Debut/Grand opening Guidelines

Before the Party:


Send out your invitations approx. 10-14 days prior to your party. Make sure to include a RSVP date and a phone number for them to respond. (By the Thurs prior for a Saturday party) Make sure you have 50 on your guest list to insure that 15 show up.


On Wednesday/Thursday for a Saturday party, call each guest that has not RSVP’d to remind them about the party, and letting them know you are counting on them to be there. Let everyone know to bring a friend because if there are15 attendees, there will be a drawing for a free gift (product or jewelry) and one person is sure to win that day!

At a Debut Party or a Trunk Show, the idea is to show all of your product line and give a brief description of the product. The idea is that what you can show and tell, you can sell.

Follow-up Script:

Hi, Sally, this is _____. I’m so excited about my grand opening on ______Did you get my invitation? (wait for her response) I am working on refreshments this week and just need to know as I am counting on you to be there. Can I count on you to be there? (wait for response)

[If she ask how long the Grand Opening will be, tell her less then 2 hours. Don’t put 7-9 on the invitation, just put 7:00; otherwise they will arrive at various times. You need them all there at 7:00, so don’t put an end time on the invitation. Always ask your guests to be early as we always start on time.]

If she is unable to attend use this script:

You know, Sally…to complete my training, I need to do 30 faces in 30 days. Can I use your pretty face? I would love to get your opinion on our product as compared with what you are presently using.

Set the time by saying… “Let me tell you when my openings are – i.e. I have Monday or Thursday. Which would be better for you? Is morning or evening better for you? Great! 2 or 4. (Always give two choices on the day and the time. Not a yes or no question, always gives a choice that works best for your schedule as the consultant.)

Call everyone that you sent an invitation to. You will most likely get a message machine for 2/3 of them. Leave this message on their answering machine:

“Hi, sally, this is Niki and I am so excited about my Grand Opening on Thursday. Hope you got my invitation because I’m counting on you being there. I REALLY need your support. I’m a little nervous and would feel so much better if you would be there to support me. Just call me if you can’t come, otherwise I will assume you can be there and I’ll have an extra treat for you!”

Keep refreshments light. Coffee and soft drinks, cake or cookies.

Your Debut:

Setting Up:

1. Display one of everything. Take one of every item out of your inventory, take it out of its box, and display it at the party. This includes every item from each collection.

2. Also include the lipstick display and fill it with lipsticks.

3. Take a black plastic display tray for color, and fill it with eye shadows, cheek colors, and applicators. Also display a few lip liners, eyeliners, brow liners, and the lip outliner pencil. Also put out one of each of the mascaras to show for the finishing touches.

4. Take out one of each compact, including the Custom Compact and fill it with color & foundation to show what our compacts look like filled with color or foundation and the appropriate applicator.

5. Use your beauty book as a guide and fill a Travel roll up bag exactly how it is displayed in the Beauty book. Fill each pocket full of the product that it recommended. Use the “Create A Roll up Bag” sheet for your closing. Have copies for each guest.

6. In addition, make sure you also have one of everything that is displayed in the travel roll up bag also on display individually with the rest of your product.

7. You will also need for demonstration purposes; demo tubes of the 3-in-1 Time WiseCleanserage fighting moisturizer, Oil-free eye makeup remover and any sample of the liquid foundation and a satin hand set. (all comes in your kit) These items will be demonstrated on each guest’s hands during the party.

8. During this demonstration, you will need cotton rounds or squares for each guest, and one wet paper facial cloth for each guest.

9. At the end of the party, you will need a Beauty book, a sales ticket, Create a roll up bag sheet(or whatever closing sheet your director recommends) and a pen for each guest. The Director/Team Leader will close the show by using the Roll up Bag as well as the sheet on “Create a roll up Bag” to close the show (or the recommended sheet your director says). Let them know about the specials and how they can create their own roll up bag.

