Mrs. Bell

Mrs. Maydak

Ms. Desmond

5th Grade Team

Welcome to 5th grade at Sterling Middle School. We are very excited for a wonderful year. Mrs. Bell will teach Math and Social Studies and Mrs. Maydak will teach Science and ELA. Ms. Desmond is our Special Education Teacher. All of us will teach a 30 minute Reading Class. Students will also have specialists class each day: music, art, media, health, and physical education.

Homework Expectations

Math- There will be homework Monday through Thursday nights. Homework is based on what was taught in class that day.

Social Studies- No written homework will be given, but students will be expected to study for quizzes and tests.

Science- A packet is given on Monday and due Friday. Science homework is focused on building vocabulary. Students should expect to work on science homework each night Monday-Thursday for 15- 20 minutes.

Reading- Daily reading at home for 20 minutes a night Monday- Thursday. Reading journals must be turned in on Friday.

ELA-Students will be focusing on a set of spelling words and vocabulary words over a two week period. Students will receive a packet and will get two weeks to complete packet. It will be a mix of skills to help reinforce what is being taught in the classroom.

We have websites that we will keep updated with homework and other important events going on.

(Ms. Bell/Ms.Maydak)

(Ms. Desmond)


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Class Descriptions & Important Information


Reading class will be a 30 minute block daily which will focus on a mixture of important skills necessary to create enthusiastic and motivated readers. The class requires a weekly homework reading journal to be returned on Fridays. It also requires students to complete a book project each trimester. This is to be completed at home on a book of choice and presented in class.

Grading: Daily Effort/Participation, Book Project, & Weekly Reading Journals

Supplies: book to read and to be left in class!

English Language Arts

In class students will be using our Journey’s Program which is in line with the new Common Core Standards. Each story we focus on will take us about 2 weeks to complete and within that time students will work on the following skills: Spelling, Grammar, Writing, and Reading Skills all combined. Each trimester we will take a break from the Journey’s program and do a writer’s workshop.

Grading: Spelling, Grammar, Decoding, and Comprehension Tests, Homework, Writing, Story tests, & Daily Effort/Participation/Behavior.

Supplies: 2 inch 3 ring binder


In class we will be using the GO Math book which is in line with the Common core Standards. Students will have daily math lessons from the text and a workbook with a practice page each night for homework. Students are expected to know the basic math facts so will begin the year with a quick review. Within each chapter of the book the students will have a quiz and a test at the end of each chapter.

Grading: Test and quiz scores, and homework


Fifth grade science is a general science that will cover a mix of Life, Earth and Space, Physical and Technology and Engineering. Vocabulary development will be a big part of this year’s focus. Weekly homework will help develop a stronger science vocabulary. There will be an at home project once a trimester.

Grading: weekly vocabulary quizzes, chapter tests, participation/effort, daily science journals, projects and homework.

Supplies: 70 page notebook

Social Studies

Students will be studying the 15th and 16th century European explorations, the earliest settlements in North America, and the development of the English colonies. They will also study the events that led to the independence of the original thirteen colonies and the formation of a national government under the U.S. Constitution. Most of the Social Studies will be done in class. Students will be expected to study for tests as homework and complete any unfinished classwork at home.

Grading: Tests, classwork, and participation