Washington State Constitutional Militia

Jaeger Troop, 42nd Alpine Infantry Group

September 16, 2012

Memorandum for Record

To: All troops, 42AIG

Cc: All Washington State militia units

Subject: Intelligence Standards


Like every other military organization, the 42nd Alpine Infantry Group strives to gain and hold the upper hand in all operations. In order to do this we require current, accurate, high quality, and actionable intelligence on a great many things.

Recently I have become concerned with the quality of some of the intelligence reports coming in to the unit. Our standards must remain high. We cannot allow our limited intelligence resources to become clogged with low quality “reports” that come from unconfirmed sources on the internet or other rumor mills. We must strive to provide reports that are confirmed by two or more sources, or witnessed with our own eyes and are germane to our operations. We as an organization are not interested in unconfirmed reports of how the Illuminati and Major League Baseball are launching mind control satellites, or how the Chinese are building secret military camps in underground Chicago. This is folly, a great waste of our very limited resources, and undermines confidence in the competence and seriousness of our members. As XO I expect all members to take this to heart and modify their actions as necessary. If you believe in UFO’s or MLB mind control satellites that is of course your right, and your business. This however has no bearing on our mission to provide for the safety and security of the people of the State of Washington.

Please keep all intelligence reports on target with the Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) of the unit and to real, confirmed incidents that are germane to our AO. If you require guidance on what is considered a PIR, contact your intelligence specialist and he will get you squared away.

For the commander,


Commander, 42nd AIG