At the outset, Shri Shuja Mahamood, Sr.DPO/UBL welcomed the Divisional Railway Manager Shri Arun Kumar Jain, ADRM Shri C.Chandrasekhara Sastry,Shri A.M.D’Cruz, General Secretary, Shri Edward James, Divisional President, Sri I.Joseph, Divisional Secretary, other branch secretaries & representatives from the SWRMUnion & Branch Officers for the 33rdPNM meeting. Sr.DPO/UBL informed DRM/UBL that several subjects have been closed on preceding day i.e. on 22.12.2015 and F/N session of 23.12.2015 and hoped that some of the remaining subjects too could be closed in the ensuing session. Sr.DPO/UBL brought out that some of the subjects pertaining to Engineering (Co-Ordination, East & Central) & Mechanical (C&W) could not be discussed owing to respective Officers being preoccupied in the proceedings related to derailment of train no.11006 on 21.12.2015.

Shri Arun Kumar Jain, DRM/UBL:

AddressingShri A.M.D’Cruz, General Secretary, Shri Edward James, Divisional President, Sri I.Joseph, Divisional Secretary, Office Bearers & representatives from the SWRMU, ADRM & other Branch Officers, extended warm greetings & best wishes for the upcoming festivals - Eid e-Milad-un Nabi, Christmas festival and New Year 2016 to one and all.

DRM stated that this being his first PNM as DRM in the Division, he has been eagerly waiting for the interactions with SWRM Union in the forum and expressed happiness that fruitful discussions have taken place in the previous sessions and several subjects closed as informed by Sr.DPO/UBL. DRM further expressed happiness that the interactions with SWRM Union have been very fruitful and no issues were there over which there was any major difference of opinion. Complementing SWRM Union for being constructive in its approach, DRM stated that in fact Union’s suggestions and participation will go a long way in improving the efficiency of Hubli Division. DRM also appreciated the fact that there were no major issues pending with administration and the Union has been getting many of the employees problems resolved through interaction with the Divisional officers.

While assuring that all possible efforts will be made to extend the benefits to eligible employees as per their rights, DRM stated that due attention will be given to the issue of payment of OTA which is pending for the past one year in some categories and has impressed upon Branch Officers to furnish the details of pending OTA payments. DRM also brought out that another area of concern has been is maintenance of quarters. DRM expressed that all the employees, wherever they live, have right to live in dignity and will accord utmost importance in this regard. Slow progress in this area has been due to shortage of fund allocation. With the help of Medical Department, optimum efforts will be made to ensure cleanliness in the colonies.

Highlighting the performance of the Division, DRM stated that Loading wise Division has achieved loading of 2.764 MT against the target of 2.900 MT in the month of November 2015 and cumulative upto the month is 22.900 MT which has improved by 10% over the corresponding period of last year. It’s been fortunate that there is a 10% improvement in the cumulative until now, though in general there is a drop in the demand all over Indian Railways due to sluggishness prevailing in the economy and hoped that with the co-operation of the Union and the staff, Hubli Division will strive hard to achieve maximum outage and profits, in the remaining period of the year.

DRM also highlighted few of important highlights on other fronts:

Pledges were administered as part of:

Swachh Bharat Mission on 30.9.2015

Vigilance awareness week on 26.10.2015

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas on 30.10.2015 in the spirit of unification of Country which was made possible by the vision and actions of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

In line with Government of India’s decision to observe 31st October 2015 as “Rahstriya Ekta Divas” (National Unity Day) to commemorate the birth anniversary ofSardar Vallabhbhai Patel, South Western Railway Headquarters & Hubli Division conducted “Run for Unity” from Hubli Railway Station through Ambedkar Circle, Desai Cross to Railway Ground on 31.10.2015.

ChildrenHoliday Campwas organized to Kerala from 25/10/2015 to 01/11/2015.

Hubli Division Personnel Branch started publishing Office orders/notifications on social media Twitter Account-Hubli Personnel Branch in addition to publishing the same on official website of South Western Railway and Face book, so as to increase the transparency and quick dissemination of information.

Promotions/ financial benefits (MACP) have been extended to 1132 employees (by way of Selection=34, Non-Selection=981 and MACP 117), during the period from April 2015 to November 2015.

202 employees have been appointed during the period from April 2015 to November 2015 (RRB-78, RRC-43, CG-45,LARSGESS-26, PHQ-08, Scouts & Guides Quota-2).

