Musbury Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held Monday 27 March 2017 in Musbury Village Hall Committee Room
PRESENT: Cllr C. Corbett (Chair); Cllrs C. Ellis, J. Albano, M. Perry, P. Perryman and P. Smith; County Cllr A. Moulding; Ms J. Bishop (Clerk); 12 parishioners.
1 APOLOGIES: District Cllr I. Chubb.
2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING held Monday 20 February 2017 were accepted as a true record and duly signed by Cllr Corbett.
3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllr Perry declared a pecuniary interest in Mountfield as he had been appointed by the Court of Protection deputy to make the property more secure.
4 POLICE MATTERS: PCSO Widger had emailed the crime report for February - 1 x Sexual assault on a female (ongoing investigation).
Councillor vacancy- A call for a new Councillor to replace Chas Hall on his resignation had been made through the Parish News and the Musbury website. Ken Goddard had responded. He has had some experience of being a Parish Councillor elsewhere but would have preferred to have lived longer in the village before offering his services, Given this, Cllr Corbett suggested he attend the Annual Parish Meeting while it is decided how best to proceed. ACTION
Changes to Axminster Medical Practice dispensing – From 30 April patients will be unable to order repeat medication by phone. The Clerk had attended the meeting on Thursday 2 March to discuss how best to be able to help those without internet access or who find it difficult to get into Axminster. It was decided to include a leaflet with medications to remind people of their options to order by hand, by post or online.
Noticeboards - The Clerk had received a quote from Steve Hearne to renovate the noticeboards at the old PO, at the bottom of Church Hill, opposite the school and in Northfield. She had also had a quote from carpenter James Amato for a new oak noticeboard and the refurb of the noticeboard at the old PO (this included making the sealed unit into a usable door).
Following discussion it was agreed
a) to move the Millennium noticeboard at the former PO to the side wall of Musbury Garage. Cllr Perryman agreed to check with Julian Rinaldi that he was still willing to host the board. ACTION
b) for the Clerk to ask James Amato for a revised quote to add two opening doors. Cllr Perryman felt that a single door would be unwieldy. ACTION
c) for the Clerk to ask Steve Hearne to submit a revised quote for work on the other noticeboards.ACTION
Hospital Closures- Councillors discussed the announcement by the NEW Clinical Commissioning Group to close the inpatient beds at both Honiton and Seaton. Cllr Moulding outlined the response of the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee to the decision and its objection to any bed closures before adequate provision for community care is made. If adequate assurances are not given the Scrutiny Committee resolved to refer the CCG decision to the Secretary of State. Some local Councils, including Seaton Town, are also exploring the viability of a legal challenge to the decision. However a Judicial Review would examine the process by which a decision was made rather than the decision itself. Cllr Moulding said that the final decision to retain Sidmouth rather than Seaton hospital beds was made ‘very last minute’ on the basis of misleading comparisons between the demographics of the towns, which took insufficient account of the catchment areas.
Cllr Moulding said that on a positive note plans were underway for the creation of an Axe Valley Healthcare hub which had the potential to bring such facilities as dementia care, palliative care and chemotherapy to complement the existing services provided at community hospitals. Cllr Albano said that too often it was currently care by the community rather than care in the community.
It was agreed the Clerk will write to the Chairs of the Scrutiny Committee and to Seaton Town Council Planning Committee, expressing the Parish Council’s support for their actions. ACTION
Potholes – The Clerk had notified Highways of the following potholes: a)Doatshayne Lane/ Church Hill (EX13 8BB?),b) Doatshayne Lane T-junction EX13 8AF, c) on the Lane from South Cross down to Castlewood Farm (EX13 8SS),d) on the Lane from Sellars Wood EX13 8SRto Knoll Knap EX13 8SU.
She had also alerted him to the heave on the A358 close to the junction with the Doatshayne Lane continuation lane. The problem is roughly in the same place as the large hole subsequently filled in a couple of years ago.
Councillors said they had been attended to, but badly. Cllr Moulding reminded them that a new Highways contractor would start in May. ACTION
Marlborough Close- Nick Allen has put this road on the system to be patched and sealed in the future programme.
Wall on Church Hill –Tony Hargreaves’ contractor had completed all repairs and Councillors agreed he had done an excellent job. They agreed to make a contribution to the costs of repointing the section where the Council’s noticeboards are positioned since it was likely the fixings had caused some of the damage.
Weeds on A358 - Cllr Perryman had drawn attention to a swathe of weeds about 30 yards long on the Whitford side of the road opposite the Axminster Rd junction. Resident Mike Lock had identified these as Winter heliotrope. Spread is by means of rhizomes so best control is by use of a systemic weedkiller.
Community Road Warden scheme - Highways has again invited the Council to join this scheme by which DCC gives public liability cover for works done on the highways by volunteers to the parish council. It is a pre-requisite for any council wishing to fill its own potholes. Cllrs Perry and Smith have both recently completed Chapter 8 training but felt that the course only covered very basic training. Councillors decided not to sign the Agreement, at least for the present.
Increase to Clerk’s salary – It was noted that NALC has agreed a national 1% increase in hourly pay rates effective from 1st April 2017. Councillors approved this rise for the Musbury Clerk from £9.299 to £9.392 per hour.
Recent transactions - The Clerk presented the accounts for February and part March (below). These had been reviewed by Cllr Ellis for internal audit. The accounts were approved by Cllrs Smith and Perryman.
Cllr Perryman explained that the Village Hall was in the process of changing banks from HSBC in Honiton to Lloyds in Axminster. This move should mean cheques are paid in more quickly.
Parishes Together Funds –
2014/15 –Dalwood has now spent £110 of its £191.95 share. The Dalwood Clerk has agreed the balance can be spent by Musbury.
