New Testament ReadingsWeek 40 (28th May – 3rd June)
Monday 28thMay
Read: Titus 3 Paul paints the big picture of what our faith is all about in one paragraph (verses 3 – 8). We were sinners and God by his grace, through Jesus, gave us new birth and empowered us by his Holy Spirit so we’re fit for eternity with God. Sometimesas Christians,in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life, we can forget the big picture and it’s therefore good to remind ourselves that what the Gospel is all about is being prepared for eternal life and devoting ourselves to doing good. In this context, he directs us to challengethose who would seek to sidetrack the church by being divisive. This direction is not simply for leaders but is the responsibility of the whole church.
In what ways are people divisive in Church life today? Is there anyone you should be praying about, or should be actively warning or challenging?
Tuesday 29th May
Read: 1 John 1We can’t claim to have fellowship with God and be walking in darkness. However,this doesn’t mean we will never sin again, but that the general trend of our life is to be Christ-centred and growing in holiness and purity, rather than self-centred and prone to following our old sinful nature. Our main aim in life is to walk in the light but we must remember that God is graciousand will forgive us, when we come in confession, repentance and faith. The apostle John puts a great emphasis on his personal experience of knowing Jesus, and in emphasising our fellowship with the Father and the Son, is highlighting the fact that growing in knowing Jesus is the same as increasing our relationship and knowledge of God.
How regularly do you come to Jesus to confess your sin and receive forgiveness? Are there any specific sins that require forgiveness?
Wednesday 30thMay
Read: 1 John 2 The key thought in this chapter is that true knowledge and relationship with Jesus is evidenced by obedience towards others. Because Jesus has paid the price for our sin, this doesn’t give us a license to live carelessly. If we truly love Jesus we’ll obey his commands that are built on the foundation of love. This is contrasted with loving the world, which does not come from the Holy Spirit but the Antichrist. Use verse 16 to check your own spiritual attitude: Are your desires, focus, and sense of achievements all focused on Jesus and not yourself?
Write out a summary of verses 3-6 in a single sentence, and ask God for strength to practice this truth in specific ways today.
New Testament ReadingsWeek 40 (28th May – 3rd June)
Monday 28th May
Read: Titus 3 Paul paints the big picture of what our faith is all about in one paragraph (verses 3 – 8). We were sinners and God by his grace, through Jesus, gave us new birth and empowered us by his Holy Spirit so we’re fit for eternity with God. Sometimes as Christians, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life, we can forget the big picture and it’s therefore good to remind ourselves that what the Gospel is all about is being prepared for eternal life and devoting ourselves to doing good. In this context, he directs us to challenge those who would seek to sidetrack the church by being divisive. This direction is not simply for leaders but is the responsibility of the whole church.
In what ways are people divisive in Church life today? Is there anyone you should be praying about, or should be actively warning or challenging?
Tuesday 29th May
Read: 1 John 1 We can’t claim to have fellowship with God and be walking in darkness. However, this doesn’t mean we will never sin again, but that the general trend of our life is to be Christ-centred and growing in holiness and purity, rather than self-centred and prone to following our old sinful nature. Our main aim in life is to walk in the light but we must remember that God is gracious and will forgive us, when we come in confession, repentance and faith. The apostle John puts a great emphasis on his personal experience of knowing Jesus, and in emphasising our fellowship with the Father and the Son, is highlighting the fact that growing in knowing Jesus is the same as increasing our relationship and knowledge of God.
How regularly do you come to Jesus to confess your sin and receive forgiveness? Are there any specific sins that require forgiveness?
Wednesday 30th May
Read: 1 John 2 The key thought in this chapter is that true knowledge and relationship with Jesus is evidenced by obedience towards others. Because Jesus has paid the price for our sin, this doesn’t give us a license to live carelessly. If we truly love Jesus we’ll obey his commands that are built on the foundation of love. This is contrasted with loving the world, which does not come from the Holy Spirit but the Antichrist. Use verse 16 to check your own spiritual attitude: Are your desires, focus, and sense of achievements all focused on Jesus and not yourself?
Write out a summary of verses 3-6 in a single sentence, and ask God for strength to practice this truth in specific ways today.
