A Word Fellowship Prophetic News Update May 15, 2015

Here, as succinctly as possible, I attempt to cover major current news to date related to the fulfillment of end-time Scriptural prophecy--news stories whose truthful details are hidden by the Illuminati Elite-controlled public news media.

My resource material comes from the whole of the Scriptures and from reliable and consistently dependable “alternative” news sources. It is through these alternative sources--i.e. internet blogs/articles, books, interviews and YouTube reporting by the true Watchmen of Yahuweh, those who are loudly sounding warnings to the people of Elohim about what is really happening—that we learn about things planned for the destruction of humanity if people won’t heed the warnings and act on them! Our Father doesn’t want us caught up in His wrath. He has warned us. But, the choice is given to each individual to embrace truth and act on it, or not.

At the end of this update, and all through this news update, I have listed research articles by different people, websites, and books, which you can use to keep current with Truth that is unfolding before our eyes.

Right now, nearly the only remnant of “free speech” that remains free is to be found through the righteous reporting by His faithful Watchmen. The U.N., and America, are seeking to censor the Internet--because the prophetic Watchmen are exposing the plans of the Elite, and their reporting is about events that fulfill the prophetic Scriptures which is leading to the return of Messiah Yahushua! The righteous reporting by the servants of Yahuweh make Satan and his followers very nervous. What is being reported by Yahuweh’s Watchmen is causing Yahuweh’s people to rise up in faith and power to take actions of obedience to their Master Daniel 11:32b: “Those that know their Elohim will be strong and do exploits.”

Noah was an insider. He shared his inside information with his wife and sons. Yahuweh speaks on a “need to know” basis! Noah knew that once the animals and goods were taken on board – it was “SHOW TIME.” No one else in the world knew that! This is why the words of I Thessalonians 5:1-11 are so timely for us. Those who walk in the Light of Yahuweh know the times and season, and thus prepare. Those who stumble in the darkness of ignorance and denial of reality are spiritually blind, deaf, and crippled--they know nothing of what is really happening, and so, like the foolish virgins of Matthew 25:1-12, they remain unprepared. Yahuweh’s chosen watchmen are faithfully proclaiming His warnings, so that His people do not remain ignorant! Heed the warnings! I wrote in “You Can Know”/January 13, 2008, how our Abba (Father) Yahuweh tells us the end from the beginning.

Isaiah 46:9-10: “Remember the former things of old: For I am Elohim and there is none else. I am Elohim and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done. My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.”

Amos 3:7: “For the Master Yahuweh does nothing unless He first reveals His secret to His servants the Prophets.”

He wants us to walk in His light. Light exposes reality! This is why we must daily live in His Presence--to know His thoughts, His feelings, and His plans, so that we can align with them! The greatest wisdom we can have is to be terrified of losing His Presence! Without His daily interaction in our re-born spirit, how can He lead us, teach us, convict us, speak to us and direct us, or comfort us?

The churches are almost silent--leaving their people in ignorance of the massive prophecies in the Word that are so rapidly being fulfilled. Most people’s theology conforms to what feels right for them, because truth and reality are too hard for most people to handle. The public news media, controlled by the Illuminati Elite, want to keep people controlled by fear, deception, misinformation, and the usual illusions of fantasyland, i.e. keep the slaves working to obtain what they’re programmed to desire, until it’s time to put them in the tunnels and cremate them.

Whether people want to believe it or not, we in Amaruka--America--named for “the land of the plumed serpent,” are entering the midst of the great takeover that has been prophesied for 2,500 years. Yet because of the years of mind-programming most of the citizens of America, and the “free world” in general, are so weak, mind-dulled, emotionally unstable, and scared, that they can’t even “take the bull by the horns” and make a rational decision to help themselves, or their families. They’ve bought into the mind-programming because it is so appealing to the flesh, not taking into consideration where their indulgence would end up. I grieve for the decent human beings on this earth who are purposely being kept ignorant.

