World Cities 2

Homework from Friday:

1.  When did world cities emerge and why?

2.  Look at your notes, Name at major world cities at the top of the global hierarchy.

3.  What is meant by Cultural Authority in world cities.

4.  What is meant by economic Authority in World Cities?

5.  What are TNC’s & why do they generally locate in World Cities?

6.  What features of modern global networks foster the growth of World Cities?

7.  Where does Sydney fit in the hierarchy of world cities?

8.  What is happening to small rural centres at the bottom of the hierarchy of settlements?

From last lesson

9.  Examine the results of urban growth in large Cities. (Page 115)

Process ------à Social & Spatial ----à Land use Change and expansion


Urbanisation Urban Dynamics Results

Consider the difference between the developed and developing world

10.  Examine the role of Urbanisation in Cultural Change.

·  Page 115 Look at the list of TNC’s

·  What goods and/or services do they provide? Where are the head offices ?

In what other ways have Cultural changes taken place?

·  What is culture? And list some elements of a culture.

·  What is cultural homogenisation? How has Globalisation promoted it?

·  What is cultural imperialism? How has globalistion promoted it?

·  Note global trends in the arts, music, language, religion, etc.

·  Glitteratti is a term that might be applied to the famous trend setters of a society. Who are they and how do they influence global trends?

So how do Global cities attract cultural Authority?

·  Facilities for the arts, education, libraries and information storage,

·  Entertainment Venues, Sports Venues, centres of Legal authority,

·  Media Concentrations, information nodes (internet,phone,satillite,etc.),

·  Religious Centres, centres of cuisine, Focus of Society events, Fashion centres

Following on from Fridays lesson:

11.  Discuss the impact of deregulation and liberalisation of global capital?

·  TNC’s, decline of national financial influence, decline of communism

·  global markets for capital, internationalisation of labour,

·  separation of command-control –production-consumption.

·  Telecommunications increases connectivity, Increase in mobility of capital,

·  New Capital flows from resource rich countries,

·  Increase in competition between financial centres ( page 116-120)

12.  How does the importance of the stock market and headquarters of TNC’s influence the importance of a global city as a command centre? (page 120)

13.  Describe the changes in capital flows in the past 40 years.( Page 122)

·  transfer of funds from Developed world to developing world,

·  decline of old industrial centres, new industrial areas in the developing world

·  command and control in developed world, production in developing world.

·  Increased consumption in developing world.

14.  How has this influenced world cities in developed and developing world?

·  Rise of resource processing, manufacturing, and services in developing cities

·  Decline in old world cities, this might be taken up by new services and technology

15.  What is meant by the term connectivity and how does it influence world cities?

·  Measure of knowledge, information and direction of flow – service industries

·  Information technology, focii of info. Centres, speed of info transfer, linguistic elements,

·  Look at list and Diagram on page 122

16.  Copy the Figure 2.1.16 Explain in your own words what it means? (page 123)

·  command and controlànational centresàregional centres

17.  Look at Figure 2.1.3 Rankings of Stock Exchanges. What does this tell us about Global cities?

18.  Look at Figure 2.1.4 Headquarter of TNC’s What does this tell us about Global cities?

19.  Describe Australia’s Network of Global Cities (page 124)

20.  Summarise London as a Global City (Page 125-126)

Qu 9.

Results of Urban Growth on large cities

Urbanisation Urban Dynamics Results

Process ------à Social & Spatial ----à Land use Change and expansion


Social Responses of U.G. Spatial Responses of U.G.

Socio-Economic Class

Rich Exclusive suburbs, Gated

Top 5% of Pop’n Gated communities,

70% of wealth exurban settlements

Power, Authourity land use leaders

Command and Control of prime sites

Middle Class Gentrification, some

Top 10% of Pop’n of the exclusive suburbs

Technologically enhanced better urban sprawl

Aspirational, Upwardly Mobile white flight

Urban renewal

Lower Middle Class

Salarymen, 30% of population Urban intensifcation,

Service Industry and Public Service Urban Sprawl

Deskilled as technology provides Urban decline


Working Class Poor quality Urban Sprawl

Wage and Contract workers Units & multifamily housing

40% of Pop’n Urban decay and

Deskilled, marginalised workers deurbanisation


Unemployed, semi employed, Ghetto formation,

Welfare cases and undocumented Ethnic Neighbourhoods

15% of Population inner-mixed core areas

Unskilled marginalised population Urban decay