A total of 88 candidates were deputed for Initial Training/ Promotional Course (28 candidates for Goods Guards initial training at Training Institute/DWR, 43 candidates for LR-4 Promotional Course for Goods Drivers at STC/Bangalore, 17 candidates for L4-5 Promotional course for Passenger Drivers at STC/ Bangalore).

Today PNM is being held to discuss 30 regular subjects and 68 review PNM items. I hope they will be sorted out in a positive manner. I also hope that the meeting will be held in a constructive manner so as to solve all the problems of the employees in a cordial and amicable atmosphere and helping Division as a whole in moving forward.

Shri A.M.D’Cruz, General Secretary:

Sri A.M.D’Cruz, General Secretary, SWRMUnion, thanking heartily DRM for briefing about performance & happenings in the Division and sharing lot of information in the course, welcomed DRM, ADRM, Branch Officers, Divisional President, Divisional Secretary, and all the colleague representatives of SWRMU to the forum. Expressing happiness on the loading performance of the Division, General Secretary stated that full co-operation will be extended as always in achieving the targets. At the same time thanked DRM and the administration for according promotions, new recruitments and conducting examinations in time for CG appointments and expressed gratefulness as there were absolutely no problems in this front.

As stated by DRM in his address that utmost priority will be accorded for redressing staff problems, General Secretary brought that one more area where staff are having problems is drinking water. The staff especially those working in LC gates and in BJP section in particular are still facing problems due to non-availability of drinking water.

Recognizing the delay in OTA payment has been due to less allocation of funds, General Secretary stated that he has made a request to FA&CAO and General Manager, who has been kind enough to give more funds since the Division has achieved loading performance which is better than the previous year and also due to the fact that there several vacancies in the ASM category. General Secretary stated that employees have worked sincerely and there is a point in requesting the administration to make OTA payment in time.

General Secretary stated that there is still scope for improvement in the PNM subjects as there has been only three PNMs in the year though Railway Board has laid out to conduct six PNMs in a year for each trade Union and the fact that there is only one Union in the Division, the workload has reduced to that extent i.e. administration has to now conduct only 6 PNMs for the present one Union instead of 12 PNMs if there were two Unions, at the same time agreeing to the fact that there has also been some times delay in giving PNM subjects by colleague representatives of the Union in time and solely not on the administration side. General Secretary also requested Sr.DPO/UBL to prepare a PNM calendar so that he can impress upon Divisional Secretary to submit PNM subject and meetings are conducted in time.

Briefing about the deliberations that are taking place at top level on submission of recommendations by the committee on 7th Pay Commission to the Union Government, General Secretary stated that lot of efforts and pressure at federation level and NCJCM have been made in the background of appointment of the Committee, since the Government was reluctant for announcement of the committee.

General Secretary stated that he was hoping for a good outcome from the 7th Pay Commission recommendations owing to the fact that there were several fruitful interactions by the leaders at Federation level and NCJCM with the Chairman of the 7th Pay Commission Committee, besides himself giving oral evidence twice before the committee and also personal visit by the Chairman of the Committee to Indian Railways to see the struggles faced by railway men at their workplaces and also foreign railways before submission of the recommendations. The federation had also submitted the decisions which were taken during the Labour Convention held during July 2015 in Delhi which was attended by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India who had assured that Indian Government will implement the recommendations made during the convention. But it is unfortunate that retrograde recommendations have been made by the Committee on 7th Pay Commission which has created unhappiness among central government employees especially railway men. The federation had submitted memorandum to the committee recommending a starting basic pay of Rs.26,000/- based on several factors which also included living conditions and decreasing purchasing power of the employees due to inflationary conditions. Though the Chairman of the Committee had agreed during interactions for initial basic pay of Rs.26,000/-, has recommended for starting basic pay to Rs.18,000/- one of the reasons for which has been based on whole sale price index which is not an ideal one since the salaried persons cannot afford to buy large quantities in wholesale market from the manufacturers place. The recommendations made by the committee on pay commission deprive many employees to have proper living conditions as they cannot afford good education and health. Central government employees, especially railway men, have been very unhappy regarding recommendations of fitment formula of 2.57 instead of 3.57, reducing HRA scales from 30%, 20% & 10% to 24%, 16% & 8%, abolition of 56 allowances, modified CCL rules, & stringent rules regarding MACP. These have been brought to the notice of Cabinet Secretary and Railway Minister with an appeal to reconsider the Pay Commission Recommendations, which are against the labour and rectify the same before February 2016, in the light of reports submitted by the Federations else it will be compelled to go for a strike in March 2016, duly following the procedure as laid down in the Industrial Act, 1926 wherein recognized trade unions have to take the opinion of the Railway men called strike ballot in whole India, before going for the strike. Based on the results, justification to go for strike will be put forth to Labour Commissioner explaining about legality of strike. General Secretary stated that while the strike results in loss of several crores to the Government, accepting federation’s demands may recoup the amount in a few months. Another area of concern is of policy of the central government in engaging foreign players in the railway maintenance for which federation is not in favour as it will result in closure of local industries in the long run though it looks economical in the short term. General secretary stated all this is being informed to the administration so that it can impress upon the Government through General Manager about the struggles of railway men.

