Lanes Mill Elementary School

1891 Lanes Mill Road

Brick, NJ 08724

(732) 785-3000 Ext. 6000

Lanes Mill

Elementary School

Student Handbook 2017-2018

1891 Lanes Mill Road

Brick, New Jersey 08724


Jeffrey T. Luckenbach, Principal

Donna Stump, Assistant Principal

This Handbook belongs to:

Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone Number: ______


This handbook is the result of many hours of work by a committee of teachers at Lanes Mill School. It was developed to promote a positive, orderly atmosphere where learning is valued and everyone’s rights are respected.

In order to maintain a positive, productive and respectful climate, it is necessary that students take responsibility for their choices. Students who violate building procedures will be counseled and issued appropriate consequences. In some cases, especially in the interest of safety, detention or suspension may be assigned. Students who make positive choices will be recognized through a variety of programs.

This handbook is intended to help students learn the school rules and procedures. All students are expected to review its contents throughout the school year. Students are asked to share the handbook’s contents with their parents. It is our hope that through shared expectations we can create a climate at Lanes Mill that supports our school’s mission.

Lanes Mill School Code of Conduct

As a member of the Lanes Mill School Community, I will:

1. Come to school prepared to learn.

2. Treat others with courtesy and respect.

3. Take care of personal and school property.

4. Help keep our school orderly and safe.

5. Do nothing to keep the teacher from

teaching and others from learning.

As a member of the Lanes Mill School Community, I will accept responsibility for my actions.

A. Regulations:

1.  You must follow the bus schedule. If you miss the school bus, your parents must find another way to transport you to school.

2.  You must follow these bus procedures:

a.  Immediately take your assigned seat.

b.  Fasten your seatbelt.

c.  Face forward with your feet under seat. Speak in 6-inch voices.

  1. Speak respectfully. No name calling, teasing, or cursing.

3.  Do not talk to the bus driver when the bus is moving, unless it is an emergency.

4.  You are not allowed to eat, drink, or chew gum on the bus.

5.  Books, papers, trash, etc. are not to be thrown out the window or on the floor of the bus.

6.  You must stay in your assigned seat until the bus has come to a complete stop. If a substitute bus is used, you must still sit in your assigned seat.

7.  Your parents will have to pay for any damage that you cause to the bus.

8.  Please arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. Bustops are not playgrounds. Wait safely and appropriately for the bus to arrive.

9.  You must go to the bus stop to which you are assigned. It will not be possible to add extra bus stops. You must also get off the bus only at your assigned stop.

10.  Use caution while leaving the bus. Be aware of traffic and other potential problems.

11.  If you break a bus rule, you will be reported to the assistant principal by the driver.

12.  The following are possible consequences:

  1. A letter to parents/guardians
  2. Detention
  3. Bus Suspension
  4. Removal from busing privelidges.

13.  If there is a change to your child’s transportation plan please call the transportation department at ext. 2077.

New Jersey State Statutes Section 18A 25-2 states in part: “A pupil may be excluded from the bus for disciplinary reasons by the principal and his parents shall provide for his transportation to and from school during the period of such exclusion”.

C. Getting On and Off the Bus at School

1.  When you get off the bus walk on the sidewalk to the nearest door, unless you are directed otherwise by a teacher.

2.  At dismissal, you will walk directly to your bus.

3.  You should never cross between the buses. You should cross to the outside lane only at the assigned areas.

4.  You should board your bus quickly and safely.

5.  If a bus is late at dismissal time, you are to stand in the assigned area and wait with the teacher in charge.

Sexual Harassment Policy

Brick Twp. BOE Policy #5145

The Board will not tolerate sexual harassment of pupils by school employees, other pupils, or third parties. School district staff will investigate and resolve allegations.

The Board has established a procedure through which school district staff and/or pupils can report alleged sexual discrimination and/or harassment. Students are to report allegations to any of the following parties:

a. Classroom teacher

b.– Mrs. Stump - Building Affirmative Action


c. Mrs. Dornacker – School Counselor

Parents of students involved in sexual harassment allegations, if the allegations are substantiated, will be notified by telephone. The names of the alleged harasser(s) or alleged victim(s) will not be disclosed to either party if the parent(s) indicate that the alleged victim(s) name(s) not be disclosed to the alleged harasser(s).


The use of computer technology has enhanced education at all levels. However, you are expected to follow some general rules regarding computer usage.

1. If you are not sure about how to operate

the computer or a specific program, you must ask the teacher for help.

2. Follow the teacher’s directions regarding

instruction on computers.

3. Report any problems immediately.

4. Conduct yourself properly regarding

your behavior using the district’s network or


Dress For Success:

School is considered a child's place of work. You are expected to dress appropriately for the job. Coming to school clean and neat is also very important.

Board of Education Policy on Dress and Grooming #5511

It is the purpose of the Board in the matter of pupil grooming to enhance the health and safety of the students and to avoid distractions to the educational process. It is neither the intention of the Board to usurp parental prerogative for determining appropriate grooming for their children, nor to use style, fashion or taste as a sole criterion for exclusion from instruction.

The Board authorized the Superintendent to enforce school regulations prohibiting student dress or grooming practices which:

1.  Present a hazard to the health or safety of the student of the student him/herself or to others in the school.

2.  Materially interfere with school work, create disorder, or disrupt the educational program

3.  Cause excessive wear or damage to school property.

4.  Prevent the student from achieving his/her own educational objectives because of blocked vision or restricted movement.

