of the XVI International Festival of Cinematographic

Debuts "Spirit of Fire"

(city of Khanty-Mansiysk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra,

March 01-07, 2018)

XVI International Festival of Cinematographic Debuts "Spirit of Fire" is a cultural and educational event held in accordance with the present Regulations, approved by the Culture Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, and is a public demonstration of specially selected films that includes a contest program consisting films evaluated by professional jury.

XVI International Festival of Cinematographic Debuts "Spirit of Fire" is supported by the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra, and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Article 1.

In accordance with the Federal law "On State Support of Cinematography of the Russian Federation", the targets and objectives of the XVI International Festival of Cinema Debuts "Spirit of Fire" are as follows:

•to support integration of young Russian cinema in the global cinematic process;

•fundamental development of regional culture of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra and Russia in the XXI century, participation in the general process of integration of world cultures;

•to attract a mass audience in the cinema of the new technological generation, activation of theatrical show processes and facilitating crisis recovery for the Russian national cinema;

•to support introduction of the new generation of Russian filmmakers;

•to promote introduction and development of the cinematic education and film industry in the region.

Article 2.

The main events of the XVI International Festival of Cinematographic Debuts "Spirit of Fire" (hereinafter — the Film Festival, the Film Forum) will take place in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra) March 1-7, 2018.

Official Opening Ceremony (March 2, 2018) and Closing Ceremony (March 5, 2018) of the Film Festival will be held in the in the large hall of the concert and theater center "Ugra-Classic".

Article 3.

In accordance with the approved Concept of the Film Festival, development and implementation of the program activities of the XVI International Festival of Cinematographic Debuts "Spirit of Fire" is carried out by the Presidential Council of the Film Festival.

The Presidential Council of the Film Festival includes:

The President of the Film Festival is Sergey Soloviev, film director, People's Artist of Russia, laureate of international festivals, the President of the Moscow International Film Festival from 1995 to 1997, several times member of the jury of international film festivals, including Venice and Moscow, winner of the prize "For Contribution to World Cinema" at the 38th Moscow International Film Festival in 2016;

Vice-President of the Film Festival, Director of the Program is a playwriter Maria Zvereva, Honored Worker of Culture of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra, Deputy Chairman of the Confederation of Cinematographers Unions from 1988 to 2001, winner of the prize for best screenplay of the European Film Academy and Television Award "TEFI", member of the jury of international festivals in Cannes, Karlovy Vary and Delhi.

Chairman of the selection committee of the Film Festival is film critic Boris Nelepo, columnist, translator of a number of international and Russian cinema publications, presenter of the author's program on Radio Svoboda, a teacher of film history in the Russian State University or the Humanities, High School of art practices and museum technology and the Moscow School of New Cinema, a member of the jury of international festivals in Locarno , Rotterdam, Lisbon, consultant of the Swiss Arts festival L'Immaginee e la Parola, Locarno Film festival of CIS cinema.

Article 4.

Film Festival selection committee begins it's work since November 2017.

No more than 8 feature films, including not more than 1 national films, will participate in the International (main) competition of the Film Festival, if they meet the following requirements,:

•Film should be the first or second full-length work of a director in the field of fiction films;

•Films participating in the international competition shall not have been previously publicly demonstrated on the territory of the Russian Federation;

•DCP is preferred format for the film in the original language with English subtitles, if the original language is not English;

•Film participation in the international competition provides for the mandatory presence of the director and / or starring actor in case the director and / or starring actor can not come to the festival, the management of the festival reserves the right to leave the film in the competition, if the film is presented by a member of the crew of the leading creative profession.

No more than 10 full-length films will participate in the competition "Russian Debuts". These films should be the first work of a director in the field of feature films and have a release print on a professional media.

DPC is a proffered format.

No more than 15 short feature films up to 15 minutes length will participate in the competition "The Debut — short film."

Open competition of microfilms "Love. Through time and borders" will include up to 20 films of up to 3 minutes duration dedicated to themes of love, such as family history (people's families), love to history, nature, love to a kind of activity or art, love to the native land. Special competition nomination "Centuries-old Ugra" (the history of Ugra, the culture of Ugra, "One's own roots", "What is hidden under the layers of centuries").

The competition programs involves films, which were completed on or after 1 of March, 2017.

Article 5.

During the Film Festival, no film can be excluded from the program.

Article 6.

The International Jury consisting of the Chairman and 3 members, the famous masters of world cinema, assesses films of the international competition program.

Actors Film Festival jury, consisting of the Chairman and 2 members, nominates the best acting work in the Russian film debuts.​​​/

Jury of the Russian film competition, consisting of four leading cinematographers, including an operator (who also awards the Guild of Operators Prize for the best camera work in the debut film) and the composer (also awards the prize for best work with music in the film of the international or Russian competitive program ).

The Presidential Council of the Film Festival with the assistance of two well-known filmmakers, who are the guests of honor of the festival, awards the prize "Golden Taiga — short film" in the competition "Debut — short film."

Chief selector of the Film Festival in conjunction with the Executive Directorate of Film Festival and the PJSC "Gazprom Neft" generates and organizes the work of the jury of open competition of microfilms.

It is assumed that retrospective shows, public lectures and workshops by the Film Festival participants will be held as well.

Storage medium with the recording of the competitive film, which has passed the official selection, is returned to the owner.

Article 7.

At the end of the XVI International Festival of Cinema Debuts "Spirit of Fire" the following prizes will be presented:

1. International Competition

The jury of the international competition shall award:

•The main prize of the Film Festival — "Golden Taiga» — for the best debut film and premium in the amount of 600,000 (six hundred thousand) rubles;

•The prize "Silver Taiga" — for the debut film and premium in the amount of 300,000 (three hundred thousand) rubles;

•The prize "Bronze Taiga" — for the debut film and premium in the amount of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles;

2. Russian films competition

The following prizes are awarded at the end of the competition:

• Audience Choice Award — "Golden Taiga" is awarded based on the results of the audience vote;

• The prize "Flowers of hope of Taiga" is awarded by the decision of the Russian jury.

​III. Actors Film Festival jury awards the following prizes for the best acting in a Russian debut film:

•Prize named after Alexander Abdulov "Best Actor in Russian debut film";

•Prize named after Alexander Abdulov "Best Actress in Russian debut film."

4. Prize "For the best camera work" in the competitive or non-competitive Russian film.

5.Debutant director prize for the best music in the film of International or Russian competition program.

6. The competition "Debut — short film"

The jury of the Presidential Council awards:

•The prize "Golden Taiga — short film";

•According to voting results of the press accredited at the Film Festival, the press prize for the best short film debut is awarded.

7. Award and premium by the Film Festival general partner, PJSC "Gazprom Neft" — "For the preservation of cultural traditions."

​VIII.Winners of the open competition of microfilms "Cinturies-old Ugra" will be awarded two special prizes of the Film Festival.

​IX. Two "Golden Taiga" prizes —

Festival President's Prize;

"For personal contribution to cinema and the creation of own school."

​X. Two reserve prizes "Golden Taiga" and "Bronze Taiga."

​XI. Recognition prizes — products of folk art crafts and crafts of the peoples of Ugra, no more than 6.

Article 9.

Applications for the selection of films participating in the competition program of the Film Festival will be accepted until January 30, 2018 (12.00 (Moscow time)).

The final decision will be made by the Film Festival Selection Committee no later than 13 February 2018.

Article 10.

Completed applications, promotional materials, synopsis and technical reference for each selected films must be received by the Moscow office of the Executive Directorate of Film Festival before February 16, 2018.

The festival copy (in electronic form) of each invited film must be submitted to the Moscow office of the Executive Directorate of Film Festival before 20 February, 2018.

Article 11.

Film Festival covers carrier agent cost (both import and export), the cost of transportation, storage and insurance of the electronic media of selected films.

In case of loss or damage to electronic media, the responsibility of the Film Festival comes only within the cost of the electronic media, specified by the producer in the technical certificate for the film.

Article 12.

President of the Film Festival has the right to deal with all matters not covered by this Regulation, within the competence established by the Decree of the Government of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra dated 29.04.2011 No. 139-p "On the International Festival of Cinematographic Debuts" Spirit of Fire ".

If there are objective reasons, by the initiative of the President's Council of the Film Festival, and (or) of the Department of Culture of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, and (or) the Executive Directorate of Film Festival, the present Regulation may be amended and supplemented. Amendments to the articles of the present Regulations are subject to approval. The period for approval of changes and additions shall not exceed three working days from the date of the documentary (written) initiation.

Article 13.

​Executive Directorate of the Film Festival in coordination with the Presidential Council of the Film Festival should approve the main programs of the Film Festival before 21.02.2018:

•Competitive international program of debut films;

•Competition program of Russian debut films;

•Retrospectives of prominent international and Russian film directors;

•Program of films for children and family "Your cinema";

•Film program "Myths of the Peoples of the North"

•Film program on social adaptation of people with limited mobility "Cinema for All";

•Film program "Best releases of the Year of Russian cinema";

•Film program of BRICS films

•Open microfilm competition "Centuries-old Ugra";

•Workshops for children and youth;

•Industrial program of the Film Festival;

•Discount and promotions campaigns of the Film Festival;

•Cultural program of the Film Festival;

•Official receptions programs, programs of protocol events and Clubs of professional filmmakers;

•Guided tours and tourist ethnographic programs of the Film Festival;

•Visiting film programs and cultural events outside the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, including in the cities of Ekaterinburg and Moscow (March 6-10, 2018).

Article 14.

​The total number of members of the jury and their accompanying guests, participants, partners, journalists, employees of the Moscow office of the Executive Directorate of Film Festival, invited to participate in major events in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk in the period from 1 to 7 of March 2018, shall not exceed 120 people.

​The Executive Directorate of the Film Festival in coordination with the Department of Culture of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra should approve final personal composition of the participants and guests of the festival before February 21, 2018.

​Members of the jury and their accompanying guests, participants, partners, employees of the Moscow office of the Executive Directorate of Film Festival, invited to participate in major events in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk, should be accommodated in the Hotel "Cronwell Resort Ugorskaya Dolina".

​Air transportation of the guests and participants of the Film Festival en-route:from cities of Moscow (St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg) to Khanty-Mansiysk (Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, Yugorsk) and back should be performed by regular flights of UTair and Aeroflot airlines.

Article 15.

​Official venues of the Film Festival in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk:

​1.The large hall, press room, transformer hall of the Concert and theater center "Ugra-Classic", 22 a Mira Street.

​2. Large and small halls of the Center of Arts for Gifted Children of the North, 1 Piskunova Street.

​3. Halls of the Cinema Center, 4 Lopareva Street.

​4. conference-hall of the State Art Museum, 2 Mira Street.

​5. Langal cinema, 15 Mira Street.

Article 16.

​On the threshold of the Film Festival the Executive Directorate and the Presidential Council of the Film Festival shall hold:

​1. Presentation of programs and campaigns of the Film Festival in Khanty-Mansiysk;

​2. Press-conference by the organizers and partners of the Film Festival in Moscow, February 14, 2018;

​3. Information and promotion campaigns to highlight the Film Festival events.

​Events of the Film Festival are highlighted in the media, on the official websites of the founders and main executors of the Film Festival.Journalists shall get accredited for the Film Festival event.

​General information partner of the Film Festival is autonomous institution of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra " Broadcasting company of the Okrug " Ugra ."