EDPQS Toolkit 3

TRAINER self-reflection form

This form is for completion by trainers. The form will help you reflect on how the seminar went and identify anything that should be done differently next time you deliver this seminar. It can also help you to further develop your skills as a trainer.

The form should be completed immediately after or, if that is not possible, within 24 hours of conducting the seminar. If two or more trainers facilitated the seminar, it is suggested that the trainers discuss the issues raised on this form and complete the form together.

Completion of the form will take about 10-30 minutes.

  1. Date(s) of the training: ……………………………………………………
  1. Module:



One day

Two days

Other: ……………………………………………………


  1. Participants

Briefly describe the professional role and experience of participants, noting aspects such as similarity or diversity in professional role and experience:

  1. Number of participants


On Day 1: …………….

On Day 2: …………….
(leave blank if there was no Day 2)


  1. Number of completed questionnaires received from participants

Number of completedneeds assessmentforms: …………….

Number of completedpre-seminar quizzes: …………….

Number ofcompletedpost-seminar quizzes: …………….

Of which how many matched?…………….

(i.e. pre- and post-seminar quiz completed by same person)

Number of completedcourse satisfactionforms: …………….

  1. Initial impressions

Did it go well? Do you feel that participants were satisfied with the training? If yes, can you say why? If no, can you say why not?

What worked well?

What did not work so well?

  1. Please indicate below how satisfied you were with how the individual sessionswent, considering your own perspective as well as how you think the participants perceived the sessions

Very Satisfied / Satisfied / Neutral / Dissatisfied / Very dissatisfied / Not delivered / Space for comments
0/0A. Opening sessions /  /  /  /  /  / 
1. Exercise: “Sharing the premises” /  /  /  /  /  / 
1A. Exercise: “Brief sharing of the premises” /  /  /  /  /  / 
2. Presentation of EDPQS /  /  /  /  /  / 
2A. Presentation of EDPQS support materials /  /  /  /  /  / 
3. Presentation of EDPQS checklist & case study 1 /  /  /  /  /  / 
4/4A. Exercise: Project analysis using case study 2 /  /  /  /  /  / 
4B. Exercise: Self-reflection using Toolkit 2 /  /  /  /  /  / 
5. Exercise: Project building /  /  /  /  /  / 
5A. Exercise: Compo building /  /  /  /  /  / 
6. Exercise: Project revisions /  /  /  /  /  / 
7. Exercise: Promoting quality in prevention /  /  /  /  /  / 
8/8A. Closing sessions /  /  /  /  /  / 
Any other content that was delivered /  /  /  /  /  / 
  1. Which part of the seminar seemed to engage participants the most?Why?
  1. Which part of the seminar seemed to engage participants the least? If you indicated you were “dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied” with any session, please include an explanation here.

The following items offer a structured checklist to help you identify any problems that should be addressed before the seminar is delivered again.

  1. Do you feel that the objectives of the seminar were achieved?



If No, please comment (e.g.why not):
  1. Did you deliver the training exactly as described in the Trainers’Guide?



If No, please comment (e.g. document any planned and spontaneous modifications and explain why these were made):
  1. Did the timings work?



If No, please comment (e.g. indicate if any session would have required more/less time):
  1. Did the order of the units make sense?



If No, please comment:
  1. Was there a good balance between lectures on the one hand, and interactive elements (e.g. practical exercises, participant questions, and discussions) on the other hand?



If No, please comment:
  1. Was any content redundant or not relevant?



If Yes, please comment (e.g. identify contents that could be omitted):
  1. Was there any information missing from the seminar that you think would be important?



If Yes, please comment (e.g. identify contents that could be added):
  1. Did the presentation slides help to deliver the seminar contents?



If No, please comment:
  1. Did the hand-outs support participants well during the seminar?



If No, please comment:
  1. If two or more trainers were involved, did the collaboration and allocation of sessions between trainers work well?



If No, please comment:
  1. Were there any contents you struggled to explain? Were there any contents that participants struggled to understand?



If Yes, please comment (e.g. areas that required further clarification):
  1. During the exercises, wereseminarparticipants able to work with the EDPQS as intended? For example, were participants able to review strengths/weaknesses of prevention projects using the EDPQS?



If No, please comment:
  1. Did participants engage with the seminar contentsand methodologies (e.g. with the group exercises, in discussions)?



If No, please comment:
  1. Were there any participant comments or questions that were particularly difficult to respond to?



If Yes, please comment (e.g. document also the type of comments or questions received):
  1. Were the seminar contents appropriate for the participants (e.g. in terms of their professional role and experience)?



If No, please comment:
  1. Did the diversityor similarity of participants pose a challenge during the seminar?



If Yes, please comment:
  1. Did you encounter any other difficulties during the seminar not mentioned above?



If Yes, please comment:
  1. Did you receive any informal feedback (positive or negative) from participants (e.g. during lunch, coffee-breaks, or after the seminar)?



If Yes, please comment:
  1. Do you see the need for any specific changes to the seminar before it is presented again?



If Yes, please comment(e.g. recommended changes regarding the structure of the seminar, contents, materials, etc.):
  1. Additional comments (optional)

A final note to the trainer: We would welcome your feedback on the EDPQS training materials, especiallythose changes that could potentially be made in the next versions. If you would like to make suggestions for improvements, based on the contents of this form, please consider emailing this form to your EDPQS country contact, or directly to Professor Harry Sumnall (). Please note, only email this form if you feel that it contains important feedback, we do not need to receive all forms that you complete.