Edith Camilla Cassell 5

Edith Camilla Cassell

4313 Nagle Street (765) 404-7268

Bryan, TX 77801


Ph.D., English as a Second Language, English Language and Linguistics, May 2007

Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN)

Dissertation: Understanding community linguistic diversity: An ecological approach to examining language use patterns

of international graduate students

M.A., Teaching English as a Second Language, Department of Education, 1993

University of San Francisco (San Francisco, CA)

B.A., Major: International Studies; Minor: French, 1986

Butler University (Indianapolis, IN)


Teaching Awards

Graduate Student Award for Outstanding Teaching, Department of English, Purdue University, 2006

Graduate Student Award for Outstanding Teaching, Department of English, Purdue University, 2005

Graduate Student Award for Outstanding Teaching, Department of English, Purdue University, 2001

Cecilia Zissis Graduate Student Grant Award, Dean of Students, Purdue University, 2004

Funded at $500 to conduct dissertation research.

Conference Presentation Travel Grant, Department of English, Purdue University, 2004 and 2005

Funded at $200 each year to present at a regional and an international conference.

Purdue Research Foundation Summer Research Grant, Department of English, 2003 and 2004

Funded at $2,000 each year to conduct dissertation research.

Grand Alternative Grant Award secured for La Milonguera Argentinean Tango Club, 2003

Purdue University, funded at $1000 for a substance-free workshop and social event.

FSBIT Grant Award secured for the Friends of Europe Student Organization, 2001

Dean of Students, Purdue University, funded at $600 to host a folk music performance.


Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, August 2007 to present

INST 334: Assessment of English Language Learners

Lecturing undergraduate education majors in one of three courses designed to prepare pre-service teachers to work with diverse populations, particularly second language learners (four sections).

Oral English Proficiency Program, Department of English, Purdue University, 2001-2006

ENGL 001T: Professional Development for International Graduate Students (ESL)

Designed curriculum and taught new oral communication course for improving interpersonal, group, and formal presentation skills of advanced ESL students preparing for the job market (4 semesters).

ENGL 001T: Classroom Communication for International Teaching Assistants (ESL)

Developed new materials and taught a course preparing teaching assistants to communicate effectively, emphasizing oral presentation, classroom norms, and teaching skills (6 semesters).

ENGL 002: Academic Writing for International Graduate Students (ESL)

Designed and taught a course for developing advanced second language writing proficiency, focusing on rhetorical analysis and peer review for a variety of academic/professional genres (2 semesters).


Department of English, Purdue University, 2001

LING 227 : Elements of Linguistics

Lectured undergraduate language education majors in a survey course introducing language acquisition, syntax, semantics, morphology, phonology and sociolinguistics (1 semester).

Department of Education, University of New Hampshire (Manchester, NH), 2002

LING 591 : Introduction to Sociolinguistics

Designed curriculum and instructed a 3-credit, intensive summer course for elementary and secondary education teachers in continuing education as part of an MA-TESL program.

Ivy Tech State College, Subaru-Isuzu Automotive, Inc. (Lafayette, IN), 2001

American Business English Communication (onsite ESL class for employees)

Team taught a pre-workday class in intermediate level oral communication to Japanese managers.

American Language Academy, Butler University (Indianapolis, IN), 1994-1997

Grammar, Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking, TOEFL Preparation (Intensive ESL)

Taught content-based, integrated skills for international students preparing to attend American universities in a private academic intensive English program for pre-beginner to advanced levels.

Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (IN), 1994

G010 : ESL Intermediate Grammar and Writing

Assisted adult immigrants prepare for academic courses through the development of individual

writing portfolios and collaborative activities such as self-assessment coupled with peer review.

San Mateo Community College (San Mateo, CA), 1994

American Workplace Writing Skills (continuing education)

Taught technical and business second language writing to adult immigrants through peer review.


International Admissions Counselor, International Students/Scholars, Purdue University, 1998-1999

·  Advised prospective undergraduates about university programs.

·  Reviewed application files for admission and evaluated foreign post-secondary credit for transfer.

·  Participated on university-wide student retention initiatives committees.

·  Attended international student recruitment events and created new recruitment program.

·  Assisted with design of new admissions database and first online admissions application.

Student Advisor, American Language Academy, Butler University (Indianapolis, IN), 1994-1997

·  Counseled international students preparing to attend American universities.