Highlighting about the problems of employees in the Division, General Secretary brought out the following areas of concern to the notice of Divisional Railway Manager.

Though most of the employees have been relieved who are transferred in 10% & 40% intake to Workshop, around 15 in Mechanical(C&W Wing) and 56 Engineering staff are still not relieved. They may be relieved at the earliest so that they do not lose their seniority in the new unit, which was also assured by General Manager.

There is also the case of indifference being meted out to Mechanical (C&W) staff working in NVU depot, who have been deprived of payment of TA since they were transferred from UBL to NVU depot purely on temporary basis for a period of six months, owing to lack of basic amenities like public transport to the work spot & convenient trains, whereas Traffic staff have been paid TA. While the initial order was stating the transfer order of the employees is on “temporary basis” subsequently Corrigendum has been issued as “transfer on administrative grounds”, without valid reasons. As per the policy matter, discussions with Union were also not held when the decision involving bulk transfers was taken and when a new depot is being opened.

General Secretary also brought out the hardship being experienced by SWRM Union to redress staff grievances whenever they approach SSE/C&W Depot/UBL, due to his sensitive medical condition. While the SWRMU fully sympathizes with the employee’s medical condition, it was requested to have a broader outlook in changing the Supervisor so that administrative workings as well as staff grievances are taken care of.

To consider relief of Mech(C&W) staff who had requested for transfer from VSG.

A medically decategorised SM, who was initially given TNC, has been subsequently designated as Movement Inspector and seniority still maintained in SM cadre which is causing hurdles to those in the category who are waiting to become SMs.

Concluding the address, General Secretary requested to ensure proper security arrangements for the safety of railway men working in Nandihalli due to the threats being faced by them in that area.

* * *

(33rd PNM MINUTES HELD ON 22 & 23 Dec-2015)
Agenda No / Pertaining to / Page No
1 / Sr.DOM / 9
2 / Sr.DOM, Sr.DME/P, DEN/HQ / 9
3 / Sr.DOM / 9
4 / Sr.DCM, Sr. DPO (APO/T) / 9
5 / Sr.DEN/C / 9
6 / Sr.DEN/C, Sr.DPO / 9
7 / Sr.DOM, DEN/HQ / 10
8 / Sr.DOM, DEN/HQ / 10
9 / Sr.DEN/Co-ord / 10
10 / DEE / 10
11 / Sr.DEN/W, Sr.DPO / 11
12 / Sr.DOM, Sr. DPO (APO/T) / 11
13 / Sr.DCM, Sr.DSTE/M / 11
14 / DEE / 11
15 / Sr.DEN/E, Sr.DOM / 11
16 / Sr.DEN/E / 12
17 / Sr.DOM, Sr. DPO (APO/T) / 12
18 / Sr.DEN/E / 12
19 / Sr.DEN/E / 12
20 / Sr.DME/P / 12
21 / DEE, Sr.DEN/E / 13
22 / Sr.DEN/Co-ord / 13
23 / Sr.DOM / 14
24 / Sr.DME/C&W, Sr.DPO (APO/M) / 14
25 / Sr.DME/DSL / 14
26 / Sr.DME/DSL / 15
27 / Sr.DPO / 15
28 / Sr.DEN/C / 15
29 / Sr.DCM / 15
30 / Sr.DCM / 16
INDEX (33 rd PNM Review Items)
Sl.No / Review Sub No / Pertaining to / Page No
1 / 1/32 / Sr.DEN/W / 17
2 / 2/32 / Sr.DEN/W, Sr.DPO / 17
3 / 3/32 / DEE, Sr.DME/C&W (3/32B) / 18
4 / 4/32 / Sr.DME/C&W, Sr.DPO / 18
5 / 5/32 / Sr.DCM, Sr.DEN/W (b) / 19
6 / 6/32 / Sr.DCM / 19
7 / 7/32 / DEE / 20
8 / 8/32 / Sr.DME/P, Sr.DEN/C / 20
9 / 9/32 / Sr.DME/P / 20
10 / 10/32 / Sr.DEN/C / 21
11 / 11/32 / Sr.DCM, Sr.DSTE / 21
12 / 12/32 / Sr.DEN/E / 22
13 / 13/32 / Sr.DOM, Sr.DPO, Sr.DEN/E(B), / 23
14 / 14/32 / DEE / 23
15 / 15/32 / Sr.DCM, Sr.DEN/E / 24
16 / 17/32 / Sr.DEN/E / 24
17 / 18/32 / DEN/HQ, DEE / 24
18 / 19/32 / DEE / 25
19 / 20/23 / Sr.DFM, Sr.DPO / 25
20 / 21/32 / Sr.DPO / 26
21 / 22/32 / Sr.DPO / 26
22 / 23/32 / Sr.DEN/Co-ord, DEE / 26
23 / 24/32 / Sr.DME/DSL / 27
24 / 25/32 / Sr.DEN/W / 27
25 / 26/32 / Sr.DME/DSL / 27
26 / 27/32 / Sr.DSTE / 28
27 / 28/32 / Sr.DEN/W / 28
28 / 29/32 / Sr.DEN/W / 28
29 / 30/32 / Sr.DOM, Sr.DSO, Sr.DPO / 28
30 / 31/01 / Sr.DEN/E / 29
31 / 31/07 / Sr.DME/DSL / 30
32 / 31/12 / DEN/HQ / 30
33 / 31/13 / Sr.DCM, DEE / 31
34 / 31/14 / Sr.DEN/C, Sr.DCM / 31
35 / 31/15 / DEN/HQ / 32
36 / 31/18 / Sr.DEN/E / 32
37 / 31/19 / Sr.DEN/E / 32
38 / 31/24 / DEE / 33
39 / 31/25 / DEE / 33
40 / 31/26 / Sr.DEN/W / 33
41 / 31/28 / Sr.DEN/W / 34
42 / 30/06 / Sr.DEN/W / 34
43 / 30/09 / CMS / 35
44 / 30/14 / Sr.DSTE / 35
45 / 30/21 / DEE, Sr.DPO / 36
46 / 30/23 / Sr.DEN/W / 36
47 / 30/24 / Sr.DME/DSL, DEN/HQ / 36
48 / 30/26 / Sr.DEN/E / 37
49 / 30/27 / Sr.DEN/E / 37
50 / 30/28 / DSC/RPF, Sr.DME/C&W, Sr.DEN/E / 38
51 / 28/04 / Sr.DEN/E / 39
52 / 28/07 / Sr.DME/C&W / 39
53 / 28/17 / Sr.DEN/E / 39
54 / 28/23 / Sr.DEN/W / 40
55 / 28/13 / Sr.DEN/W / 40
56 / 28/24 / Sr.DME/C&W, DEE / 40
57 / 28/26 / Sr.DCM, Sr.DEN/C / 41
58 / 28/28 / Sr.DFM, Sr.DCM / 41
59 / 26/04 / Sr.DPO / 42
60 / 26/06 / Sr.DEN/E, Sr.DPO(b) / 42
61 / 26/09 / Sr.DEN/Co-ord, DEN/HQ, Sr.DPO / 43
62 / 26/10 / Sr.DEN/C / 44
63 / 26/28 / Sr.DEN/W / 44
64 / 25/17 / Sr.DPO / 45
65 / 25/19 / Sr.DEN/E / 45
66 / 23/04 / DEE, Sr.DEN/Co-ord, Sr.DEN/E / 45
67 / 23/12 / Sr.DEN/W / 46
68 / 23/15 / Sr.DEN/W / 46
69 / 20/03 / Sr.DEN/C / 47
70 / 17/02 / DEE / 47
(33 rd PNM Subjects) / INDEX
(Review Subjects)
Sl.No / Officer Concern / 33rd PNM Agenda Nos(Page Nos) / 33rd PNM Review Item Subject Nos(Page Nos)
1 / CMS/Rly Hospital / 30/09(35)
2 / DEE / 10(10), 14(11),
21(13) / 3/32(18), 7/32(20), 14/32(23), 18/32(24), 19/32(25), 23/32(26), 31/13(31), 31/24(33), 31/25(33), 30/21(36), 23/04(45), 17/02(47)
3 / DSC/RPF / 30/28(38)
4 / Sr.DCM / 4(9),13(11),29(15), 30(16) / 5/32(19),6/32(19),11/32(21),15/32(24), 31/13(31),31/14(31),28/28(41),28/26(41)
5 / Sr.DEN/Central / 5(9), 6(9),28(15) / 8/32(20), 10/32(21), 31/14(31), 28/26(41), 26/10(44), 20/03(47)
6 / Sr.DEN/Co-ord / 9(10), 22(13) / 23/32(26), 26/09(43), 23/04(45)
7 / Sr.DEN/East / 15(11), 16(12), 18(12), 19(12), 21(13) / 12/32(22), 13/32 (b&c)(23), 15/32(24), 17/32(24), 31/01(29), 31/18(32), 31/19(32), 30/26(37), 30/27(37), 30/28(38), 28/04(39), 28/17(39),26/06(a)(42), 25/19(45), 23/04(45)
8 / Sr.DEN/West / 11(11) / 1/32(17),2/32(17),5/32(b)(19),25/32(27), 28/32(28),29/32(28),31/26(33),31/28(34), 31/06(34),30/23(36),28/23(40),26/28(44), 28/13(40),23/12(46),23/15(46)
9 / DEN/HQ / 2(9), 7(10), 8(10) / 18/32(24), 31/12(30), 31/15(32), 30/24(36), 26/09(43)
10 / Sr.DFM / 20/32(25)
11 / Sr.DME/C&W / 24(14) / 3/32(b)(18), 4/32(18), 30/28(38), 28/07(39), 28/13(40)
12 / Sr.DME/DSL / 25(14), 26(15) / 24/32(27), 26/32(27), 31/07(30), 30/24(36)
13 / Sr.DME/P / 2(9), 20(12) / 8/32(20), 9/32(20)
14 / Sr.DOM / 1(9), 2(9), 3(9), 7(10), 8(10), 12(11), 15(11), 17(12), 21(13), 23(14) / 13/32(23), 30/32(28)
15 / Sr.DPO / 4(T)(9),6(9),12(T)(11), 17(T)(12), 24(M)(14), 27(15), 28(15) / 2/32(17), 4/32(18), 13/32(23), 20/23(25), 21/32(26), 22/32(26), 30/32(28), 30/21(36), 26/04(42), 26/06(b)(42), 26/09(43), 25/17(45)
16 / Sr.DSO / 30/32(28)
17 / Sr.DSTE / 13(11) / 11/32(21), 27/32(28), 30/14(35)


Subject No 1/33 / Sr.DOM

Running of Crack Special between CLR-HPT-CLR and HPT-CLR-HPT in uneven timings, to be run in pre-determined time (path).

33rd PNM Minutes (22 & 23.12.2015)

5 paths have been identified to run Crack specials.

Subject No 2/33 / Sr.DME/P, Sr.DOM, DEN/HQ

Parking area near Lobby (New Lobby, Old station building) to be provided with shelter.

33rd PNM Minutes (22 & 23.12.2015)

Discussed in Subject 8/32 and stands merged with the same.

Subject No 3/33 / Sr.DOM

Running of T.No. 12780 Loco as banker with T.No: 11047 Ex. LD-UBL.

33rd PNM Minutes (22 & 23.12.2015)

At present Train No.12780 Loco is worked as banker with TY.No.11047 Ex. LD to UBL.

Discussed & Closed(CLOSED)

Subject No 4/33 / Sr.DPO, Sr.DCM, APO/T

Filling up of vacancies of luggage Porter at DWR –PO :

There are 3 sanction post of LP at DWR -02 Luggage porter, are long absent since more than one year, only 1 Luggage Porter working without proper rest and leave. So kindly fill up the vacancy of luggage Porter.

33rd PNM Minutes (22 & 23.12.2015)

Fresh candidates will be posted.

Subject No 5/33 / Sr.DEN/C

Supply of water to LC gate No:301: Though there is provision of tank but water is not supply to LC no 301 ( DWR-KRKP). Kindly make necessary arrangements.

*33rd PNM Minutes (22 & 23.12.2015)

Hand pump has been provided at LC No.301. It was in disuse for a few days for want of some repairs which have already been done and the pump is now in working condition.

Subject No 6/33 / Sr. DEN/C, Sr.DPO

Improvement of Rly Samudhaya Bhavan at DWR:

Railway Samudhaya Bhavan needs lot of improvement since ever it is built in 2006 only one meeting was conducted in same year after that no meeting has been conducted. Inspite of many required to Secretary and other office meeting took place. So this branch requests to arrange a meeting immediately to discuss the improvements. And it is also demanded to provide a shuttle cock court in Samudhai Bhavan premises like BGM.

33rd PNM Minutes (22 & 23.12.2015)