Jazz policy in The Netherlands

Jazz in The Netherlands is widely recognised as a genre deserving support and

funding. During the seventies and eighties of the last century pressure groups insisted on adequate support for jazz which resulted in several funding programs and a national organisation. Nowadays most of the funding programs no longer bear a separate label for jazz but are incorporated in general programs for the performing arts. Also the support organisations will become part of one large national organisation for music as of 01.01.2008.

Nearly all of the funding is distributed on a national level. However, a distinction is made at administrative levels towards responsibilities regarding supply and demand.

The national government is -supposed to be- responsible for the supply-side, meaning funding for ensembles, musicians, projects (domestic and international) and support for a national organisation.

The local administrative levels, both provincial and municipal, have the responsibility to fund the demand side. Especially the construction of concert halls and venues are usually covered by this.

The local administrative levels are also supposed to give funding towards programming costs and local projects by artists. In practice this system only works haphazardly. Big cities in the western part of the country have their own Art Councils which provide funding. In the rest of the country much depends on the local situation and involvement with arts of local politics and politicians.

On national level The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences (OCW) provides nearly all of the funding. Direct funding from OCW is given to 20 jazz groups for a period of four years. OCW also provides support for leading venues, festivals and production houses as well as a number of support organisations.

The Fund for the Performing Arts (FAPK) receives budget from OCW to fund projects, These funds are accessible to all performing arts.

The Fund for Programming and Marketing (FPPM) receives budget from OCW

to support the demand side. Multiple venues and/or artists have to be involved in a project in order to be eligible for application. In a separate program the FPPM also supports specialised music venues for Jazz, Pop, Chamber music and Contemporary Music.

Paul Gompes, Dutch Jazz Connection

Subsidies binnen cultuurnota t.b.v. ensembles jazz en improvisatie:
Jazz in Motion / 50.714
LOOS / 64.134
Stichting Jungle Warriors / 94.701
Stichting Bik Bent Braam / 94.522
Stichting Black Straight Music / 94.566
Stichting Brokken / 51.220
Stichting De Oefening de Kunst (dOeK) / 51.172
Stichting Dutch Jazz Orchestra / 53.477
Stichting Instant Composers Pool / 94.299
Stichting Jazz & Wereldmuziek Kollektief / 51.607
Stichting Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw / 107.515
Stichting Moer-Staal (De Kift) / 63.855
Stichting Palinckx / 50.412
Stichting Paul van Kemenade quintet / 50.318
Stichting Proma / 94.254
Stichting POW Ensemble / 23.040
Stichting Samponé Music Prods. (Fra Fra Sound) / 183.727
Stichting Stroom / 51.487
Tamtam Productions / 50.809
Willem Breuker Kollektief / 270.090
subtotaal subsidies cultuurnota jazzensembles / 1.645.919
Instituten en andere ondersteunende instellingen t.b.v. jazz-/improvisatiesector
Dutch Jazz Connection / 145.280
Nederlands Jazz Archief / 108.330
De Jazzorganisatie (vh. De Nederlandse Jazzdienst) / 181.112
St. SWING / 145.748
Podia/festivals/productiehuizen met aanzienlijk aandeel jazz/impro in programmering
St. Jazz en Geïmproviseerde Muziek Utrecht / 104.185
St. Jazz Amsterdam (Bimhuis) / 493.352
St. Bevordering Muziekimprovisatie (Paradox) / 105.370
Jazz International Rotterdam / 78.509
Nieuwe Muziek Zeeland / 155.456
November Music / 70.987
Productiehuis Oost Nederland / 130.847
MuziekLab Brabant / 151.758
Totaal subsidie OCW in kader cultuurnota 2005-2008 / 3.516.853
Subsidies van fondsen:
FAPK Toekenningen regeling Onderzoek & Producties
(incl. groepsbudgetten jazz en geïmproviseerde muziek*) / 4.000.000
FPPM Regeling Kleinschalige Podia 2006-2008** / 1.000.980
*vermeld bedrag is t.b.v. muziek/muziektheater op basis van jaarverslag FAPK 2004 en niet gesplitst naar subgenres.
Excl. stipendia en studiebeurzen en internationaliseringssubsidies.
**vermeld bedrag is meerjarig en specifiek voor podia jazz en geïmproviseerde muziek.
zie ook voor toekenningen t.b.v. 2005 en 2006 voor jazz en crossover-programmeringen
op basis van Festivalregeling (o.a. SJU Jazz Festival, Jazz International R'dam, European Try Tone Festival)
en Podiumregeling (o.a. Karnatic Lab Festival, VPRO Boy Edgar Prijs Tournee, Jazz in Groningen, ZomerJazzFietsTour)