Thursday 31stMay
Read: 1 John 3 Eight times in this chapter, John mentions “love”. In the Bible,love isn’tjust about nice feelings or atmosphere but about imitating Jesus in the way he sacrificially gave Himself for us. Take time to note what John teaches about love in this chapter, in each of the eight verses where he mentions it: Verses 1,10,11,14, 16,17,18 and 23.
Which of these teachings about love is the greatest challenge to you? How will you apply this principle in your life today?
Friday 1stJune
Read: 1 John 4 Testing the spirits is vital for the spiritual health of the church for anyone can teach things they claim have come by the Holy Spirit. ‘Acknowledging that Jesus has come in the flesh’ isn’t just doctrinal knowledge (after all Satan and demons acknowledge Jesus) but a deeper personal recognition.The spirit of antichrist is displayed by anyone who would deny that Jesus came in the flesh. If he wasn’t fully human our sin would not be atoned for as it required “the shedding of blood” (see Hebrews 9:22). Ultimately the spirit of antichrist is deceptive because it combines truth with error. In the midst of this teaching concerning false spiritsJohn makes the glorious statement that the “one who is in us” (the Holy Spirit) is greater than “the one who is in the world” (the devil). Our prayers and our holiness of lifestyle mean that we need not fear the enemy’s activity and power.
Exercise your authority over the enemy’s activity in your life or in the life of others you know. Pray that the Holy Spirit will impart His power to bring relief and deliverance from the enemy’s oppressive work.
For Further Study
1. Look at the characteristics of spiritual fathers, young men and children set out in 1 John 2:12-14. Have you come to know God’s principles of activity and His ways? Are you a Father in the faith, or are you still seeking to get to know Him as a child or trying to overcome the enemy’s activity in your life as a spiritual young man? Ask God to reveal to you what will need to take place for you to move to the next level of maturity.
2. Spend some time slowly reading Psalm 136, two or three times and meditate on God’s love. Re-read 1 John 4:13-19, and use this Psalm and the reading in John as a launching pad to express your personal praise to God for His great love and mercy, and especially for the demonstration of that in Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection.
Thursday 31st May
Read: 1 John 3 Eight times in this chapter, John mentions “love”. In the Bible, love isn’t just about nice feelings or atmosphere but about imitating Jesus in the way he sacrificially gave Himself for us. Take time to note what John teaches about love in this chapter, in each of the eight verses where he mentions it: Verses 1, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18 and 23.
Which of these teachings about love is the greatest challenge to you? How will you apply this principle in your life today?
Friday 1st June
Read: 1 John 4 Testing the spirits is vital for the spiritual health of the church for anyone can teach things they claim have come by the Holy Spirit. ‘Acknowledging that Jesus has come in the flesh’ isn’t just doctrinal knowledge (after all Satan and demons acknowledge Jesus) but a deeper personal recognition. The spirit of antichrist is displayed by anyone who would deny that Jesus came in the flesh. If he wasn’t fully human our sin would not be atoned for as it required “the shedding of blood” (see Hebrews 9:22). Ultimately the spirit of antichrist is deceptive because it combines truth with error. In the midst of this teaching concerning false spirits John makes the glorious statement that the “one who is in us” (the Holy Spirit) is greater than “the one who is in the world” (the devil). Our prayers and our holiness of lifestyle mean that we need not fear the enemy’s activity and power.
Exercise your authority over the enemy’s activity in your life or in the life of others you know. Pray that the Holy Spirit will impart His power to bring relief and deliverance from the enemy’s oppressive work.
For Further Study
1. Look at the characteristics of spiritual fathers, young men and children set out in 1 John 2:12-14. Have you come to know God’s principles of activity and His ways? Are you a Father in the faith, or are you still seeking to get to know Him as a child or trying to overcome the enemy’s activity in your life as a spiritual young man? Ask God to reveal to you what will need to take place for you to move to the next level of maturity.
2. Spend some time slowly reading Psalm 136, two or three times and meditate on God’s love. Re-read 1 John 4:13-19, and use this Psalm and the reading in John as a launching pad to express your personal praise to God for His great love and mercy, and especially for the demonstration of that in Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection.