Weedon Parish Council

Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Weedon Parish Council held in the Methodist Chapel

Wednesday 17th March 2010 at 8.00pm

PRESENT: Cllr Rose (Chair), Cllr Sellers, Cllr Followell, Cllr Measures, Cllr Horton, Cllr Moore and the Clerk Sue Mordue. 1 member of the public attended.

26.  Receive Apologies: County Cllr Mary Baldwin, absent: Cllr Jones.

27.  Open Forum for Parishioners: no comments made.

28.  Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: none.

29.  The Council resolved to confirm the minutes of the last meetings held on Wednesday 20th January, Saturday 27th February and Wednesday 10th March 2010.

30.  The following planning applications were discussed and recommendations were:

a.  10/00192/APP amended plans – 35 High Street – single storey link extension and construction of new attached open bay garage – the Council resolved it had no objections to this application.

b.  10/00193/ALB amended plans – 35 High Street – single storey link extension and construction of new attached open bay garage – the Council resolved it had no objections to this application

c.  10/00218/APP – 33 Wall Brown Way (Buckingham Park) – porch – the Council resolved it opposed this application as it is not in keeping with the features of the estate / street scene. There is also concern how close it would come to the public footway.

31.  Environment:

a.  Footpaths, Footways and Highways:

i.  To report any works required: culvert under the road at the end of Cooks Hill needs digging out.

ii.  Update on footpath walk undertaken by Cllr Measures and Cllr Sellers BCC Rights of Way Officer and Margaret Askew. To agree any actions required: Footpaths were walked and BCC took note of how many conversions to kissing gates would be required. There is not sufficient funding in BCC for this therefore it may have to be done under a ‘donate a gate scheme’ where BCC would match fund gates. Clerk to establish whether BCC have written to Mr Chapman with current concerns on his stiles. Contact Ramblers Assoc, and establish how the ‘donate a gate scheme’ works. Cllr Followell and Margaret Askew would try and produce a map with stiles on it. Review at next meeting.

iii.  Electricity works – to update on underground works to be carried out by EDF and to discuss and agree any actions required relating to this: EDF had advised that it would be removing some of the overhead lines and laying new cables in the footways. This would result in road closures in the High Street for 4-5 weeks and traffic lights on Aston Abbotts Road for 2 weeks. Article to go in the magazine and BCC notice on the Noticeboard. There may be interruptions to supply and customers would be notified in advance. Phase 1 is expected 4th to 28th May and phase 21st to 30th June.

iv.  BCC ‘We’re Working On It’ Road Maintenance Campaign – to discuss and agree any priorities: The patching needs to be redone outside Chestnuts Farm to Turpins Orchard where new tarmac was only laid last year as it is sinking. Northcroft road surface needs repair as it is in a terrible state. County Councillor Hussain to be copied on email advising of this.

b.  Street Lighting:

i. To report any works required – no issues

ii.  To discuss and review street light on junction of Aston Abbotts Road/High Street/park brightness: the Council considered this light was appropriate as it gave a well lit area at this junction.

c.  Play Area: to minute weekly inspection of the area and consider any issues arising from this – no issues, however the area will need painting. Clerk to obtain quotation for the next meeting for repainting the seat at the pond and the play area. Quotes also to be obtained for the pathways through the park to the play area. Quotations to be discussed at next meeting.

d.  Village Clean Up/Litter issues – to agree how to progress this: Clerk to request how often AVDC could do a litter pick. Cllr Rose will speak to Catherine Rodnight WVA re next clean up and would hope to do another one in the summer.

32.  Weedon Hill Development / Buckingham Park:

a.  Update on any issues to report including the Housing Association meeting: good attendance with 2 PCSOs present. Urged people to report antisocial behaviour. They have now appointed a Chair of the Residents Assoc and a Treasurer with the next meeting in April. Cllr Hussain would like to attend the next meeting and requested Cllr Horton advise him/email the date. Cllr Rose advised she would be happy to print leaflets for the next meeting and Cllrs would assist with distribution if required.

b.  Letter from AVDC regarding the new parish boundary and name: Council resolved to respond that the suggested name should be Buckingham Park for the new parish as this is what it is known as. Weedon Hill is already an area with an old established farm to it and therefore should not be used. Also the map boundary does not include the Park and Ride area in the new development and this was requested to be within the new parish. Cllr Horton will also bring up this issue at the next residents meeting.

33.  Weedon within the Aylesbury Vale local area:

a.  Cllr Rose attended the LAF where flooding issues were discussed with a high risk area in the middle of Aylesbury. All additional development will impact further on this.

b.  NAG: Buckingham Park will be in Quarrendon NAG.

34.  Emergency Planning – to decide whether to proceed with creating an emergency plan for Weedon Village: it was decided that it is a small enough village that this is already covered on a voluntary basis. No further action will be taken on this.

35.  Chapel Public Toilet – to discuss and agree whether there should be any PC involvement in this project: the Council resolved that it supported the idea of gaining the views of the residents about this. Cllr Followell would put out a questionnaire from the Methodist Chapel to address this following which the Parish Council would review again depending on the response.

36.  Fortescue Charity: - to revisit appointment of Trustees for the Charity – Cllr Followell advised that 4 trustees who were appointed at the last meeting have taken up their positions namely Mrs Askew, Mrs Rose, Mr Moore and Mr Measures. Mrs Lucinda Orchard was proposed to fill the remaining Trustee position. The Council resolved to accept this nomination and requested Cllr Followell to approach Mrs Orchard to complete the necessary formalities, following which the Fortescue trustees would appoint a Chair and Clerk.

37.  Correspondence and other communications received since last meeting including:

a.  BCC Speed Limit Review Consultation: – to agree whether and how to respond to this consultation: it was agreed that a response should be made stating that the limit should be 50mph from Whitchurch to Aylesbury. The leaflet which was distributed regarding this should be the template for a letter to BCC.

b.  Cllr Measure agreed to complete the BCC Winter Maintenance questionnaire and to include potential for farmers to clear snow and the fact that the grit bins were not refilled.

38.  Weedon Village Parish Plan: Update on progress: questionnaire analysis is complete with working groups drafting their own action points. Next meeting is in May.

39.  Finance / Accounts:

a.  The Council resolved to agree the financial statements of accounts and bank reconciliations for the year to date January 2010 as reviewed.

b.  The Council resolved to issue the following cheques:

The Old Schoolroom 924 £15.00

The Old Schoolroom 925 £36.00

Weedon Methodist Church Trust 926 £250.00

c.  The Council resolved to reappoint Gus Orchard as the internal auditor for the year 2010/11.

d.  The Council signed the mandate to add Cllr Horton as a signatory on the bank mandate.

40.  The date of next meeting was agreed as Wednesday 19th May in the Old Schoolroom commencing at 7.30pm for the Annual Parish Meeting followed at 8.00pm by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.

Closed Session:

41.  Grass Cutting Tender – the Council resolved to award the grass cutting tender to Dan Lynch for 2010/11. The hedge cutting and spraying would be awarded to Terry Lynch.

Close of meeting.

The meeting closed at 10.25pm

Signed…………………………. Date…………………