·  Provided extensive support to students and home-stay families adjusting to multicultural differences.

·  Taught all levels of intensive English-as-a-second language classes to students aged 14-40.

Administrative Assistant, Alliance Capital Management (San Francisco, CA), 1992-1994

·  Provided support to three portfolio managers managing multi-million dollar retirement funds.

·  Maintained daily administration and gathered data to prepare quarterly and annual reports on performance characteristics of investment portfolios.

Translator/Copywriter, Philips Consumer Electronics (Eindhoven, The Netherlands), 1990-1991

·  Developed marketing materials for different cultural markets as part of an international project.

·  Wrote and edited English text for informational publications and translated Dutch text to English.

Account Assistant, Howard International Ltd. (Eindhoven, The Netherlands), 1987-1989

·  Searched for and interviewed qualified personnel and maintained and visited client contacts.

·  Guided contract employees through contracts throughout Europe arranging travel and work permits.


Switzerland Education Program (May 2008) Teaching, Learning, Culture Dept., Texas A&M University

Course: EDCI 489/689 Special Topics in Reading and Language Arts

Coordinated observations and student teaching of 26 students at an International Elementary School.

Itay Education Program (June 2008) Teaching, Learning, Culture Dept., Texas A&M University

Course: EDCI 489/689 Multicultural Children’s Literature

Coordinated observations and excursions for of 20 students at an Italian Middle School & Study Center.

Costa Rica Education Prog. (January 2009) Teaching, Learning, Culture Dept., Texas A&M University

Course: INST 322 Foundations of Education in a Multicultural Scoiety

Coordinated student teaching of 20 students at a village school near the TAMU Study Center.


The efficacy of Study Abroad for preparing future teachers of English language learners, manuscript in preparation, expected submission date September 2009

Understanding community linguistic diversity: An ecological approach to examining language use patterns of international graduate students, Dissertation, May 2007

Committee: April Ginther (Chair), Victor Raskin, Elena Benedicto, Felicia Roberts, Purdue University


Second Language Acquisition Language Ecology

English as a Second Language Multilingual Language Planning

ESL and Language Teacher Training Efficacy of Study Abroad

Second Language Assessment Sociolinguistics


""Ecological Language Planning for International Graduate Students." Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), New York, NY, April 2008.

"Understanding Community Linguistic Diversity: An Ecological Approach to Examining Language Use Patterns of International Graduate Students." American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Washington, D.C., March 2008.

"Using Online Assessment of Student Learning and Development to Facilitate an Effective Study Abroad Program." 8th Annual Assessment Conference, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Feb. 2008.

"Language use patterns of international teaching assistants outside the classroom." Symposium entitled, "Toward an ecological approach to international teaching assistant preparation" with A. Ginther (Chair), S. Dimova, C. Blake, N. Kauper, and J. Haan, all of Purdue University, at the World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, July 2005.

"Knowledge-construction through the use of EIL in U.S. academic and corporate research institutions." Colloquium entitled "Constructing knowledge within the inner circle: Attitudes and practices of international users of English" with C. Tardy, Purdue University and C. Feak, University of Michigan, at the International Association of World Englishes (IAWE), Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, IL, October 2002.

"Knowledge-construction through use of EIL in U.S. academic and corporate research institutions." Purdue Linguistics Association Symposium, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, May 2002.

"I am an ESL teacher: How can that be controversial?" Indiana Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (INTESOL), Indianapolis, IN, November 2001.


International Association of World Englishes, Purdue University, 2005

Committee Member: Assisted with preparation and coordination of annual conference.

Midwest Association of Language Testers, Purdue University, 2003

Assistant to Coordinator: Assisted with preparation and coordination of annual conference.

Purdue Student Government, Purdue University, 2000-2001

Senator: Represented the Graduate Student Association at bi-monthly meetings.

Graduate Student Association, Purdue University, 2000-2001

Travel Grant Review Committee Member: Representative for review of applications for travel award.

Purdue University Lilly Retention Initiatives Committee (West Lafayette, IN), 1998-1999

Committee Representative: Represented International Students and Scholars at monthly meetings.


Program Coordinator, La Milonguera Argentinean Tango Club, Purdue University, 2002-2005

·  Co-founder, treasurer, events coordinator, dance instructor for a student/community organization.

·  Supervised leadership and development of 50+ member club, attracting beginners each session.

