Network sales companies use consultants, like us, to sell products, rather than high dollar advertizing, marketing, commercials, and high-priced firms. There are a number of strong advantages for Scentsycompared to other network sales companies (“NWS”). Please allow me to highlight some of the advantages that you often will not find in other companies, and rarely all in the same company.

Fantastic product. Obviously you need high quality products, desired by a large market, and offered at a fair price. The unique light bulb based candle provides a safer, soot-free alternative to candles. It can be used where flames are prohibited. The broad range of designer warmers compliment and enhance your décor, while simultaneously stimulating the senses. This combination appeals to a broader range of customers than vases or candles alone.

Low Entry Cost. Start a business for $99, plus tax and shipping. This fee is break even for the company for all 80+ scent testers, a warmer, and business supplies provided. You are ready to hit the ground running. Many recruits are possible with this low entry price. You are not initially priced out of being able to afford to operate and fund your business. There are even special opportunities to permit you to double your money in the first 15 days. The initial price point both enhances recruiting and you getting started.

No Renewal Fee: Your $99.00 is a once per life time fee. Compare to Daisy Blue Naturals, $99.00 each year renewal fee.

Large Target Market. Americans buy $2,000,000,000.00 (2 BILION) dollars each year in candles. While Scentsy is unique, and hence without significant competition, it has a huge market of potential customers.

Amazing Opportunity. At five years old, Scentsy is young enough for tremendous downline growth, but old enough to prove it is not fly by night. 2009 revenue of over $152,000,000.00 (152 million) demonstrates the sales potential and staying power of the company. Scentsy has grown in excess of 250% each year. 2008 revenue of $52,000,000.00 (52 million), while remarkable, was tripled (300%) in 2009. There is a bright future for Scentsy.

Repeat Customers: You have built in repeat customers because they need to replace the wax, and desire additional warmers for other rooms, and to replace the style of their warmers. They can order from you, or directly from your website. Additional parties are not required for new purchases.

Free/Low Cost Shipping: UPS ground shipping, arriving within 12 days, is free on all party orders over $150 shipped to consultants, including those combined from multiple customers. All other shipping only 10% of the order, or $3.00 for a warmer, 50 cents for a bar, 30 cents for a car candle. Shipping cost encourage larger orders while not discouraging smaller repeat orders. Compare to Thirty-One which requires the consultant to pay 8% of the hostess value for shipping on order less than $500.00.

No Cost/Low Cost Hostess Gifts: Many NWS companies require the consultant to pay for 100% of the hostess gifts. This directly reduces profit dollar for dollar and unfairly pits you against the hostess (e.g. need fair incentive to have them host a party, but you want to minimize profit loss). The maximum cost for hostess gifts is only $5.00. If your hostess takes all the free and half price items from the party, the hostess gifts are FREE. Better, you are permitted to buy their half price items, eliminating hostess gift cost and permitting you to resell the item for pure 50% profit.

Free credit card fees:Scentsy pays 100% of the credit card processing fees on all orders. This saves you roughly 2-3.5% on each order.

Low Cost Catalogues: Scentsy catalogs (35 pages) are 50 cents a piece, but are professionally designed, photographed and printed on high gloss paper. Catalogues are replaced only 2 times per year. No need to constantly re-buy catalogues or waste money on unused catalogs. But, products are occasionally updated generating customer desire to buy new warmers and new scents.

No Termination Fees: Hopefully you never need this, but at times people stop selling Scentsy. You are not charged a cancellation fee, nor is there a “charge back” for inventory you already have. You remain free to sell off any inventory you have and keep the money. NO Non-compete clause prohibiting you from selling other products to your customers after you terminate. Compare to Angela Moore Direct, two year prohibition on post-termination customer sales.

Free Website Design: Scentsy designs template based customer ordering websites for all consultants, which permit you 3-4 options to “customize” your site. Recruits sign up directly on your Scentsy website. You can post “open” parties on-line permitting customers to combine orders for free shipping. You can identify when/where your parties are so people can attend. You can identify when/where you are doing shows/fairs for customers to see products without waiting for a party. You can provide pictures of yourself, contact information, a biographical description, and highlight your favorite products. You may also create your own personal website to market and advertize Scentsy. Your personal site needs to be linked to your Scentsy website, known as a replicated site, for customers to order from Scentsy, for Scentsy to track your commission on customer orders, and so recruits can sign up under you in Scentsy.

Free/Low Cost Website: The Scentsy website is FREE the first 90 days, then only $10.00 per month. You have a Scentsy designed, business based web site for far cheaper than most any hosting service will charge for hosting a web site.

