenda. After recognition, the spokesperson must identify himself and the topic on which he wishes to speak. Generally, the presentation will be limited to five minutes. The chair reserves the right to limit the number of individuals or groups who will be recognized to speak.

Individuals and groups are encouraged to bring their concerns to the attention of the members of the Board or the appropriate employees of the school district in a timely fashion in between meetings to provide an opportunity to address them in a timely fashion.

If several people wish to speak, each person will be allotted three minutes until the total time of 30 minutes is used. During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity to do so. The period of public participation may be extended by a vote of the majority of the board. Each person addressing the Board will give his name and address.

Persons desiring more time should follow the procedure of the Board to be placed on the regular agenda.

Board Policy: KD

Paul Mock – Ohio School Boards Association Southeast Region

Presentation of award to John Young for fifteen consecutive years of service on the Federal Hocking Local SchoolBoard

7. Administrative Reports:

a) Dr. George Wood – Principal/Superintendent, Federal Hocking Local Schools

Five-year enrollment/forecast

8. Board of Education Committee Report:

a) Board Policy/Technology- Chairman, Bill Elasky

First Reading of the following policy:

DLB – Salary Deductions

b) Student Liaison – Leah Brudno

c) Public Relations – Chairman, Dan Torrence

1) Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that weaward Certificates of Commendation to the 15thAthletic Booster Hall of Fame inductees listed below:

Tyler Chadwell – Class of 2007

Tracy Dye – Class of 2006

Cody Hornsby – Class of 2005

Adam Tate – Class of 2007

Coach Jerry Weaver (Honorary)

Vote: Mr. Green______, Mr. Elasky ______, Mr. McGuire ______,

Mr. Young ______, and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______

9. Treasurer’s Report and Recommendations:

a) Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we approve the financial packet for September 2012 as submitted by Mr. Steenrod.

Vote: Mr. Elasky ______, Mr. McGuire ______, Mr. Young ______,

Mr. Green ______, and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______

b)Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we approve the

5-Year Forecast as submitted by Mr. Steenrod, Treasurer.

Vote: Mr. McGuire ______, Mr. Young ______, Mr. Green______,

Mr. Elasky______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______.

10. Superintendent’s Recommendations:

a) Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we accept, with regret, the resignation of April Runnion as Special Projects/Maintenance and Transportation on a supplemental contract effective September 20, 2012.

Vote: Mr. Young ______, Mr. Green ______, Mr. Elasky______,

Mr. McGuire______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______.

b) Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we employ Julie Randolph as Math Coach at Coolville Elementary with a Masters Degreeat step 10,at a salary of $47,728.00,effective October 22, 2012, for the 2012-2013 school year, on a one year probationary contract. (This will be paid for from Title funds)

Vote: Mr. Green ______, Mr. Elasky ______, Mr. McGuire______,

Mr. Young______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______

c)Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2012-2013 school year:


Ashley Miller – Mentor for Second Year Educator at Coolville Elementary - $750.00

Tracy Keirns – Mentor for Second Year Educator at Amesville Elementary - $750.00

Jennifer Thompson – Mentor for Second Year Educator at Amesville Elementary $750.00

Sue Collins – Mentor for Second Year Educator at Secondary School - $750.00

Eric Tabler – Student Council Advisor at Secondary School - $750.00


Phil Hoffman – Assistant Boys Basketball Coach - $2,130.00

Kelly Winebrenner – Assistant Boys Basketball Coach - $2,130.00

Jeremy Tolson – Volunteer Assistant Boys Basketball Coach - $0

Vote: Mr. Elasky ______, Mr. McGuire ______, Mr. Young______,

Mr. Green______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______

d)Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we approve

Kizzi Elmore-Clark as a home tutor at $20.00 per hour not to exced 5 hours a week plus mileage for the 2012-2013 school year.

Vote: Mr. McGuire ______, Mr. Young ______, Mr. Green______,

Mr. Elasky______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______

e)Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we hire Bruce Lackey as a substitute custodian for the 2012-2013 school year.

Vote: Mr. Young ______, Mr. Green ______, Mr. Elasky______,

Mr. McGuire______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______

f)Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we approve the following substitutes as recommended by Rick Edwards, Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center Superintendent effective September 10, 2012:

Substitute Teachers:Griffin Ash, Hilarie Burhans, Martin Carter, Jonathan Copen, Kellie Dawkins, Audrey Hogan, Julie Hollen, Sally Jeffrey, Janel Kennedy, Taylor Longman, Sarah Martindale, Shannon Plummer, Benjamin Shultz, Jack Sigman, Emily Walls, Kevin Williams

Substitute Aides: Margaret Baker, Carmen Clark, Janice Crall, Charles Larimer, Janelle McDonald, Danielle Metcalf, Wendy Wallace

Vote: Mr. Green ______, Mr. Elasky ______, Mr. McGuire______,

Mr. Young______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______

g)Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we approve the

eighth grade trip to Washington D.C. on May 14, 2013 thru May 17, 2013 via the Fun Bus. (Cost of trip will be $530.00 per personless fundraising.)

Vote: Mr. Elasky ______, Mr. McGuire______, Mr. Young______,

Mr. Green ______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______

h)Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we ratify and approve the Disciplinary Agreement signed by Dr. George Wood and Lori Messina on September 28, 2012.

Vote: Mr. McGuire ______, Mr. Young______, Mr. Green______,

Mr. Elasky ______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion ______

11. Old Business

12. New Business

13. Executive Session, (if needed)

Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that weconvene to executive session to discuss ______.

Vote: Mr. Young______, Mr. Green______, Mr. Elasky______,

Mr. McGuire ______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion

Convene at ______; Reconvened at ______with ______members present.

Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we are out of executive session where we discussed ______.

Vote: Mr. Green______, Mr. Elasky______, Mr. McGuire______,

Mr. Young ______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion

14. Mr. ______moved, seconded by Mr. ______that we adjourn this meeting. Time: ______

Vote: Mr. Elasky______, Mr. McGuire______, Mr. Young______,

Mr. Green ______and Mr. Torrence ______. Motion