·  Provided opportunities for a diverse population to participate in music, dance and cultural events.

·  Coordinated multiple performances and a fundraising dinner which netted $500 for the club.

Co-Program Coordinator, Perspectives of Political History Presentation, Purdue University, 2005

·  Organized two presentations on different perspectives of political history in cooperation with a multicultural coalition of university students for a one-day event.

“The Origins of the Armenian Genocide: Provocation or Nationalism?” by Purdue Prof. R. Melson

“The Ottoman Turco-Armenian Tragedy 90 Years Later” by Ankara University Prof. T. Ataov

Co-Program Coordinator, Lafayette Multicultural Party Coalition, West Lafayette, IN, 2004-2005

·  Co-founder and coordinator of coalition of university ethnic student organizations, establishing a tradition of bringing together diverse student groups for social events emphasizing music/dance.

·  Raised $600 for Hurricane Katrina Relief with one fundraising event.

Co-Program Coordinator, Birol Topaloglu: Laz Music Ensemble, Purdue University, 2001

·  Arranged the performance of a world-class Middle Eastern folk musician for an audience of 200.

·  Obtained $600 university grant and produced a sponsored program booklet for additional funding.

Program Coordinator/Participant, Mediterranean Folk Dance Group, Purdue University, 1999-2001

·  Co-founded group of students, staff and community volunteers of diverse cultural backgrounds to learn songs, dances, and culture of Turkey, Greece, Israel, Macedonia, and Ukraine.

·  Performed at cultural events such as West Lafayette Parks Dept. “Globalfest” and a major fundraiser for survivors of the 1999 earthquake in Turkey.

Volunteer Mediator, Mediation Services of Tippecanoe County (MSTC), Lafayette, IN, 1998-2000

·  Completed a 25-hour basic training in non-violent conflict resolution, plus ongoing trainings.

·  Co-mediated both neighbor dispute and adult-teen cases through a community service program.

·  Promoted reconciliation through mediation, training, and education about problem-solving.



MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, SPSS, dBase III, Freelance Graphics, Adobe Photoshop


Dutch: Near-native fluency (through studying, working and living in The Netherlands for five years)

French: Intermediate level, reading only (undergraduate minor in French Language and Literature)

Spanish: Beginning level (one year coursework; extensive exposure through travel/friends)

Turkish, Hebrew, German: Low beginning level (minimal coursework; exposure through travel/friends)


American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Linguapax: International Organization of Language Planners


Edie Camilla Cassell 5

Linguistics Research Methodology

Structure of American English Methods of Educational Research

Historical Linguistics and Language Change Research Design in Language/Linguistics

English Syntax and Syntactic Theory

Phonology Testing

Semantics Seminar in Language Testing

Theories of Humor and Research Second Language Assessment and Testing

Applied Linguistics

Sociolinguistics Education

Sociolinguistics of African American English Theory/Perspectives in Bilingual Education

World Englishes Introduction to the Study of Immigration

Transformative Educ./Social Transformation

English as a Second Language

ESL Theory and Foundations Teaching Practica

ESL Principles and Practice Teaching Introductory Linguistics

Preparation and Evaluation of ESL Materials Teaching ESL Academic Writing


4.0 GPA, Purdue University, 2007

Dean's List, Academic Honors, University of San Francisco, 1993

Cum Laude Academic Honors, Butler University, 1986


Edie Camila Cassell 6

Dr. April Ginther, Associate Professor of English Dr. Margie Berns, Professor of English

Director, Oral English Proficiency Program Director of English as a Second Language

Young Hall, Room 810, Purdue University Heavilon Hall, Room 432, Purdue University

West Lafayette, IN 47907 West Lafayette, IN 47907

(765) 494-9380, (765) 494-3769,

Dr. Tony Silva, Associate Professor of English Dr. Victor Raskin, Professor of Linguistics

Director, ESL Writing Program Executive Director, CERIAS

Purdue University, Heavilon Hall, Room 433 Department of English

West Lafayette, IN 47907 Heavilon Hall, Room 441 , Purdue University (765) 494-3774, West Lafayette, IN 47907

(765) 494-3782,

Dr. Dennie Smith, Professor, Department Head

Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture

Texas A&M University

308 Harrington Tower, MS 4232

College Station, TX 77843-4232

(979) 845-8384