January: Respect Life
5: The Power of a Life 6-8pm
12 : Mary’s Meals and dodge ball 6-8pm
15: 1st Parish WorkCamp meeting 7-8:30pm
19: Kevin Heider Concert at Holy Spirit 6-8pm
21: Evening of Prayer at GMU 7-10pm
22: Life is Very Good Rally and March for Life 8am-4pm
25 : HS Snow Tubing and Mount St. Mary’s visit 8am-4pmish
26: Dinner and Hot Topic 6-8pm
February: Love
1: Weekend WorkCamp Sat. 8:45am-12:30pm
2: Super Bowl Sunday (No Meeting!)
9: Dinner&Adoration 6-8pm w/Praise&Worship group God is Love
10: Parish WorkCamp Meeting 7-8:30pm
16: Bunco, Vocations and Valentine’s Dinner with guests of honor
21-23: ENCOUNTER Winter Retreat at Concorde Retreat Center West Va.
23: Dinner and Game Night 6-8pm
28: Parish Movie Night( WorkCamp Fundraiser) 6:30-8:30pm
March: The Lamb-Who is Jesus?
1: Weekend WorkCamp Sat. 8:45am-12:30pm
2: Dinner&Adoration 6-8pm w/Praise&Worship (P&W group meets at 5pm in PH)
5: Ash Wednesday
7: Lenten Soup Supper-WorkCamp Crew Hosts!
9: Dinner and the Mass what is really happening here? 6-8pm
12: Parish WorkCamp Meeting 7-8:30pm
(13-15: PVI Girls Retreat -T. Ryan)
16: Dinner and Hot Topic 6-8pm
23: Dinner and game night
30: Parish WorkCamp Tool Training#1
April: The Pearl of Great Price
5: Weekend WorkCamp Sat. 8:45am-12:30pm
6: Dinner and Adoration 6-8pm w/Praise and Worship group
(P&W group meets at 5pm in PH)
9: Parish WorkCamp Meeting 7-8:30pm
13: Dinner and movie 6-8pmish (Jesus’ Passion meditation)
17: Keeping Jesus company! (7 Church Adoration Run)
20: Happy Easter! No Meeting!
27: Mercy me! Dinner& Divine Mercy talk with Sandy & Al at Bertini’s J 6-8pm
May: Mary
3: Weekend WorkCamp Sat. 8:45am-12:30pm
4: Dinner and Adoration6-8pm w/Praise and Worship group
Theotokos & other Marian Dogma
(P&W group meet at 5pm in PH)
10: Parish WorkCamp Tool Training#2
11: Happy Mother’s Day- No Meeting!
14: Parish WorkCamp Meeting 7-8:30pm
18: Dinner and Marian Apparitions!
25: Memorial Day Weekend-No meeting!
31: WorkCamp Carwash fundraiser at Pizza Hut
1: Mass and BBQ-Last official High School meeting!
7: Weekend WorkCamp Sat. 8:45am-12:30pm
14: Parish WorkCamp Meeting Sat am 9-11am
21-27 Weekend WorkCamp in Shenandoah, VA
JULY 1st ***Summer C.H.I.L.L. Schedule Begins!