Shoreline Community College
Student Technology Fee Fund Agreement
Content- Introduction
- Definitions
b.Student Technology Fee (STF)
c.Technology Review Committee (TRC)
d.Technology Support Services (TSS)
- Student Technology Fee
c.Restrictions and Expectations
- Technology Review Committee
e.Recommendations and Reports to Student Government
- Technology Support Services (TSS)
- Maintenance of Agreement
This document articulates an agreement between the Administrations of Shoreline Community College and the Associated Studentsof Shoreline Community College(AS-SCC) specifically within the interest of improving student technologies on campus and rightfully providing all students with access to technology however long their stay at Shoreline Community College.
II. Definitions
a. Student: A student is defined here as any person who is taking at least one course at or through Shoreline Community College during the current quarter.
b.Student Technology Fee (STF): The Student Technology Fee (STF) is a student fee voted by the student body and shall be used to implement technologies for the students of Shoreline Community College.
c.Technology Review Committee (TRC) - refer to section IV.
d.Technology Support Services (TSS) - refer to section V.
Ill. Student Technology Fee
a. Fee Structure
i. The Student Technology Fee (STF) is a voluntary student fee established in accordance with RCW 28b.15.610.
ii.The monetary amount of the fee assessed to currently enrolled students at Shoreline Community college is as approved by the Associated Student Government (ASG) Board through a majority vote or a majority vote of the student body in accordance with the ASG Constitution and By-Laws.
iii.Abolishment of the Student Technology Fee or changes to the Student Technology Fee structure can be made through a majority vote of the ASG Board or a majority vote of the student body in accordance with the ASG Constitution and By-Laws.
iv. The ASG Board must officially notify the College President (and other pertinent College Administrators) of intent to abolish this fee no later than March 1st prior to the following fall quarter registration in which the change will be implemented.
b. Funding/Allocations - The Student Technology Fee Fund may beused to fund the following:
i.Technology for "General Student Use".
A technology is defined as "General Student Use" when theaverage student (not affiliated with a particular academicprogram) has direct access to physically use or interact with (view, listen, etc...) at least 75% of the hours that thetechnology is available for use. This fee may be used torecover, in whole or in part, the costs of providing andmaintaining services to students that include, but are not limited to: access to the Internet, e-mail, multimedia work stations, computer labs, and computer software.
ii. Technology for "Student Activity Use"
A technology is defined as "Student Activity Use" when astudent affiliated with a Club hasdirect access to physically use or interact with (view, listen,etc...) that technology in order to carry out the organization'soperation and/or its advancement. The organization's activityshall align with the ASG's mission that ultimately benefits thestudent body. Under this definition, the beneficiaries of this feewill be for the use of the Student Life (herebythe SL), Student Funded Programs (CATI/CAT II organizations), and other special projects/requests that do notfall under "general student use."
iii.Technology for "Academic Student Use".
A technology is defined as "Academic Student Use" when astudent has access to physically use or interact with (view,listen, etc...) a technology within the classrooms during theirclass session, and during other times supplementing their classsessions.Technologies as otherwise recommended by the TRC and TSSand approved by the ASG Board.
c.Restrictions and Exceptions
i.The STF Fund shall not be used to fund technologies used bystaff, faculty, and administration. This does not restrict theallocation of surplus technology to other constituents inShoreline Community College. Surplus technology is definedas technology obtained at the end of its replacement cycle orunused technology that is approved by the ASG Board.
ii.The TRC shall evaluate and determine the technologies that qualify as technologies for "general student use," "student activity use," and "academic student use."
IV.Technology Review Committee (TRC)
The purpose of the Technology Review Committee (TRC) is to serve as an advisory committee to the ASG Boardon matters pertinent to plan, purchase, and implementation of technology for "General Student Use", "Student Activity Use", and "Student Academic Use.”
b.Composition - TRC shall be composed of the following votingmembers:
i. ASG Technological Affairs Officer
ii.ASG Vice President
iv. One or two appointed members of the Student Representatives
v. TSS Director
vi.TSS Staff
vii.Media Director
viii.One other member (faculty, classified staff, and/oradministrator) appointed by the ASG Board, optional.
i.TRC shall be chaired by the ASG Technological Affairs Officer, who shallvote only in the event of a tie.
ii. Meeting minutes shall be taken by the appointed students on the TRC.
iii.Meeting minutes and agenda shall be made available on theASG's website within 24 business hours of the documents' approval.
iv.The meeting agenda shall be sent out to the ASG Announce List-Serve at least 24 business hours prior to themeeting.
i. Technology Review Committee meetings shall be conductedon a regular basis, twice a month, beginning fall quarter.
ii.TRC meetings shall be open to public.
e.Recommendations and Reports to ASG Board
i. The TRC shall evaluate the STF Fund at least once per year andprovide a recommendation to the ASG Board for possiblefee adjustments or allocation of any excess revenue.
ii. The TRC shall provide recommendation for the allocation ofsurplus technology to the ASG Board.
iii.The ASG Technological Affairs Officer shallprovide reports on the TRC to the ASG Board through ASG Board Meetings.
iv. Any proposal for the STF shall be first evaluated by TRC. Then,the TRC shall provide the final recommendation to ASG Board.
V.Technology Support Services (TSS)
The Technology Support Services shall ensure there are sufficient plans for sustainability in supporting purchased technology, ensure that any support contracts are included in proposals prior to approval by the TRC and ASG Board, and review compatibility standards to ensure the technology's usability for the students.
VI. Maintenance of Agreement
a.This agreement may be amended via mutual agreementbetween the ASG Board (represented by an official motionin an open meeting with the majority vote of currently servingmembers) and the College President.
b.This agreement shall be reviewed every year by the ASG Board and TRC committee. In the case that thedocument is not reviewed and no amendments are proposed,the existing agreement carries over.
c. Any and all changes must be reviewed by the Washington StateAttorney General (or identified proxy) prior to approval andimplementation within the College.
(Document reviewed by the Washington State Attorney General.)