Inappropriate dress or grooming include, but are not limited to the following:

§  Backless footwear like “clogs” or open-toed shoes like some sandals or “flip-flops”, any type of platform shoes, and shoes with retractable skates (shoes with laces must be tied at all times)

§  Clothing that can cause tripping or accidents, also sweatshirts or coats with long strings

§  Sunglasses are not to be worn in school (including face, neck or head).

§  Clothing with slogans or pictures that suggest indecency or display “gang” symbols

§  Clothing that exposes the midriff or is too short, such as halter tops, tube tops, short blouses, shirts, short shorts, or mini skirts. Shorts and mini-skirts should be no shorter than the length of the student’s arm when extended downward.

§  Certain belts, bracelets, or choker necklaces, any jewelry with sharp edges

§  Makeup or coloration of one’s person, including unorthodox hair coloring

§  Caps/hats (unless required for religious observance) bandanas and the like are also prohibited.

§  Body piercing must be removed prior to PE classes. Sneakers are the approved footwear for these classes.

§  Pajamas or loungewear

At all times the school administration reserves the right to inform parents and students of clothing that is not suitable.

Arrival and Dismissal

1.  Please arrive no earlier than 8:15 A. M.

2.  When the bell rings, you should report DIRECTLY to your assigned room.

3.  If you are dropping off your child on the car line prior to 8:20 please pull up as far as you can, please do not get out of the car only have your child get out of the car so the line can keep moving We greatly appreciate your assistance with this matter. Remember that busses have the right of way.

4.  You must stay on school grounds during school hours unless you are signed out by a parent or guardian.

5.  Students walking home, riding the bus or reporting to the after-care program will follow normal dismissal procedures.

6.  If you are being picked up by a parent or guardian, report to the designated area in the all-purpose room where the teacher in charge will be waiting for you.

7.  Only in an emergency should children be picked up early as this is an interuption to their learning.


If your child attends the BEST program and there is a change to their schedule please call the BEST program at extension 1531 or 1532 to inform them of the change. Also, please inform your child’s teacher in writing of any changes.


When you are absent from school your parent/guardian must call 785-3000, Ext. 6030 to let us know you will be out. If your absence is not reported, the school will contact your home. This is to make sure that you are safe. Please bring an absent note to your teacher on the day that you return to school. A credited school day is in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6:20-1.3 (b), “a school day shall consist of not less than four hours of actual schoolwork”.

Vacation while school is in session is strongly discouraged. Extended absences deny students valuable educational experiences. Please do not request work for students going on vacation.


You are considered late if you report to your classroom after the 8:25 a.m. bell rings. If you are tardy, enter through the front door and report directly to the office. The side doors will close promptly at 8:25 a.m. Disciplinary action may be taken against students who are habitually tardy to school in accordance with BOE policy #5113.

Penalties for excessive tardiness will follow Board Policy.

General Building Rules

1.  You must walk throughout the school building at all times.

2.  When you are walking through the halls without the teacher, move quickly and quietly and always stay to the right.

3.  Appropriate listening skills must be exercised during assembly programs, guest speakers, etc.

4.  Lavatories are not to be used without the teacher's permission. All unnecessary items must be left in the classroom. Students must report any vandalism or damage to the teacher immediately.

5.  You may not leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission. You must have a pass to use the school phones.

6.  Hall displays are to be viewed but not disturbed.

7.  You should always use acceptable language. Speak to everyone in the school with respect.

8.  You are responsible for textbooks and other materials assigned to you. Removable book covers are mandated for all hardbound books. Books cannot be covered with contact paper or any covers with adhesive backing. If you lose or damage a book, you will be required to pay for it.

9.  Inappropriate contact or abusive behavior with another student or staff member will not be tolerated. You are not to bring dangerous items to school (i.e. – lasers, fire crackers, pocket knives, guns, chains, matches, cigarettes, drugs, alcoholic beverages, etc.) or any items that “look like” these things. Lockers are the property of the school and may be searched at any time. The school cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged personal items. Unnecessary money or electronics must be left at home.

10.  You may not buy anything from another student or sell anything to another student. Trading of personal items is also prohibited.

11.  You may not chew gum in school.

12.  Cell phone use:

a.  Phones may not be used during school.

b.  Phones must remain in backpacks or lockers and remain off.

c.  If a student takes out a cell phone during school day, the teacher will confiscate the phone.

§  First offense – return to student at the end of the school day.

§  2-3 offenses – parent called to retrieve the phone.

§  4th offense – student prohibited from bringing cell phone to school.

16.  Only the school nurse can inform parents if you need to be dismissed because of illness.

17.  For safety purposes classrooms are locked at the end of the day. Get your things in order before you leave for the day.

18.  If you need to return to the school to retrieve a forgotten item, you must report to the office prior to 4:00pm.

19.  You will be responsible for any damage that you cause to school property. You may also receive disciplinary action for any destruction that you cause.

20.  Only YOU can help keep our environment clean. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep the playground, school, and especially your classroom, tidy and clean.

21.  If you attend an after school function, you must be under adult supervision. Running through the hallways and outside the building is not permitted.


Homework is important to reinforce skills you have learned in school. The amount you receive is determined according to grade level. Remember, homework helps you form good study habits which will be with you for life.


You have the opportunity to buy a hot lunch or sandwich every day. A menu will be sent home at the beginning of the school year for your information.

If you bring your own lunch from home, please have your name and room number on your bag or lunchbox. Soda and glass containers are NOT permitted. Also, you are discouraged from bringing in metal pull-top containers as they pose a safety hazard.


Breakfast is available for purchase from the cafeteria in the morning. The available items are noted on the school menu.

The Lanes Mill Café

1.  Enter the cafeteria quietly and sit at your assigned table.