Curriculum Vitae

Brief bio-data:

Name: Zivar Sadeghi Dehkordi

Date of birth 1980/06/10

Place of birth: Shahre kord, Chahar Mahalo Bakhtiari Province

Sex: Female

Marital status: Single

Citizenship: Iranian

Address: Department of parasitology,Tehran university, Facultry of veterinary

Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

Email address:


2006 to 2011

Ph.D student of parasitology Facultry Veterinary

Tehran University, Iran

2000-2006 DVM

SHahrekord University, Iran

Thesis Title: "A study on digestive worm in festation of the Zayanderood river fishes .

Translations: 1-parasite disease in fish.(in process), 2- Coccidiosis in animals(in process),Diagnostic Parasitology(in process).


1- Nematollahi A, Azizi H, Sadeghi Z " On cestode and nematode parasite of cyprinoid fish from Zayandehrood dam,center of Iran",The 21th International conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP). August 19-23 2007,Belgium.

2- Sadeghi z, Azizi H, "A survey of haemoprotozoa infection in shahrekord pigeons", 1th International veterinary Poultry cogress, Branch of the WVPA and vet council, I.R.IRAN,Feb 19-20,2007,Tehran-Iran.

3- Sadeghi Z,Mohammadnia A,"A retrospective survey of anal athresia in calfs in 2001-2003 in shahrekord university veterinary facultry clinic.The first International veterinary surgery symposium/The 5th Iranian veterinary radiology,anesthesia and surgery symposium. May 20-23,2006, Shahrekord-Iran

4- Sadeghi Z,SHokrani H," Investigation on Anti babesial vaccines", The 15th Iranian congress on infections disease and tropical medicine,Dec 16-20,2006,Tehran,Iran.

5- Sadeghi Z,Borjian far M,Azizi H,"A survey on digestive worm in festation of the zayandehrood river fishes",The 14th congress of Iranian veterinary,Mar 2-4,2005,Tehran,Iran.

6- Sadeghi z,"Influenza in hourse",The 1st regional zeoonosis congress,Nov 11-13 2003,Sanandaj-Iran.

7- Asadi P, Sadeghi Z,"A survey of prevalence rate of diseases in domestic animals go to Shahrekord,veterinary facultry clinic in 2002,2003,2004",The 1st congress of Iranian veterinary laboratory Science students,school of veterinary medicine,university of Tabriz,Jul 24-26,2004, Tabriz,Iran.

8- Sadeghi Z, Azizi H,'A survey of haemoprotozoa infection in SHahrekord pigeons", The 1st congress of Iranian veterinary laboratory Science students,school of veterinary medicine,university of Tabriz,Jul 24-26,2004, Tabriz,Iran.

9- Sadeghi Z,"A survey of incidence rate of hidatid cyst in goats in SHahrekord and compared to numbers of human cases in this province", The 1st congress of Iranian veterinary laboratory Science students,school of veterinary medicine,university of Tabriz,Jul 24-26,2004, Tabriz,Iran.

10- Asadi P,Sadeghi Z,"A survey of infection rate of vavvea mite in Shahrekord apieries and their treatment with apistan tape", The 1st congress of Iranian veterinary laboratory Science students,school of veterinary medicine,university of Tabriz,Jul 24-26,2004, Tabriz,Iran.

11- Sadeghi Z, Rahbari S, Biomorphometric study on ovine babesia agents in Iran..The second national symposium on tick and tick born disease. October15,16, 2008,Semnan, Iran.

12- A survey on protozoa infection in cultured rain bowtrout fishes in CHahar Mahalo Bakhtiari . 1st International Congress of Food Hygiene, Tehran, Iran, 25-26 April 2009.

13- Sadeghi Z, Rahbari S, Morphometric study on ovine babesia agents in Weastern and Eastern Azirbaijan in 1388. 2nd Veterinary Pathobiology Congress, October 23-24, 2010,Garmsar, Iran.

14- Sadeghi Z , Azizi H ,A survey on gut worm infections in fishes in Shahrekord,5 th Convetion of Iranian Veterinary Clinicians , 12-14 Feb, 2008, Ahvaz, Iran.

15- Sadeghi Z, Rahbari S , Biomorphometric and Molecular biology characterization of ovine babesia agents in Iran. 7th National and 2nd Regional Congress of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases in Iran, Oct 19-21, 2010 ( Selected article in published abstracts articles in Iranian J of Parasitology).

16- Biomorphometric characterization of ovine babesia agents in tabriz and urumia. The second pathobiology congress, Garmsar, Mar 5,6, 2011.

17-Morphologic study on ovine Theileria agent in Iran, Zoonosis Disease congresss, Yasouj Medicine Faculty, 19-20 May 2011.

18- A survey on Morphobiometric and Molecular biology of ovine Babesiosis in North part of Iran. TTP7 (@ticks7). Official site of the Ticks and Tick-Borne Pathogens Conference to be celebrated in Zaragoza (Spain),sep 2011.

19- Animals slaughtered in Hamedan province Sarcocystosis epidemiological studies over 89 years and estimated The economic losses to the livestock industry in the province. 17th Iranian Veterinary Congress - April 28-30:2012. Tehran Iran.

20- Epidemiology of Sarcocystosis in livestock slaughter massacre province and the estimated economic damage of this disease to livestock industry in the province, 17th Iranian Veterinary Congress - َApril 28-30 Tehran Iran.

