Computer Applications I Name: Date:

Midterm Exam 2016-2017 Study Guide

**Information for study guide can be found on MS Word page of

MLA Format – Using the MLA Formatting Guidelines, complete the statements below.

Margins are

Font style and size are

Line spacing is

Before and After spacing are

Page Header should include

Document header includes

Document header looks like

Date is written like

Title is

Paragraphs are

Business Letter Format – Using the sample Business Letter, complete the statements below.

Personal Letterhead should include , ,

and .

In the personal letterhead all items should be , and .

Your name should be point font size. You should also have a under your personal letterhead.

The date should be lines below the personal letterhead

The inside address should be lines below the date and should include

Paragraphs in the body of the letter should or should not be indented?

You should between each paragraph.

Word Icon/Buttons – Label the formatting toolbar with the items below:

Undo Typing Font Style Fill Open

Repeat Typing Font Size Cut Paste

Bold Font Color Right Align Print

Italic Borders Center Bullets

Underline Show/Hide ¶ Print Preview Save

Word Program Window - label the Word program window below with the following items:

·  Insertion Point

·  Horizontal Ruler

·  Vertical Ruler

·  Tab

·  Group

·  Ribbon

·  Quick Access Toolbar

·  View Ruler Button

·  Status Bar

·  Office Button

·  Scroll Bar

·  Zoom Slider

Word Keyboard Shortcuts - match the following command to the keyboard shortcut (draw a line)

·  Center

·  New

·  Italic

·  Cut

·  Copy

·  Paste

·  Bold

·  Save

·  Underline

·  Print

·  Open












Creating a Shaded List with Borders – using the list below, follow the instructions to use tabs, borders and shading to reformat the list.

·  On the horizontal ruler, insert left tab stops at 1”mark and 3 ½” mark. Insert a right tab stop at 5 ½” mark

·  Insert tab before each event, date and time in the list

·  Select list and change line spacing to 1.5

·  Select top line of list and change font color to red

·  Select last eight lines of list and add “2 option” in Leader section at 3 ½” tab stop and 5 ½” tab stop

·  Select list and add a double line style border with Dark Blue, Text 2 color and 1 ½ pt width

·  Drag left indent marker to the ½” mark and the right indent marker to the 6” mark.

·  Shade the table with Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 60%

Event Date Time

Block 1A Exam January 17 8:00am

Block 2A Exam January 17 9:40pm

Block 1B Exam January 18 8:00am

Block 2B Exam January 18 9:40am

Block 3A Exam January 19 8:00am

Block 4A Exam January 19 9:40am

Block 3B Exam January 20 8:00am

Block 4B Exam January 20 9:40am

PowerPoint Skills – complete the assignment below to practice skills using PowerPoint.

My Dream Vacation

1. Create a new blank PowerPoint presentation.

2. Add an appropriate design theme to your presentation

3. In the title placeholder type, “My Dream Vacation”

4. In the subtitle text placeholder type, Your Name and Today’s Date

5. Add 2 new Two Content slides

6. In slide 2, add a bulleted list of important information about your location and an appropriate picture

7. In slide 3, add a bulleted list of what to pack for your vacation and an appropriate picture

8. In slide 3, convert your list to an appropriate SmartArt graphic

9. Add a new Title Only slide

10. In the title placeholder type, “Budget” and insert a rectangle shape

12. Copy the rectangle shape and add the text below:

·  Travel

·  Hotel

·  Food

·  Budget

13. Insert an arrow and equal sign in the appropriate place

14. Open the Header and Footer dialog box

15. In the Slide tab, type today’s date into the Fixed text box

16. Type your name in the Footer text box

17. Apply the footer to all the slides except the title slide

18. Save presentation as “My Dream Vacation”

Microsoft Word – you should be able to do the following skills by completing the table below

Question / Toolbar Changes to Apply / Answer
1.  How old are you? / Change the font size to that of the number you entered
2.  What color do you wear most often? / Change the color of the text to the color you entered
3.  What is your favorite class this year? / Underline the text
4.  What is your favorite fast food item? / Center align the text
5.  What is your favorite sports team? / Insert a standard bullet before the text
6.  Who is your best friend? / Change the font to a style of your choice
7.  What is the last television show you watched? / Italicize the text
8.  What is the last movie you watched? / Bold the text
9.  What is your favorite animal? / Find a ClipArt picture of your animal and resize it to fit in the box. Use text wrapping to move the picture into the box.