Watchman Michael Lake in his recent book The Shinar Directive first quoted Matthew 24:36--i.e. “But of that day and hour knoweth no man,…” Then he said: “Since we have been so deprived of our Hebrew heritage, most students of the Bible miss the fact that Jesus had just used a Hebraic idiom that connected what He was sharing with the Feast of Trumpets.” True!

Quoting from The Shinar Directive, page 20: “The entire Bible was inspired by God; it is immutable, infallible, and perfect. Yet there is something unique about the Torah…So the Torah (or the loving instructions of the Father God) is five books in length…As we proceed in our study you will begin to realize why the kingdom of darkness has created such jaundice in the body of Christ concerning the Torah. Such prejudice against the foundations of our faith did not exist in the heart of the apostles. In fact, they used the Old Testament (Tanakh) and the revelation of Jesus to turn the world upside down.”

Here is something very beautiful that Abba Yahuweh just showed me as I was writing the above: As a baby is being born, coming out from the darkness of the womb into the light of this world, its head comes out first, while the rest of its body is still in darkness, following the head into the light. This is a beautiful picture of what is happening with chosen His set-apart ones who are coming out into the light of their Hebraic roots. They are following the light as the Spirit is leading them--their eyes and ears coming into knowledge. But they are not all out totally--not yet. As the head of the baby proceeds out of the womb into the light, he needs a doctor, or a midwife, to gently take hold of his shoulders and pull him all the way through, and then to cut the umbilical cord, wrap him in a blanket, and cuddle him. In the true new birth, and in our daily progress forward in our walk with Elohim, the Doctor/midwife is the Spirit of Yahuweh, who gently pulls unto the reality of His light, cuts the umbilical cord that has connected us to ignorance and darkness, wraps us in the blanket of His love, and cuddles us in His arms as we adjust to the new light of day. How foolish it would be for someone to criticize a baby who is coming out of the womb because it is part in and part out! Remember that at one point we all were in the birth process, coming out of darkness into the light of His Truth! Also every day we go through this process of coming out of darkness into His light, as the Spirit leads us towards more into the light of His Word and in revelatory understanding--as we are changed from into His image.

So, I love what Abba is doing with His Watchmen--those devout Christians that He is instructing. As I’ve recently written, Yahuweh began restoring all things in the mid- 1800s, as a prerequisite for the return of Messiah Yahushua. (Acts 3:19-21)

This great pattern of restoration began with the great revivals of the mid-late 1800s of salvation by faith in Messiah. Then came the restoration of the outpouring of the Spirit beginning around 1906 with the Azusa Street revival--was a spillover from the great Welsh revival of 2004. Then the gifts of the Spirit were restored between the 1920s through the 1950s in the great healing and deliverance movement--the genuine “faith movement.” In the 1960s, an upsurge began as people began comparing Scriptures with current news and writing on the return of Messiah. The true prophets began to rise to the surface. But, in the mid 1990s, the final amazing restoration began – the restoration to the Torah of Yahuweh! Christians, mostly of the House of Ephraim, began seeking their Hebrew roots. He began pulling His watchmen through the sieve of restoration, and training them for their task of forerunning the coming of Messiah. Here, as with Michael Lake, we see how many Watchmen are not only aligning on the signs they see of the return of Messiah, but aligning in their using “Yahuweh,” or even more correctly “YahUwah,” and giving open verbal acclaim to the Torah as being our instructions and teachings of the Kingdom of Yahuweh.

Most of the Watchmen still use “Jesus.” I’m hearing fewer use the title “Christ.” Michael Lake wrote later in his book that he doesn’t like to use “Christ” because it is a name for a Greek god that can be related to Zeus or Apollo. As we “eat” and ingest the knowledge of His Word daily, taking it into our mind, our mind is transformed to align to our re-born perfected spirit, as the Spirit of Yahuweh leads us into all truth. (II Corinthians 3:17-18)

The Watchmen are at different stages of understanding their Hebrew roots, but they are aligning amazingly in all the major points of their job as Watchmen.