During the presentation:

Your Director / Team Leader will arrive 30 minutes early to add the finishing touches of your set up before the guests start to arrive. As you get started, each guest will complete a customer profile card. Also give them a sales ticket so they can fill out as their Wish List from items displayed. (optional: You will do a question & answer during the presentation for the guests to receive a ticket for their participation throughout. You will also need a small basket to keep the tickets in for the drawing, as you will do a drawing at the end of the show for more prizes. They can earn tickets several different ways…..audience participation, and what the invite listed etc…..for each referral and for every $10 that they spend they will receive a ticket. You will need to assist your Director/Team Leader during the presentation and pass out tickets to the guests who ask questions about the product or the career for the drawing at the end). As you describe each of the products on the table hold them in your hand and only demonstrate the Timewise Set, one foundation and the eye makeup remover on the hand. As well as doing Satin Hands at the end.At this time you can then give everyone a catalog too look at.

In a separate room for closing:

You will need sales tickets, calculator, pen, appointment book in the room. When the presentation is over, your Director/Team Leader will check out each guest individually in this room and the consultant (you) will take their sales ticket and fill their order. At check out time, she will also book a follow up appt. for a facial or color appt. so they can try the product on their faces to get a custom look. She will also close them booking an appt. for the Career information. Whoever gives the most referrals will receive a beautiful gift.

Make sure every guest leaves with their product in a MK bag along with their own copy of the Beauty book and your business card directing them to your website for future shopping.
Closing Script:

“I appreciate all of you for being here to support Niki. It’s one thing to encourage her with your WORDS, but it’s another thing to BACK IT UP WITH YOUR ACTIONS.

There are two ways you can support Niki with your actions:

  1. Purchase something tonight (receive one ticket for every $10 you purchase). We know that you all need something or you wouldn’t have come. Your purchase will help Niki place her FIRST order (or finish Star Consultant, etc.). Whatever you purchase helps NIKI and not me.
  2. Help her practice. She needs to put this on 30 faces in 30 days and she needs your pretty face! If each of you has 2 or 3 friends over, she’ll be done quickly. If each of you would invite two people who are not here today this will help her business expand. If you will set a date and time today you will receive more tickets for the drawing at the end.” (Your team leader will book this privately in a separate room.)
  3. I know I went over a lot of information about the career, but do you have any questions over what I did not cover? (answer any questions and then say…) Is MK something you’d like to consider for yourself?” If her answer is yes, have her fill out the agreement to order her starter kit. If the answer is no or maybe in the future, find out what’s holding them back from getting started now and if it’s still no, say “We will still value as a customer. In fact I noticed that you checked off, i.e. advanced glamour, etc. on your profile. We will be sure to get back with you regarding your follow up appointment.”

Follow Up:

1. Within a few days following your show, call each customer that bought product and ask how they are enjoying their products. Remind them that if they are not 100% satisfied, you can exchange or return their product giving them the guarantee that we offer. Thank them for their support of your new business and if they booked a follow up appt. with youmake sure they have their guest list to be ready to invite. Coach them at this time on how to invite their guests asking each guest to bring a friend and reconfirm the date & time with them.

2. Call the guests that were not able to attend and offer to book an appt. to do a facial one / one or a skin care class with a few of their friends so that they can try the products that they missed out on. Tell them about the hostess program and how they can earn free product. You can even send them the Hostess Packet so they can start taking outside orders before their scheduled class. (Hostess packet includes: Beauty Books, Sales tickets, your business cards, & any specials your offering)

3. Continue to follow up with your customers once a month or as needed to remind them of new products and placing their re-order with you online. Customers who purchased skin care products will need to re-order with 6-8 weeks. Anticipate their needs and call or email them before they run out.


1. If you sold out of any product at your debut, make sure you get that product to your customers ASAP as promised.

2. Place your re-order ASAP to restore the product that you sold and aim to re-invest 50% of your sales back in to your inventory so that you can truly service your client’s needs as promised.