Demand Response Programme RFP /


Request for Proposals

Demand ResponseProgramme

Revision 4.0

(Registration Cycle 4)


release Date:1May2016

Closing date: 2pm 31May2016

RFP No: SUP-12707

Section B: Response Forms

The Response Forms are:

Form A – Respondent Information

Form B – Subcontractors

Form C – Not applicable for this programme

From D – DR Blocks

Form E – DR Fees

Form F – Metering Equipment and Verification Methodology

All of the forms need to be completed and submitted as part of your proposal.

Some of the tables in the Response Forms will become schedules to any resulting contract for DR. Those tables are identified as “For contract”.

Unless the context requires otherwise, capitalised terms in the Response Forms have the meanings given to them in the Demand Response Participation Agreement, which is at the link set out in Section D.

Form A – Respondent Information

This form collects information and contact details for your company or organisation.

Respondent Information
Name of Respondent
Where Respondent is a partnership or joint venture, list full names of partners or joint venture parties
Street Address
Postal Address
Contact Person
Telephone Number
Email address
GST Number
[Where the Respondent is a partnership or joint venture, evidence of signing authority is attached] / Name:
I confirm that I am a duly authorised representative of the Respondent with authority to commit the Respondent to this Proposal.

Form B – Subcontractors

If you intend to use other people to help you deliver the services you are offering as part of your proposal, then their details must be recorded on this form. For example, if you are using someone to provide you with metering information, this form must include the details of the company providing this service. Similarly, if you are using someone to participate in the programme on your behalf, this form must include the details of the company providing this service.

If you are not using another person to help deliver the services, then you do not need to complete this form.

Subcontractor name
Contact person
Telephone number
Email address
Services to be provided by the subcontractor

Form C – Not applicable for this programme

Form D – DR Blocks

This form must be completedfor each DR Blockproposed. Please refer to our document ‘How to complete a proposal for our Demand Response Programme’ for further information to help you fill in this form.

Block ID (1)
ICP (2) / Block DR capacity (kW) (3) / Availability Period / Call Notice Period / Target Readiness Date


(1)The Block ID is a unique name for the DR Block, eg “Island Bay Data Centre”

(2)The Installation Control Point (or ICP number, found on your electricity bill) at which the Block will be provided.

(3)The expected ‘Block DRcapacity’must be provided in kW. Where multiple sites (ICPs) are included in a DR Block, all ICPs must be supplied from the same grid exit point (GXP). In addition, the block capacity for the DR Block will be calculated as the sum of the capacities of the ICPs listed, unless otherwise specified.


If possible, please provide a sufficient level of information in the following table to assist Transpower in evaluating your proposal.

Is the DR Block offered by the Respondent (directly or through a third party) also used for another demand side service or obligation, such as interruptible load or local lines company direct control?
Yes / No / Don’t know
If yes and through a third party, please provide the name of the third party.
If yes, please specify how the dual obligations will be managed?
How much time do you require to restore your demandresponse following the completion of a DR Event?
If offering a standby generator or battery installation, please complete this section. If not, please continue to Form E: DR Fees (page 14)
If using a standby generator or battery installation, what is the capacity (name plate rating or operational output) in kilowatts (kW)?
If using a standby generator or battery installation,is the generator/battery installation sized (in kW) for:
  • emergency purposes (e.g. to provide emergency lighting, lifts etc to enable occupants to vacate the building safely) Yes / No
  • OR business continuity purposes (e.g. to supply the whole site’s requirements during a power outage, including computers, lighting heating, lifts etc) Yes / No
Is the generator or battery installationcapacity greater than the total site demand?
Yes / No
If yes, does the generator or battery installationinject the additional capacity into the local network?
Yes / No
If yes, do you have an existing contract with the local lines company and your retailer for this?
Yes / No / Don’t know
If no, will you configure the generator or battery installationto meet the building’s demand or operate islanded?
When responding to a DR Event, do you intend to remain synchronised to the local network, or will you operate islanded (i.e. transfer the demand to the generator and then disconnect from the network supply)?
Note: There is no requirement for the standby generator or battery installationto be able to export into the local network for this DR programme. Where a site has a standby generation capability that is greater than its demand, it must either have arrangements in place with the local lines company to inject into the network; or operate to match local supply to the site’s demand and not export, or it must operate islanded from the local network during DR Events.
How much time do you require to switch the building back to mains power supply following the completion of a DR Event?
Are there any operating restrictions on the generator or battery installation? (e.g. consent conditions, operating hours, other)
Yes / No
If yes, please specify.
Do you have a regular testing regime in place for your generator or battery installation?
Yes / No / Don’t know
Please specify what tests are undertaken as part of the testing regime (e.g do you simulate a mains fail or test the generator while remaining connected to the network)?
Do you have a control system in place to automatically manage the operation of the standby generator or battery installation, or is it done manually?

Form E – DR Fees

This information is a key component for the evaluation of potential participants and will form part of the final contract should your proposal be accepted. Please complete one form for eachproposed DR Block.

An Indicative Strike Fee is required. It is optional whether you nominate an Establishment Fee for aDR Block.

Please refer to our document ‘How to complete a proposal for our Demand Response Programme’ for an explanation of these fees.

FEES (For Contract)
Block ID:
Establishment Fee (one-off)
Indicative Strike Fee (per Call)

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Demand Response Programme RFP /

Form F – Metering Equipment and Verification Methodology

You must provide the following information about the type of metering you usefor each DR Block.

An explanation of the methodologies and terms used on this form can be found in our document ‘How to complete a proposal for our Demand Response Programme’.

Block ID:
Metering Equipment
Please circle or delete as appropriate / Type of meters(For contract) / Time of Use Meter Yes / No
Please indicate if the meter is a:
  • Retailer’s revenue meter,OR
  • 3rd party “check” meter

Meter manufacturer & model
(include a photo if possible)
Frequency of data capture (For contract)
If other please specify / 30 minutes Yes/ No
Access to metering data / Yes/ No
Metering data available within 20 business days of Call / Yes/ No
If metering data is available, would you give Transpower permission to obtain metering information directly?
Please specify metering service providers name / Yes/ No
AMS/ Other (please specify)
Block ID:
Measurement Method
Please circle or delete as appropriate / This is how the system calculates performance of a participant’s response after a DREvent has occurred. (For Contract)
Note: The default option Guaranteed Load Drop. Firm Service Level should only be selected if the Block is solely generation. / 1) Guaranteed Load Drop (GLD)
2) Firm Service Level (FSL)
Customer Baseline Load (CBL)
Please circle or delete as appropriate / This is an estimate of what the load would have been without a DR event.
This is not required for the FSL measurement method.
Note: The default option is 3 Day with SAA unless FSL measurement method is selected. / 1) 3 Day with SAA (Symmetric Additive Adjustment)
2) 5 Day with SAA
3) Meter Before Meter After (MBMA)

Section C: Terms and Conditions of RFP

All Respondents must review the terms and conditions for the RFP,as posted on the Demand Response page of Transpower’s website:

Anyone who responds to the RFP will be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the RFP.

Section D: Standard Contract

All Respondents must reviewTranspower’s standard Demand ResponseParticipation Agreement, as posted on the Demand Response page of Transpower’s website:

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