2014-15 Biology Syllabus

Mr. Drew Sells - Room 714

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Biology! My goal for this classroom is to create a safe and productive learning environment for all students. This classroom management plan is meant to inform students and their parents the method and parameters through which I intend to achieve this environment.

Course Description:

Biology is a two semester course for college-bound students who wish to continue on into more advanced science courses. The first semester includes six major units covering basic concepts of biology such as cell theory, molecular biology, and genetics. The second semester includes topics such as evolution, ecology, and human biology and a brief tour into the kingdoms.

Long Term Plan:

Fall SemesterSpring Semester

Chapter 1 – Intro to ScienceChapters 14-16 – Evolution

Chapters 2-3 – BiochemistryChapters 18-22 – Ecology

Chapters 4-5 – CellsChapters 45-51 – Human Biology

Chapters 6-7 – Cell EnergyChapters 18, 23-44 – Kingdoms

Chapters 10-11, 13 – Central Dogma

Chapters 9 & 12 – Human Genetics

Class Assignments:

  • All papers must include your Name, Date, and Class Period in the upper right hand corner to earn full credit.
  • Assignments are due when they are called for by the teacher.
  • No late homework is accepted.
  • For an excused absence, make-up assignments will have three days from the student’s return to be made up.
  • It is your responsibility to seek out missed assignments.
  • Students must check my website and the “What I missed” box upon their return from being absent.
  • Upon your return from an absence, you must write the date of your absence on the work you turn in.
  • Extended absences due to health or other reasons will be discussed between the student, parent, counselor and me to establish an acceptable contract for completion of the missing work.
  • Written assignments may be assigned in place of making up missed labs.
  • Long Term Assignments are due on the due date assigned regardless of absences. If you are sick, have someone drop it off in my mailbox in the main office. No Late Long term assignments will be accepted.

Exams and quizzes:

  • Quizzes are often on Fridays but may be given at any time as pop-quizzes.
  • No make-up quizzes are available. If a student misses a quiz due to an excused absence then the next quiz the student takes will count as double to replace the missed quiz score.
  • Tests will be announced and will include a combination of questions from the unit.
  • Make-up tests must be taken upon return of the excused absence. No make-up exams will be provided for students who are out due to truancy or suspension.
  • Students without an absence on any of the test dates will be allowed to drop their lowest semester quiz score. If you intend to represent the school and know that you will be absent, it is your responsibility to take the exam prior to that scheduled absence so you can keep your perfect testing attendance record.

Grading Policy:

  • Grades are available online through Aeries and will also be posted in the classroom.
  • Student grades are the product of the following weighting system:
  • 10% Homework
  • 25% Projects and Labs
  • 10% Participation (Notes and Warm-ups)
  • 15% Quizzes
  • 30% Tests
  • 10% Final Exam
  • Final grades will be calculated using a scale based upon percentage points:
  • 100 – 89.5%=A
  • 89.4 – 79.5%=B
  • 79.4 – 69.5%=C
  • 69.4 – 55%=D
  • 54.9 - 0%=F
  • Students with grades falling below a C- will not receive permission to participate in extra-curricular field trips.

Classroom Expectations:

  • Be Prepared – bring all materials needed for class each day. (points will be deducted for being unprepared or for misbehavior during class)
  • Materials Required:
  • Lab Manual (keep in your locker or your 3-ring binder)
  • Pencil w/ Eraser and Pen
  • Notebook for just Biology (can be a 3-ring binder or a spiral with pockets)
  • Several Colored Pencils
  • College ruled Paper
  • Glue stick
  • Be On Time – students should be seated in their seat and beginning to work on the starterbefore the tardy bell rings.
  • Be Respectful – I expect all students to act in a respectful manner whether interacting with an adult or fellow student.
  • Do not talk over people, keep your area clean and use appropriate language. Horse play is not tolerated in the classroom.
  • Food is not allowed in the classroom
  • No hoods or sunglasses, etc in class
  • Be attentive during lectures. That means no getting up out of your seat, no sleeping, and no working on other material.
  • No writing on desktops or benches. This will result in a behavioral report.
  • Bathroom trips will be logged on the clipboard by the door. Excessive bathroom trips may result in time after class, at lunch, or after school. 0 bathroom trips will earn you 25 points/semester extra credit!
  • Electronic Devices – I follow the school’s policies regarding appropriate use of these devices.
  • IPods/CD Players/Headphone Devices are banned from campus. Using these devices in my classroom will result in their confiscation.
  • Cell phones may be in your possession, however they need to be off and put away during class. Cell phones found out during class time will be confiscated.
  • Consequences – Breaking class rules or if your behavior is considered inappropriate at any time you may be sent to the office or issued a 30 minute detention during lunch or after school. This will result in a 0 being issued for whatever activity you were meant to be doing.
  • Cheating Policy
  • Per the Los Alamitos High School Cheating Policy (Academic Honesty Code on page 7 of the Parent – Student Handbook) any student who engages in cheating or helping another student to cheat will receive a zero on the assignment or test. Parents will be contacted and administrators will be notified.

Parents, your involvement in your student’s education is important to their success. Please communicate any issues or problems to me as soon as they arise so that we may deal with them before they grow. Feel free to contact me at any time regarding your son or daughter’s progress.


Drew Sells

Phone (562) 799-4780 ext.82714


After reading the classroom management plan please sign to indicate you have read and understand the policies. Please read about and purchase the necessary materials. Your student can then return the signed portion to me for a homework grade. Thank you.

Student Name (Print):______Class Period:______

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Parent email:

Comments or Questions:

Course Website: