Safer Neighbourhood Panel – Cannock Chase

Final Minutes

Tuesday 9th November 2016

Rugeley Community Centre, Burnthill Lane, Rugeley


Lesley Harrison Chair - Rugeley Resident

Gill Thomas Panel member - Rugeley resident

Geoff Knight Chief Inspector – Cannock LPT

Mike Tams Panel member - Rugeley resident

Pat Tams Panel member - Rugeley resident

Carl Bennett Cannock Chase District Councillor

David Miller ETAP

Lisa Mead Rugeley resident - guest visitor

Warwick Bourton Rugeley resident - guest visitor

Lisa Cope 101 team

Jan Matthews Support Staffordshire Cannock Chase (minutes)


Oliver Greatbatch

Junaid Gharda

Julie Stokoe

Sue Thornley

1.  Welcome, introductions and apologies

Welcome to Lisa Cope – 101 services; Lisa Mead and Warwick Bourton - guest visitors.

2.  Information from 101 Services – Lisa Cope

Lisa disseminated information about the 101 service and followed this up by distributing an information sheet about the service. See document 101 attached

In addition to the information supplied on the information sheet, Lisa made the following points:

·  18% of 101 calls are crime related

·  Police officers are on hand in the Control Room to advise as necessary

·  Customer satisfaction is high 90%

·  Occupational Health and Welfare is available for all call handlers

·  CCTV and 101 – links are in place to share information

A panel member raised a question regarding handling calls from vulnerable or confused people. These calls are catered for through the call options and will always go through to the switchboard/control room where an option is not chosen.

In addition to the information shared at the Cannock SNP meeting the following information has been shared at the Lichfield SNP meeting:

20% of calls taken by the 101 team are crime, including enquiries relating to:

·  Fraud (local and National)

·  Cyber Crime

·  Complex Safeguarding

·  Firearms

·  Modern Day Slavery (MDS)

·  Business Crime

The 101 service often take calls regarding the following:

·  Mental Health Nurse Triage team and street teams

·  Missing people inc. Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

·  Victims Gateway

There is a Queue Buster system in place which is a ring back facility.

THRIVE is used as a guideline for considering actions around calls.







Recruitment takes around 32 weeks from beginning to end including 4 weeks in classroom, followed by 2 months in a tutor bank, then call handling, then radio work.

A transformation is taking place in particular for

A conversational analyst has been commissioned to deliver training to enable staff to encourage callers to impart correct information.

3.  Minutes from previous meeting

Minutes were agreed


4.  Matters arising (not covered by agenda items)

Contact with Joss Ashley at Hagley Park/Hart School re young people being involved. Jan had emailed Joss Ashley but had no response. Mr Ashley is a member of staff at the school – Carl Bennett to re-establish contact with school.

ASB – Geoff to report on later in the meeting.

Chairs’ Forum to be held on Monday 30th January 2017, 10am – 12pm.

Longton Community Room

Longton Community Fire Station
Uttoxeter Road

5.  LPT Commander update and response to questions

Crime Performance

The Crime and ASB position is fairly static – Geoff handed out Countywide and Cannock Chase statistics. Geoff and team have looked back at the details of the previous stats to ensure calls are accurately recorded from the point of the call. Accuracy is being addressed countywide.

Burglaries – 6 arrests have been made including one chaotic offender.

Geoff has re written Force policy on ASB –

ACTION: when available, to be given to panel for comments

Operation Athena

Numerous visits have been made into schools, youth groups etc.

Funding sourced has provided additional P.C.’s Specials, activities. Roughly £4500 has been spent over the six weeks which is good value.

Halloween and Bonfire night were successful. Some supermarkets agreed not to sell eggs to under 18’s as last year there were a lot of egg throwing incidents. This year the incidents reduced from 18 to 4. ASB is now much better than six months ago.

An operation in conjunction with Amazon will take place in the Autumn

Crime reporting and the press

It is important that a narrative is used alongside the stats e.g. the figure stated of there being a 1050% increase in vagrancy is actually an increase of one person. A press release without a narrative gives the wrong picture to the public. A member of the panel reported that the Drugs/Alcohol budget from SCC will be cut by more than 50%. This could potentially have an impact on crime in the future.

Potential impact of proposals to reduce levels of CCTV in the area

Discussions are in place with Local Authority and OPCC re funding bids

CCTV is not in the remit of Geoff Knight but Geoff will give an update on any impact on crime rates in the future

ACTION: GK to provide update at next meeting

General update/questions

Sexual offences are dealt with by C.I.D. None are stranger attacks.

ACTION: E.T.A.P. report on C.S.E. is available to read on OPCC Website

Geoff has produced the Force ASB policy which is on hold at present.

ACTION: When policy is available panel members to send any comments to Lesley.

Rugeley Police station is manned – officers on shift are on patrol in each local area.

Re appointing Neighbouring Constables should increase visibility during the day.

For review in 2017:

Mental Health/working with vulnerable people: Triage is in place for Mental Health Incidents which frees up officer time and is a big success.

ACTION: Panel could consider investigating the Triage system further

Supporting Schools initiative: is now in place in 9 schools.

ACTION: Geoff to update at next meeting – possibly with Caz Higgins

Stop & Search:

To be reviewed in Spring next year


Team have been challenged to investigate 20 cases before next year. 4 completed already.

ACTION: Geoff to update at next meeting

Specials: Recruitment of Specials will include older people with worked experience and not just for their ‘computer savvy’.

6.  Feedback on Panel Activity since last meeting

Taser Scrutiny held 5th September 2016. Attended by Lesley, Carl, Sue – TASER report has been finalised by Lesley (attached to these minutes)

ACTION: Junaid to combine points made from Lichfield and Cannock panels/form a standard format.

PREVENT session held 25th October – attended by Lesley, Carl, Gill, Julie – possible scrutiny could be done on PREVENT.

Residents members sub group meeting – 5th October - attended by Lesley, Mike, Pat – very helpful - discussed questions ready for Geoff Knight.

A panel member/s to attend a Threat and Risk Hub meeting

ACTION: Lesley and Geoff to discuss dates.

An opportunity to meet local commanders at 10 – 12 noon on 30th November and Wednesday 14th December at Rugeley Tesco.

ACTION: Jan to send out email from Karla (CCDC) to panel re above event

7.  Recruitment - notes follow on actions taken

The following efforts have been made by CCDC to increase recruitment to the panel:

1.  The SNP leaflet has been circulated electronically to all distribution lists held by the Partnerships Team with wider dissemination encouraged.

2.  The SNP leaflet has been advertised on Cannock Chase Council’s Facebook (1806 followers) and Twitter (7345 followers) pages.

3.  Duncan Rollo has offered you a slot on Cannock Radio to discuss the Safer Neighbourhood Panels.

4.  All District Councillors have received an electronic copy of the SNP leaflet/press release and have been asked to distribute this amongst their constituents.

5.  Cllr. Paul Woodhead will be including the poster on his constituency newsletter.

Matthews Ellis and Jan Matthews attended Rugeley Rotary in October, promoting SNP’s.

CORA have been emailed – no response as yet (JM).

An advert has been placed in The Rugeley Advertiser which is delivered to 7000 households in Rugeley (JM)

Looking into advertising in ‘City Life’ in Rugeley and the Town Trader (covering Cannock Wood, Heath Hayes and parts of Hednesford).JM

To be re advertised in Support Staffordshire e bulletin. JM

To be promoted at Rugeley Helping Hands on 24th Nov. JM

ACTION: advertise on Support Staffordshire Facebook

2017 meetings:

Tues 24 Jan 2pm Residents interim meeting Coniston Hall, Cecil St, Chadsmoor WS11 5HG

Wed 15 Feb 7pm Main panel meeting Aquarius Ballroom, Victoria St, Hednesford, WS12 1BT

Thu 20 Apr 2pm Residents interim meeting Coniston Hall

Mon 15 May 7pm Main panel meeting Rugeley Community Centre (Peartree Room) Burnthill Lane, Rugeley, WS15 2HX

Mon 26 Jun 2pm Residents Interim meeting Coniston Hall

Tue 15 Aug 7pm Main panel meeting Coniston Hall

Tue 26 Sep 2pm Residents interim meeting Coniston Hall

Wed15 Nov 7pm Main panel meeting Aquarius Ballroom,

Wed 6th Dec 2pm Residents interim meeting Coniston Hall

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