September, 2016 Math 7 Accelerated

Dear Student,

I hope you had a wonderful summer and I welcome you to grade 7Accelerated math class!!! It is my belief that this will be a successful year for each of you filled with many exciting and rewarding experiences. I look forward to working with all of you.

Here are some things you need to know about math class:


The Math 7 Accelerated curriculum includes all the grade 7 topics and some additional grade 8 topics in preparation for you to take the Regents Algebra Course next year. Because we complete more topics, the pacing of lessons is faster. It is important that

you take good notes, complete the HW, ask questions, ask for help

when needed, and give your best effort. Although you do need to

maintain a 75 average or higher in this class, it is more important

that you understand and learn the material taught in this class so

that you will be prepared to take high school Regents Algebra in grade 8.

The image shows the scientific calculator that we use in this class.

You WILL need a calculator at home to do some of the assignments.


Ø  Assessments = 70% (This includes quizzes and tests.)

Quizzes: Generally, a 10 minute quiz will be given each week.

This will help you, me and your parents know – sooner rather than later – whether you are mastering the material taught each week. If you score lower than an 80, you are expected to come to a designated lunch help and then take a makeup so you can show that you have learned the material. The makeup will allow you to improve your grade.

Tests: Tests are given at the end of each unit and are counted double the weight of quizzes. These are full period assessments. Tests are announced a week ahead of time. Makeups are NOT given for unit tests. If you are absent, you will take the assessment the day you return to school.

Ø  Graded homework/classwork = 15%

Any classwork or HW assignment which is collected and graded will be counted in this category. Generally, these tend to be assignments which review material previously taught. These will also include the Challenge problems assigned.

Challenge problems: In order for you to become a good problem solver, you must solve problems! I think it is important for you to have experience solving ‘off the beaten track’ and unusual kinds of problems. They may – or may not – have anything to do with the topic we are currently studying. Approximately 5 – 7 problems each marking will be assigned. You are expected to complete at least 1 more than half of the number that was assigned. For example, if 6 are assigned, you must complete at least 4. If you complete more than 4, the 4 highest grades will count. The problem will be distributed on a Friday and due the following Friday. I encourage you to solve these problems collaboratively with your classmates and/or family members. A scoring rubric will be shared when the first problem is assigned.

Ø  Daily Homework = 15%

Homework is, generally, assigned every day. You begin the marking period with 100 HW points. You lose 4 points for every homework that is not done or not brought to class. You lose 2 points if the homework is incomplete or does not show ALL work. Once these points are lost they cannot be regained.

·  Your daily HW grade will be entered and updated into the gradebook (parent portal) every 1 - 2 weeks. The most current grade is the grade that is calculated into your average. The last grade entered at the end of the marking period is the grade that will be counted.


This year, we are very excited to be using Big Ideas Math – the Red Accelerated Book. You can access the book online and there are many helpful online materials that I will share with you in the next few weeks. Directions for how to access the online materials will be shared on my website. Speaking of which…


All homework, challenge problems, announcements, and any other helpful information will be posted on my website. Go to my website if you are absent so you can get the assignments you need to keep up with the work done in class.


This classroom is a safe place to ask questions!!! If you don’t understand something which has been taught or if you would like additional practice, please let me know!!! Of course I will help you during class time, but sometimes, more time is needed. I will be available for extra help during some lunch periods; I will announce the times beforehand. If you need help, ASK!!!

I look forward to a year filled with success, fun, challenges, hard work - for ALL of us!! Ask your questions, share your ideas, explore new ideas. Set positive goals for yourself, work hard to reach those goals, and be proud of all your efforts. I will do all that I can to help you meet with success. Have a great year!!!

Ms. Posluszny

Office phone: 422 – 2484 Email address:

PARENTS – Please complete the slip below. Students - detach the slip below and return to Ms. Posluszny

7 Accelerated Math Class information sheet, September 2016

I have read and do understand the routines and policies outlined above.

Student’s name (print): ______


Student signature Parent/Guardian signature