Golden Link Chapter #24


Subordinate Chapter Of

Oziel Grand Chapter

O.E.S. P.H.A

Jurisdiction of New Jersey


Sis. Yvette M. Mooney Bro. George E. Jelks

Ethel Bynum Scholarship


Applicant’s Name:


Application Due Date:

April 21,2017

Revised “2015”


  1. A minimum of an 80 grade point average.
  2. A senior graduating froma Monmouth County School with the current year June graduation class.
  3. Proof of acceptance to a university, college, or technical school.
  4. Complete transcripts for grades 9-12.
  5. Demonstrate proof of community service.
  6. Three letters of recommendation. Your guidance counselor must provide one letter. The second letter should come from a professional high school staff member. The third letter may come from a person of your choice.
  7. Applicants must demonstrate a need for financial assistance. A personal essay expressing financial need, extra-curricular involvement and career goals.
  8. All spaces on the application must have a response in order for your application to be considered.
  9. Please include senior photo, headshot, or passport size photo:

Personal History

  1. Applicants Full Name______
  1. Complete Address______
  1. Home Phone #______
  1. Name of Parent or Guardian______
  1. Parent/Guardian’s Address______
  1. Parent/Guardian’s Address______
  1. List number of siblings and their ages: ______
  1. Do you have any brothers or sisters who are currently attending college? ______

If you responded yes, explain what year of college your sibling is in.

  1. Are you or your parents/guardian disabled? ______

If you responded yes, give a brief explanation of the impact it has on your ability to pay for college.

  1. If you attended another high school during the last four years list the name of the school below.


  1. Address of the school that you attended. (Attach transcripts)
  1. Grade point average and your class rank for your Sr. year: ______
  1. List the high school activities and clubs that you have been active in. Also, list any offices that you have held. ______
  2. Give the name of your Guidance counselor, one other High School professional and a professional reference of your choice and attach a reference letter from them.

Name of Guidance Counselor: ______

High School Professional Reference: ______

Personal Reference: ______

6. List community organizations that you are a member of or have participated in their activities (e.g.) church, clubs, youth groups, special fund- raisers etc. Briefly explain the extent of your activities.



  1. What degree are you planning to obtain? ______
  1. List the name and address of the college that you have been accepted to and plan to attend. Attach a copy of your acceptance letter.


***Remember to attach your personal essay, references and high school transcripts.


Signature of ApplicantSignature of Parent/Guardian


Date Date


Worthy MatronWorthy Patron

Please mail completed packet to:

Karma Williams-Davis,

Golden Link No. 24, Scholarship Chairperson

2126 Whitesville Road

Toms River, NJ 08755

Packet can also be scanned and emailed to:

Revised “2015”