We need to pray for these precious brothers and sisters that they will come all the way through the birth canal into the light of the full Truth of His Word!

Yahuweh has also begun bringing forth His trained and prepared Prophets for this time preceding judgment. [Refer to: “The True Prophet, the False Prophet and the Speculators”/December 16, 2013 for discernment between these three groups]

The Watchmen can also prophesy as needed. But, the Watchman primarily reports on what he sees with his eyes, hears with his ears, and knows in his spirit from the Word. This is why the Watchmen, for the most part, are coming out of Word-solid Charismatic, or Pentecostal, Christianity that teaches the Scriptural baptism into the Spirit by Messiah (i.e. Luke 3:16; Book of Acts).

Without the indwelling of the Spirit, a person cannot inter-relate with the mind of Yahuweh. This is why so many end-time prophecy teachers from the 1960s, who were intellectually oriented believers, gave us some wrong eschatology, even passing on deceptive eschatology from the Vatican’s Jesuits. Thus their teachings came from their own head-reasoning, their own opinions, their own deductions, and from their listening to other teacher’s views, rather than hearing Yahuweh’s truth.

True Watchmen can prophesy, based on their knowledge of the Word and the fulfillments before our eyes, but they are not in the “office of the Prophet.” It takes a life-time of training by Yahuweh for one to stand in the “office of the Prophet,” backed by the authority of Yahuweh (i.e. I Kings 17:1)

But, a true Prophet is always a Watchman, i.e. Ezekiel 33:1-7. The Prophet is raised up before judgment to warn the people. But, the true Prophet has the right to proclaim “thus saith Yahuweh…” for he is in direct communication with Yahuweh!

People can deny that what’s happening all around us today is not associated with the time before the return of Messiah, but that won’t stop the fast progression of what is lining up with all of prophetic Scripture. Ignorance coupled with pride and arrogance is a hideous mixture of evil! We hear common expressions like “things are speeding up,” or “things are happening so fast.” Now those expressions are taking on a new prospective. But, that’s Yahuweh’s “modus operandi.” The Hebrew people were in Egypt 430 years. Then, in His timing, Yahuweh sent Moses and Aaron to get them out. Within a short time about six million people left Egypt, crossed the Red Sea, and at Sinai received their Covenant instructions for right-standing with Yahuweh. Yahuweh is longsuffering, patient, and extremely orderly. He waits and waits, but when it comes time to deliver His children and judge the world, He acts very fast.

Genesis 6 and 7: Noah and sons built a state-of-the-art Ark. Nothing happened. Nobody saw rain. Then He quietly told Noah what to do over a 7-day period. Noah obeyed. And one morning the earth’s people woke up to water flooding their houses, the screams of people drowning, thunder and lightning--and the Ark had sailed away. Yahuweh is very open with His servants about His timing of things. He tells the end from the beginning. And what is happening has been clearly prophesied by His Prophets, His Son, Yahushua, and by Yahushua’s Apostles.

The Word of Yahuweh is 100% accurate. All prophecies either have been or are being fulfilled to the last letter perfectly. His Word is the only 100% accurate prophetic Word in human history! His true Prophets do not add to His Word, but bring it into the now-realm so that His people can act accordingly. He has been, and is now, astute to warn His children early so that they will prepare and be strong and do exploits at the time when the world’s people are falling into united terror.

“They that know their Elohim will be strong, and act/do exploits” (Daniel 11:32b) The secret to overcoming and enduring to the end is knowing and implicitly trusting Yahuweh and Yahushua, so that They also know and trust you!

I encourage you to listen to the interview on Hagmann and Hagmann, May 5, 2015, with Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, and Cris Putnam, giving current reality about the opening of portals. These men know they are Watchmen. What is so amazing is that finally His Watchmen are aligning in their understanding of major prophetic Scripture, “eye to eye” (Isaiah 52:6-10). Steve and Tom in their interviews always tell how they had not talked to each other for weeks, yet their research always dove-tailed. This is because the Spirit of Yahuweh leads us to do what research He wants us to do, to learn what He wants us to know!