Free Work Station: Separate from the customer based website, you have your own website ordering and work station. In one location, you can track downline members, with their contact information and sales production. You can email your downline, either individually or the entire downline. You receive notices from Scentsy on updated information and products. You can track your compensation, sales, bonus, and other awards with detailed spread sheets showing you precisely how much you were paid on each consultant in your downline, and on your own sales.

Inventory: Not required, but permitted. Many consultants keep a modest inventory to sell at parties (people buy more when they see live). Some develop large inventories to sell at shows and fairs.

Limited competition:Virtually no competition in stores. What little there is uses smaller bars, less warming time, and less fragrant wax. Where else have you seen something like this?

Low sales volume required:Unlike many other NWS companies, there is NO minimum required number of parties. Unlike many NWS companies, there is NO minimum party order for you to get paid. You are paid your commission on each party. Hopefully you will do considerably more. But recognizing that some months you may be busy with life, Scentsy requires only $150.00 in retail sales one out of 3 three months. That is, you may not go three consecutive months without $150 in monthly sales. This is only 5 warmers or 4 Scentsy Systems. With the national average exceeding $250.00 per party, this is 1 party every 3 months.

Flexible selling opportunities: You are not limited to selling at home parties. Many members sell at home parties, or “basket” parties (leaving a basket of scents/warmer with a hostess for a couple of weeks for her to present to friends at their convenience) at trade shows, fairs, home shows etc, and through internet advertizing. Note: You may not sell on EBay, Craig’s List etc (but can recruit) or through a retail business space. This preserves the hostess business model, ensures fairness among consultants, and prevents someone with more money dominating the market just be opening a retail store.

Direct deposit onto free debit card: You receive a free Scentsy labeled debit card on which your commissions are directly deposited. Strike up conversations about Scentsy every time you buy something. This also helps track your business expenses for accounting purposes, but permits you to transfer the money into a different account for spending/investing.

Scentsy Success marketing supplies: Scentsy has professionally designed, Scentsy decorate and designed supplies, banners, car decals, party boxes, flyers, brochures, and recruiting kits. These are available on-line at reasonable costs. It is NOT mandatory to buy supplies from Scentsy, but provides clearly identifiable brand labeled materials for your customers, hostesses, and recruits. You do not have to have a marketing or graphic design degree to look professional.

Support and Training: Free On-line training videos, brochures, and recruiting materials available for download and printing. Annual Scentsy Convention with countless workshops presented on many topics, you pick what you need to focus on. World Tour training events presented by Scentsy CEO, or designee, and top earning local Directors. Special Workshops for new Directors to boost & expand their business to the next level and address new challenges in leading and training your new team.

Exotic trips: You may earn exotic, first class trips and cruises. Scentsy uses the ultimate hotels in exotic locations. Scentsy trips have been to the Canadian Rockies (BanffCanada--like Aspen), Hawaii, Cancun, PuertoVireo, and cruises to Mexico and Alaska.

Fair & Rewarding Compensation: making from 20-39% of your retail sales and from 2-9% on your downline, Scentsy provides fair compensation. It is not a get rich quick scheme. The more you work, sell, and recruit, the more you make. But, with consultants making seven figures, exceptional rewards are possible. The Scentsy downline compensation plan does not lock you behind those in your upline. You may “pass” them to earn more money. It provides rewards to those that earn them, not just those who sign up first. Scentsy pays downline commissions for up to three generations of directors under you. While there is a cap on how far down the downline you are paid, this took me over 1,000 consultants to begin to hit. Some cap is necessary to provide higher commissions at lower levels, while maintaining solvency of the compensation plan. Many multi-level companies promise so much compensation that eventually there are not enough new consultants to pay those at the top and they go bankrupt. Many companies pay higher commissions on direct sales, but then cannot “afford” to pay nearly as much on downline commissions, which provide you a long-term sustainable income. There is a “balance” to be found between commissions on personal sales and downline sales. Scentsy finds a tremendous balance.

Health Insurance: Scentsy consultants can purchase health insurance, at group rates, even without pre-existing conditions, through Blue Cross-Blue Shield.

Corporate Culture:Scentsy is family owned, family oriented, and family driven. The owner and CEO has his family members directly participating as consultants. Decisions for consultants directly affect his family. Not only does his personal belief system dictate fairness, but can you imagine family holidays if he back stabbed consultants? Proof of the corporate fairness is the tremendous revenue rise of Scentsy. Scentsy has already created the Scentsy Family Foundation for charitable works. Last year, Scentsy took $100,000.00 and gave to consultants to spend in downs hard hit by the recession. Plus, Scentsy is a member of the Direct Selling Association, comprised of top, widely recognized companies. DSA is principally known for the high ethical code each member must abide by. Of all the DSA companies, Scentsy was selected as the 2009 “Rising Star” DSA award for its high ethics and progress.