2015/16 – The Clerk has arranged an extension. The £485 for Musbury to use in flood prevention work must now be spent by the end of September 2017. Cllr Perry will provide a quote for work to plough the base of the hedge on the west side of Combpyne lane from Rosemary Lane towards South Cross, opposite the ditch that has collapsed. Cllr Corbett will organise a comparative quote. ACTION
2016/17 – The Clerk will draw down the sum of £503.80 for further drainage and flood prevention works after 1 April. It must be spent by 31 January 2018. ACTION
8 P3
FP36 – Cllr Albano said the PROW contractor had repaired the broken wooden rail over the stream .The cost of this has been picked up by the PROW warden as an emergency repair. The contractor has advised that the run of fencing needs replacing by next year. This job has been included in the annual bid submitted by Cllr Albano.
The East Devon Villages Plan – This has just been published, together with a Heritage Impact Report for Musbury and a Sustainability Appraisal. The Villages Plan defines the‘Built-up Area Boundary’ (BUAB) for Musbury and the other ‘sustainable’ villages. The Parish Council’sresponse to an earlier consultation sought the inclusion of part of Baxters Farm, some of which is now included. It also wanted the continuing exclusion of Mountfield which has now been proposed for inclusion. Referring to Mountfield, EDDC says ‘the open nature of this land coupled with its topography, tree cover and relationship with neighbouring listed buildings makes it unlikely that it will be suitable for development, except in exceptional circumstances’.
EDDC is inviting ‘representations’ on these proposals on its comments form until noon on 10 May 2017.
Cllr Corbett urged all councillors and residents affected to look carefully at the proposals. The Clerk has received one paper copy which was passed initially to Cllr Perryman. There will be a discussion on the proposals at the 8 May Parish Council meeting. ACTION
Greater Exeter Strategic Plan Consultation – Cllr Albano had attended the exhibition at Honiton’s Mackarness Hall on 8 March. She reported that that the local authorities of East Devon, Exeter, Mid Devon, Teignbridge and DCC are working together on a new joint plan which looks forward to 2040. The aim of this plan is to have a joined-up vision that meets the area’s housing needs in the right locations, improves transport and infrastructure, secures economic growth and conserves the environment. This Greater Exeter Strategic Plan will provide the high level strategic planning policy for the area. It will sit above the District Local Plans, which in turn will sit above Neighbourhood Plans. Stage 1 of the Plan runs until 10 April. This is a consultation on issues and a call for suitable sites that fit within the framework outlined in the East Devon Local plan accommodating at least 5 dwellings (although larger sites for up to 500 homes are preferred). The Clerk and Cllr Albano will respond to the issues consultation by the deadline. ACTION
Mountfield - The Clerk reported the auction did not go ahead but the publicity for it, compounded by a You Tube video of the contents (made by trespassers and currently with 4.4 million views) generated the start of many unwelcome visitors. The Police have been called out on several occasions in response to reports of people in the building at night and suspicious and potentially violent intruders during the day. The Court of Protection deputy, a solicitor appointed to act for the owner, authorised Cllr Perry to make the site more secure. The Deputy is currently working to decide what should happen to all the owner’s properties. He has advised that he will keep the Council appraised of progress. The Clerk said that it has been an enormously stressful time for her and the residents at the other neighbouring properties
Applications received- There were none.
Decisions notified
17/0135/FUL - Yew Tree House -Change of use of agricultural land to garden and ground engineering works to create parking area- Withdrawn.
Safety inspection – The 2017 report has been received giving an overall risk rating of Medium. There are many small maintenance jobs indicated which will need to be addressed. Cllrs Corbett and Perry will meet on site to discuss priorities. ACTION
Problems with tap –Cllr Perry has now repaired the tap and the water is back on.
Plots – The Clerk said there are 5 half-size plots and 4 full-size available. No-one had responded to the appeal for tenants in the Parish News.
Paths- The Clerk had again contacted Halcyon about their failure to cut some of the allotment paths. They made an appointment to meet Allen Parkman on site but did not turn up. Subsequently they authorised Mr Parkman to show the contractors what needs to be done.
County Councillor Andrew Moulding reported:
· The County Council is preparing for the 4 May elections
· His Civic Service to mark the end of his tenure as Chair is to be held on 2 April at 3 pm in the Minster at Axminster. All are welcome.
· EDDC relocation plans from the Knowle are well underway. Exmouth Town Hall has been upgraded and will house 100 officers; work is soon to start on the Honiton base for 250 officers.
In response to Cllr Corbett’s question Cllr Moulding said that the application to develop the land at the Knowle had been turned down by EDDC Planners. An Appeal is likely.
Double-decker buses- Cllr Smith had been asked by a resident to question the use of double-deckers going down the Whitford Rd. He was concerned about the impact on the road surface, the diesel fumes and drivers clipping the edges as they turned into the road. Councillors noted the concerns but felt there was little action they could take.
Visibility at the Garage – the problem remains of drivers coming blind out of The Street onto the A358.
The Police have spoken to Julian about this on several occasions but the vehicles are parked on his land.
Audit- the paperwork for the year ending 31 March 2017 has been received from Grant Thornton; The completed returns need to be submitted by 30 May 2017. The Clerk will contact Nigel Bowles to ask if he is again willing to act as internal auditor. ACTION
EDDC :Notice of Election for DCC Councillors – 4 May 2017; Application for New Premises Licence Park Farm; Scheme to spread the cost of a new boiler
DCC – Civic Service invitation to Chairman 2 April at the Minster; TRIP Community Transport ; brochures; National Plant Monitoring Scheme; Pinpoint Community Services in Devon- poster; Clerks & Councils Direct March 2017; Everyone’s Tomorrow Spring 2017; Broxap and Glasdon brochures.