46240 Algonkian Parkway

Sterling, Virginia 20165


PH: (571) 434-3220

River Bend Middle School PTA Meeting Minutes

September 21, 2010

7:00 pm

I. Attendees:

Cindy VanGorder / Katie Clark / Shelley Taylor
Julie Fambro / Allison Spencer / Derwin Reassall
Kristy Brewer / Carrie Nettles / Andrea Soccio
Nancy Tessman / Jolene Stuit / Tami StFrancis
Tara Hopkins / Tricia Anderson / Lori Stevens
Ben Lacy / Lindsay Jorns
Cliff Gold / Jean Scarborough
Matt Baker / Vilma Rangwani

II. Call to order: Meeting called to order by Julie Fambro at 7:00 pm

III. Approve minutes from the last meeting: The June 2010 meeting minutes were reviewed by attendees and approved pending spelling correction to the attendees list.

IV. Reports of Officers:

a) President's Report:

·  Julie Fambro thanked all volunteers who helped with: teacher breakfast, copying, envelope stuffing, front office staff, open house, back to school night and spirit wear sales.

·  Shared the proposed school calendar for 2011-2012. School would start 8/29/11 and end 6/8/12. Board scheduled to adopt next year’s calendar at its October 12th meeting. School Board is seeking parent, student and staff input.

·  Thanked a parent who got a $350 donation from Capital One for school supplies for students in need.

·  Encouraged everyone to join River Bend Middle School PTA on Facebook.

·  Reminded everyone that you have to have a TB screening if you work in direct contact with students.

b) Treasurer's Report:

·  Nancy Tessman presented the 2010-2011 budget. Motion was made to approve budget, motion approved.

·  The actual budget was also presented with costs so far this year. Current checking balance is $11,766.79.

·  The 990 is in progress and is due in November.

·  Treasurer presented 2009-2010 audit. Motion was made to approve audit, motion approved.

V. Principal Report / Teacher Report:

·  Mr. Lacy reported we were one of two schools to make AYP last year in the county. Very pleased with the effort of teachers and students in school. Will work with Tara Hopkins on the Achievement Gap.

·  Mr. Gold thanked the PTA for a good start. Breakfast was spectacular!

·  Ms. Jorns thanked the copy volunteers. She is working with the SCA on activities, Potomac Falls homecoming activities, 6th grade party will be 3/10/11 and 7th grade party will be 4/8/11, both after school. Girls on the Run need two more participants to have program.

VI. Committee Reports:

·  Membership – As of now we have 310 members

·  BLAST – Julie Fambro – September and November dates are already full. January has minimum attendees to hold class.

·  Bingo – Kristy Brewer – event is October 1st. Everything ready, asking teachers to help call numbers and help with event to get more students interested in coming.

·  Reflections – Julie Fambro – you can go to website to get forms. Entries are due Oct. 1st.

·  LEAP – Lori Stevens – Minutes from last meeting on online. Next meeting on nutrition and fitness.

·  Mom’s Pies - Flyers will be distributed on 10/5, due back 11/3 with delivery date of 11/18. Announced program to purchase a pie for a teacher. Hoping to have enough donated to give each staff member a pie.

·  Spirit Wear – Tara Hopkins – sales going great, sold $7000 so far. Need to get the student design winners their prize.

·  RBMS Education Fund – Have received about $7500 so far.

VII. Old Business:

The PTA is seeking a new auditor.

VIII. New Business:

·  Couch to Country – Jean Scarborough explained program and asked for funds for program. An after school program to get students active. Cost would be about $2774 based on 200 participants. PTA responded that a grant to LEF needs to written to help fund program. We have a volunteer to help write grants and will get the name to Jean.

·  Math Counts Competition – Vimla Rangwani explained the program. Four to ten participants would meet weekly and go to competition in January. Already has a parent volunteer to help. PTA suggested that since the program is like Odyssey of the Mind and Robotics, students interested in program pay the $25 fee. The funds would go through the PTA.

·  A motion was made to add a line item to budget - $300 for Math Counts. Motion approved.

·  Brain Pop – Jean Scarborough explained the program. Online program that helps all grades in all subjects prepare for SOLs. Cost is $1000 per year. The 7th grade science team finds it very helpful. Mr. Lacy suggested we get a utilization report to see how much it was used last year before we approve purchasing the program. A suggestion was made to get corporate sponsors for the program.

IX. Announcements:

9/27&28 – Picture Days

9/29 – Prepaid bingo forms due

9/30 - BLAST

10/1 - Bingo

10/1 - Reflections Due

10/5 – Mom’s Pie Sales

10/6 – Baja Fresh 5-9pm

10/13 – LEAP 7:30pm

10/19 – PTA Meeting 3:30pm

10/20 – MSAAC

10/29 – End Fall Education Fundraiser

X. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:43 pm

Minutes prepared by Kristy Brewer – PTA Secretary

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