Unit Review
Professor of the Practice Evaluation
To be completed by unit with direct supervisory responsibility for the professor of the practice(i.e., department, unit, or school as appropriate). Add pages as needed.
Summary of Student Evaluations
Summary of Peer Evaluations
Assessment of Effectiveness of Teaching (Please indicate if theprofessor of the practice met all requirements for this position during the last appointment and demonstrates potential for reappointment.)
Unit Review
Evaluation Summary
(fordepartments in schools/College or units)
I have reviewed the file and acknowledge completion of this evaluation.Overall Teaching Rating:
( __ ) Exceptional (__ ) Very Good ( __ ) Good ( __ ) Marginal ( __ ) Poor
( __ ) Reappointment is recommended
Recommended reappointment period:
( __ ) one-year appointment
( __ ) two-year appointment
( __ ) three-year appointment
( __ ) Reappointment is not recommended due to:
( __ ) failure to meet performance expectations
( __ ) change in school/department/unit teaching needs
( __ ) other
Signature ofchair/unit director (or Dean, if appropriate)
Date: ______
Department chairs/unit directors:Pleaseincludea letter to the dean with the justification for the recommendations regarding reappointment or non-reappointment. In the case of a recommendation for reappointment, address the length of the appointment and the continued need for the position. (For schools without departments, the dean completes this process and forwards the review to the Provost’s Office.)
Save this file, including the justification letter from the chair/director (if applicable) in electronic format and forward to the School/College by the date set for submission.
(schools with departments and the College)
I have reviewed the file and acknowledge completion of this evaluation.Overall Teaching Rating:
( __ ) Exceptional (__ ) Very Good ( __ ) Good ( __ ) Marginal ( __ ) Poor
( __ ) Reappointment is recommended
Recommended reappointment period:
( __ ) one-year appointment
( __ ) two-year appointment
( __ ) three-year appointment
( __ ) Reappointment is notrecommended due to:
( __ ) failure to meet performance expectations
( __ ) change in school/department/unit teaching needs
( __ ) other
Dean's Signature: ______
Date: ______
Deans:Please include a letter to the Vice Provost for Faculty Development with the justification for the recommendations regarding reappointment or non-reappointment. In the case of a recommendation for reappointment, also address the length of the reappointment.
Transmittal to Provost’s Office
Save this completed document, including the position-justification letter from either the department or dean (if applicable), in .pdf format with the filename:
Lastname, FirstnamePOPEvaluationYear.pdf
The dean’s office shall forward this completed electronic form to . A letter from the Provost’s Office will notify theprofessor of the practice of the final decision on reappointment.
Professor of the Practice Evaluation – Unit ReviewPage 1