Arts and Sciences Chairs and Directors Meeting


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ellis 113

1:00-3:00 p.m.

Attending: C. Asleson, L. Bauer, J. Bender, B. Carlson, L. Cohen, R. Colvin,

J. Dyer, T. Eisworth, R. Frank, J. Gilliom, S. Gradin, L. Hatch, D. Ingram,

K. Jellison, D. Kidder, E. Masson, B. McCarthy, W. Owens, B. Partyka, A. Ritchie,

L. Schoeppner, B. Shambora, C. Thompson, M. Vis, J. White, M. White


Muriel Gallego, Modern Languages

1.  Information items

a.  TA professional development (Muriel Gallego)

Teaching Assistant (TA) professional development programs are now available College wide. The program originated in a faculty learning community facilitated by M. Gallego, Erik Boczko, Edna Lima, Carmelinda Chilelli, and Lara Wallace. This year is a pilot program offered in the fall and spring.

Certificates offered:

-Teaching assistant (not instructor of record)

-Advanced graduate teaching certificate (instructor of record)

Participants receive a certificate of achievement no official credit hours.

Upcoming workshop:

Tuesday, November 3, 5-7 p.m. –Alden Library 319

How to Prepare for the Job Market: Writing a Teaching Philosophy and a Research Statement

Please encourage all TAs to take advantage of the new program. For additional information and resources for teaching assistants please go to:

b.  College Awards revisions (Hatch)

Hatch reviewed proposed revisions to the CAS College awards previously submitted to the group. It is hoped that changes will generate additional nominations specifically in the social sciences and humanities.

The main changes include:

-Re-name the award to the A&S Outstanding Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Award.

-Increase the number of years over which the outstanding work is to be considered, from 3 to 5 years.

-Streamline the criteria for the award to center on “a major contribution to research, scholarship, and/or creative activity in a relevant field at the national or international level.”

-Change the interval of time before an individual could again receive the award from 4 to 6 years. If this change is made, a further recommendation is to change the time interval for the other college awards as well.

Hatch will inform the CAS Awards Committee that all are in favor of the revisions and send an email to the faculty encouraging nominations.

c.  Early Tenure in Arts and Sciences (McCarthy)

This year is groundbreaking with two faculty members coming forward for early promotion/tenure (Group I Associate) 2 years early. General practice for early tenure has been 1 year. Clarification in the current policy is needed. McCarthy distributed proposed wording changes to the group and the updated policy is available at

d.  Advising holds (Asleson)

Good news - in the past People Soft only allowed for 1 advising hold. With upgrades multiple holds are now available (students with multiple majors may have multiple holds). This is a positive change that will allow for lists to be updated.

2.  Discussion item

a.  Arts and Sciences Career Week planning (Cohen)

Goals to ensure students and alumni participate in the Arts & Sciences Career week January 30, 2017 – February 3, 2017.

-Generate broad awareness

-Engage larger community

-Participation by all departments (alum)

-Departments organizing new events or existing events consider having them Career Week.

Suggestions to attract students and alumni to the event

-Incorporate in class syllabi

-Provide a list of alums per department (not a funding raising event)

-Involve honors societies that are major specific in the organization and assistance with panels.

-Students more likely to attend department specific speaker series.

-Consider time frame of event (class schedules, lunch time vs late evening)

-Include specific details when advertising events