21- A survey of infection rate of livers Trematoda massacre animals in Hamedan province in 89 year, 17th Iranian Veterinary Congress - April 28-30 Tehran Iran.

22- A survey of surgery cases reports of hydatic cystin Hamedan hospital during 5 years ago.

1st National Congress of Industry and Food Hygene with Animal origin.April 2012, Qom, Iran.

23- Diseasestransmittedbyaquatic animal. 1st National Congress of Industry and Food Hygene with Animal origin.April 2012, Qom, Iran.

24- A survey of infection rate of cysticercosisof massacre animals in Hamedan province in 89 year and The estimatedeconomic losses. 1st National Congress of Industry and Food Hygene with Animal origin.April 2012, Qom, Iran.

25- Determination of fauna hard tick in Hamedan province in 89 year. 17th Iranian Veterinary Congress - April 28-30:2012 Tehran. Iran.

26- Investigation of Infection Rate of the liver Trematoda Hamedan Province in Livestock slaughtered in Year 89. 17th Iranian Veterinary Congress - April 28-30:2012. Tehran Iran.


1 - Sadeghi Z, Rahbari S, Zakeri S, Biomorphometric and Molecular biology characterization of ovine babesia agents in Iran. Iranian Journal of Parasitology.( published)

2- Sadeghi Z, Asurvay of infection rate of linguatula serrata in sheeps and cattles in Hamedan province in 89 year (in process). Iranian Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases( in process).

3-Determining Prevalence of Ixodid Ticks in Sheep and Cattle of Hamedan Province, West of Iran . J Gharekhani, A Gerami-Sadeghian, Z Sadeghi-Dehkordi and MR Youssefi. Iranian Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases( in process).

4- Case report: A rare case of Setaria digitata from abdominal cavity of sheep in Hamedan. Iranian Journal of Parasitology(in process).


- The best educational professor in Bu-Ali Sina Uniersity in 2011.

- Best paper presentation at the Seventh National Congress and the 2nd Regional Congress of Parasitology and Parasitic Disease in Iran, Tehran,19-21 Oct 2010

-Pass the speciality board exam at 2009 with grade :79/100

-Certificated of Attendance,I have attended the 2 Scientific Avian Influenza forum,held on May 8,2007,Tehran- Iran.

-Certificated of attendance, I have Attended the 3 WSAVA CE in Iran,Nov 2006,Tehran,Iran.

- Certificated of Leishmania immunology , Pasture Institute, Tehran, Iran, May 10 2009 .

- Certificated of identification laboratory methods of Leishmania , Behdasht Facultry, Tehran University, October 2010.

-Certificated of Workshop on Real Time PCR, October 23, 2010, Tehran, Iran.

-Certificated of Workshop on SDS-PAGE& Western Blotting, January 13-14, 2011, Thran, Iran.

- Certificated of Workshop on Scientific Writing, February 24-25, 2011.

- Certificated of Workshop on Techniques & Methods of Teaching, February 1-2, 2011.Hamedan.Iran.

-Top resercher in shahrekord university in ,2004.

-The highest grade in PHD examination,Tehran university ,in 2006.

Organazational Activity:

- Masters students have been trained in parasitology.

- Department of Parasitology, laboratory science, Paraveterinary faculty, Bu Ali Sina University- Hamedan.

-Judging(Arbitration) Books General helminthology. Paraveterinary faculty, Bu Ali Sina University- Hamedan in 89 year.

- Supervisor and Consultan of Science Bs Students Laboratory, Paraveterinary faculty, Bu Ali Sina University- Hamedan in 90 year .

- Member of Iranian society of Parasitology

- Member of the Acarological society of Iran

- Member of the Poultry Veterinary Society of Iran

- Member of Apicultural Society of Iran

- Member of Iranvc.

- Member of veterinarians society of Iran

- Member of Entomoligical society of Iran

- Member of vetnews.

- Member of vetnews of Vet Fac of Karaj

- Member of doniay sabz news

- Member of WAAVP

- Member of Iranian Experts Society

- Member of bank

- Member of

Projects(in process) in Bu Ali Sina university:

1-Determination of infection rate of linguatula serrata in sheep massacre slauterhouse in Hamedan province in1389 .

2-Determination of infection rate of linguatula serrata in Cattles massacre slauterhouse in Hamedan province in1389 .

3- Investigation of cases of hydatid cyst surgeries in hospitals in Hamedan province people during the last 5 years.

4- A survey of infection rate of livers Trematoda massacre animals in Hamedan province in 90 -91year.

5- A survey of infection rate of livers Trematoda massacre animals in kordestan province in 90-91year.

6- A survey of infection rate of livers Trematoda massacre animals in Rey City in 90-91 year.

7- The newest detection methods, control, prevention and vaccination of Toxoplasma gondei.

8- A survey of haemoprotozoa infection in Hamedan pigeons in 90-91 years.

9- Determination of infection rate of setaria in sheep massacre slauterhouse in Hamedan province in90-91.

10- Determination and Identification fauna of ticks in Loresta province- west south of Iran durig 91 year.

11- Identification fauna of hard ticks species in Qom provice during 91 year.

12- Determination of infestation rate myiasis from small ruminats in Fars province-south of Iran during 91 year.

13- A survey on clinical cases from intestinal protozoa in human refer to hospital and cliniacal centers in Hamedan during 91 year.