KIC InnoEnergy Professional MOOC Proposal 2016

*Compulsory attachments:

1.  List of participating institutions

1.  Project plan

2.  Budget

3.  CV of proposer (and of other highly involved persons)

Educational product/MOOC Title
Educational product/MOOC Acronym
Expected starting date
Duration of the project (in months)
Name of project manager
Total Budget
Total requested budget from KIC InnoEnergy*
Requested budget calendar year 2016
Requested budget calendar year 2017
Requested budget calendar year 2018**

* As a general guide-line it is estimated that a MOOC could land in the order 40-80 kEuro, but any other proposal will of course be fully considered.

**Usually 0, as the development of a MOOC should usually not take more than 1 year.

1. List of participating institutions

Participant legal name / Associated KIC IE Office / Implementing partner** (Y/N) / Organization type / Accountable person / Signature
1 / e.g. research, industry

** Implementing partner = partner who will be responsible for the implementation.

1a: Which of the Educational Topics explicitly mentioned in the call does the proposal refer to? [Evaluation criteria addressed: E2]

2. Executive summary (please do not exceed 180 words/each)

2.0. General description
2.1. What problem does your educational product/service solve? How?
2.2. Which are the intended target groups (users, customers)?
2.3. Summarize the characteristics and attributes of the Professional MOOC to be developed. What should it eventually “look like”? Are in addition other products or services? (Note: additional educational products or services are not mandatory)
2.4. How will it be “delivered” to the learners or communities? (Note: delivering on the KIC InnoEnergy online learning website must be considered, but additional options can be contemplated)
2.5. Which are the main ILO (Intended Learning Outcomes)?
2.6. What is the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of the educational product/service?

NB: This Executive summary shall be publishable. Please choose your wording accordingly.

3. Educational Product Description (Professional MOOC (mandatory) + additional products or services (if any, not mandatory))

[Evaluation criteria addressed: A2]

3.1. Explain more in detail exactly what will be delivered
3.2. In exact which form for use by the KIC InnoEnergy community
3.3. Syllabus details
3.4. ILO per audience (note: If there are several target groups there should be clear ILOs for each such group)
3.5. Methodology to check the ALO (Achieved Learning Outcomes) (as under 3.4)
3.6. Pedagogical methodology to be used in the MOOC and in the additional products or services (if any)
3.7. Knowledge materials to be delivered
3.8. Number of “contact/lecture hours” given by the teachers/moderators of the educational product/service
3.9. Number of working hours to learn the content of the Professional MOOC and number of working hours to learn the additional educational product (if any)
3.10. Would this MOOC be appropriate/possible/desirable towards ECTS? YesNo
3.10a. If so, how many ECTS would you judge the MOOC would correspond to?

4. Overall project plan (Max 1 page – preferably also a GANTT chart)

Assessment criteria addressed: A3, A4]

Please indicate Work Packages, tasks, deliverables, workload/resources, validation points with customer/market:

5. Work packages

[All criteria]: Special attention has to be given to the WP0, since it will be the gate where its outputs will be presented to the EB for assessing further KIC InnoEnergy investment.

Total duration of the project in months
Work package Title
Institution(s) / More than one institution can be involved.
Duration / Starting month/year: MM/YYYY / Ending month/year: MM/YYYY
Total PM (person/month) counted as part of the resources
Person/months per task and per institution collaborating in the task
Other types of identified resources (subcontractors, investments, ...)
Number of KIC IE MSc students involved in the WP
Number of KIC IE PhD students involved in the WP
Expected outcome/Deliverables/KPI
Detailed Objectives
Progress beyond state of the art
Description of work (including list of tasks in the WP)

6. Business Opportunity

[Evaluation criteria addressed: A1, A3]

6.1. Product/service definition [Evaluation criteria addressed: A1.1, E2]
6.1.1. What problem does your product/service address?
6.1.2. How does it solve it?
6.1.3. Who is the potential customer and/or user? Business-to-business
Business-to customer
(Note: If B2B please describe any letters of intention and please attach file, if applicable)
6.1.4. Product or service description: What is the final deliverable (i.e. a 4 weeks course, of 5 hours per week, and 20 hours in total, plus..)
6.1.5. What is the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of the product/service?
6.2. Market analysis [Evaluation criteria addressed: A1.2]
6.2.1. Who are your customers and what are their characteristics?
6.2.2. Are there similar products in the market? Please specify your competitive advantage.
6.2.3. Estimated market size and penetration in next 2 years. Specify assumptions.
6.2.4. How are you going to promote it?
6.2.5. How are you going to execute the educational product/service once it is developed?
6.3. Investment, financial return and economic measures
6.3.1. Are there any extra investments needed after having the developed the educational product/service? Why? What for? [Evaluation criteria addressed: A3] How do you plan to get such an additional investment?
6.3.2. Expected ROI (Return Of Investment) for KIC InnoEnergy [Evaluation criteria addressed: A3]
2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020
Break-even point allowing for upfront investment and running cost (insert number of years the educational product/MOOC expectedly needs KIC IE sponsoring until ROI is generated): 12345678910

7. Integration of the knowledge triangle

[Evaluation criteria addressed: A5]

7.1. Describe the role of KIC InnoEnergy MSc students or/and KIC InnoEnergy PhD candidates in the development, execution or commercialization (not the use) of the educational product/MOOC.
7.2. Describe how this educational product/MOOC contributes to KIC IE overall strategy (i.e. as a module of another educational program, to reinforce innovation projects, none at all, etc.).

8. Budget breakdown (please ALSO fill out and attach the educational product/MOOC Budget template)

[Evaluation criteria addressed: A3]

Estimation of total required EIT-funding (in k€)
2016 / 2017 / 2018* / 2019*
Estimation of EIT-funding required for WP0 (in k€)
2016 / 2017* / 2018* / 2019*

* Probably 0 as the intent is to have a fast and expedient delivery of the educational product.

Note that in the attached template, the budget shall be given for the whole period of the Educational product/service. The cost estimate of the WP0 must be clearly indicated in the aforementioned attached template.

8. CV of MOOC Project Manager (Please attach file, if applicable)

Yes, CV attached

No, we would like KIC InnoEnergy to propose a MOOC Project Manager