ARRA: CDSMP Sustainability Plan
September 2010
XYZ Area Agency on Aging
Using items you checked on your Sustainability Planning Sheet please elaborate on howeach of the items will support sustainingCDSMP in your service area(s). This should be completed by each Area Agency on Aging and each of their sub-grantees. Please submit to [NAME] by [DATE].
I. Sources of Revenue-describe exactly how funds from the following sources will be used to sustain interventions. THIS SECTION PROVIDES AN EXAMPLE OF HOW TO COMPLETE FOR SECTIONS I-III.
A. Philanthropic/Charitable Organizations (list)
- The ABC Group is non-profit and memorials are routinely made to support the various existing programs. Five percent of each memorial will be used to support CDSMP efforts of the XYZ Area Agency on Aging.
- The Tiger’s Club will donate two percent of their annual fund-raiser to support CDSMP efforts of the XYZ Area Agency on Aging.
- The XYZ Area Agency on Aging Sustainability Committee will explore potential funding from various Foundations and groups.
- The local newspaper will continue to highlight CDSMP offerings free of charge.
B. Continuing Education (community college support, learning institutes)
- Southern View Community College will maintain at least two CDSMP lay leaders, provide space for workshops and market workshops to students and the surrounding community.
- Logan College will offer space for CDSMP workshops to be held, and place promotional flyers around campus.
C. Fee for Service (amount, how used, etc…)
- Several host sites (with target groups in which costs will not deter participants) will charge a $10.00 fee to attend CDSMP, $5.00 of which will be returned if the participant attends four of six classes (a completer). Fees will be used to offer gasoline gift cards to leaders and to purchase refreshments for workshops.
- All host sites will be encouraged to have a Donation Jar at each workshop for participants wishing to contribute. Donations will be used supplement the cost of purchasing CDSMP materials.
D. In-Kind Support (Specify)
- The Happy Valley Senior Center will offer clerical support to contact lay leaders to coordinate local workshops.
- The Fernwood Extension office will provide space for CDSMP workshops.
- North East University will provide tuition credits as incentives to participate in CDSMP.
- The local Arthritis Foundation chapter will publicize CDSMP to their members through their quarterly newsletter.
II. Community Support-describe exactly how community support from the following sources will be used to sustain interventions. List names and organizations of each partner, champion, organization and/or community leader listed.
A. Local Partners (organizations they are from, role, details of support, etc...)
B. Pool of Master Trainers, Class Leaders
C. Community Capacity (how will grow and maintain)
D. Embedding Interventions in Partner’s Systems (how)
E. Program Champion (who, role) — coach of the City Sluggers,
F. Community Leader Support (who, title, role)—Mayor/Pastor Joel
G. Interventions Accessible to Target Populations
III. XYZ Area Agency on Aging(or your organization’s) Support-describe exactly how your AAA (or organization) will support sustaining interventions. List your mission, activities, programs in which interventions could be embedded, etc….
A. Mission, Goals and Objectives (that relate to this effort)
B. Budget Devoted to Efforts (from what source, etc...)
C. Management Support (yes/no, title, role)
D. Interventions Embedded into Menu of Existing Services (which interventions, how embedded)
E. Staff Time Dedicated to Efforts (staff name, percentage)
F. Established Local Partnership/Coalition Support (name of partnership, their mission, roles to assist)
G. System to Acquire Program Materials (describe how will do w/out AID funds)
H. Effective Marketing Techniques (describe)
I. Sustainability Plan Shared with Partners (anticipated date)