St Martin Parent Council Meeting - Minutes for January 23, 2018

In Attendance: Mary Ellen Cornelius, Tiffany Dashnay, Rose James, Jen Maisonville,Michelle Zebregts, Nicole Hill, Mario Michienzi, Renee Barker, Darlene Wilson

Regrets:Kim Kadour, Courtney Bondy, Susy Alfaro, Theresa Nicholson

Welcome and Opening Prayer

Mrs. Corneliuswelcomed everyone to the meeting and led prayer. MrsDashnay recorded the minutes.


Minutes from October 10th meeting reviewed and approved.

Teacher presentation

MrsWilson, one of our grade 4 teachers discussed how she utilizes Kagan structures, cooperative learning strategiesin her classroom. She elaborated on how she has seen the students collaborate, encourage and support each other.

Upcoming Events

The dates for the upcoming movie night has been moved from Jan 26th to Feb 3rd. The movie will be Over the Hedge and an info/preorder sheet will be sent home this week. Rose James to collect orders and arrange food ordering.

Our video license for the year is nearly complete. Mrs Cornelius is going to renew for another year as agreed upon last year (council to fund yr 1 and school yr 2).

Tues Feb 27th, from 5:30p-7:30p is Family Games Night. This event is meant to encourage families to come out and play games together. Inspired by the primary chess program, and funded by the PRO grant, we have organized a drop-in evening of chess and board games. Snacks and chess support will be provided. Mrs Cornelius will follow up with the CCH culinary program regarding catering. MrsMaisonville will create and circulate the flyer.

Mrs Hill spoke about the upcoming Valentine's day Dance-a-thon on Feb 9th. This will coincide with red and white day, and classroom valentine exchange. Feb 14th is actually Ash Wednesday this year. Mrs Hill will arrange for snacks and drinks. Mrs Mansfield's student parliament/class will create a playlist for the dance. Mrs Cornelius to finalize schedule, as there is a grade 5 field trip that afternoon. Parent volunteers are welcome.

MrsMaisonville spoke about the upcoming Shrove Tuesday Pancake breakfast. Previously this event has been organized by Katie Slabon. She will assist Phil and Courtney who have agreed to take on this event. MrsMaisonville will pass on contact info. Volunteers are needed to help make and serve pancakes Tuesday morning.


MrsZebregts spoke about Kernels popcorn sales. We are selling about 80 bags/week. Last week, instead of table sales, members of student parliament went class to class with the popcorn. This was well received by the teachers, and approved by Mrs Cornelius. This can be reassessed at the next meeting if we choose to continue sales this way. MrsZebregts will continue to coordinate the ordering and delivery of popcorn.

MrsMaisonville brought forward the question as to whether we need to be organizing another fundraising program. Available financial reports were incomplete at this meeting but rough estimates show a small surplus for the year. The general agreement between those present was that we do not have to initiate another big product/service campaign at this time.

Ideas for the future include:

Carmichael's meat. Prepackaged pepperettes, jerky and salami. Yields $3 profit per pack sold. The idea of having product samples at the BBQ was brought forward.

Vesey's seeds, bulbs and veggies. This is a catalogue campaign, possibly send home for a couple weeks in April, over Easter. Then we would distribute product in the spring. 50% profit of all sales.

Additionally, we discussed a Halloween dance for next year, to be addressed closer to the date.

Kim to follow up with Harveys.

MrsMaisonville and Mrs Cornelius touched base regarding the Human Library event held earlier this year. It was well received by staff and students and presenters. Possibly an event that could be repeated/expanded in a couple years.


MrsDashnaybrought forth a question about the school uniform and the acceptable accessories. The current uniform code is clear for tops and bottoms but does not cover items such as leggings, hair accessories, or ties and suspenders. Mrs Cornelius clarified that Parent council had voted in the uniform policy a number of years ago, but it was at the school and principal's discretion of what accessories are allowed. For example, the grades 7/8's are allowed to wear CCH items, as it is the high school they will continue to. She noted that this is an issue she will bring up at a staff meeting before implementing any new policy. MrsMaisonville had asked if there was the possibility of another spirit wear clothing sale for the spring. Mrs Cornelius will consider it if there is enough interest.

Principal's Update

Mrs Cornelius discussed the new creation of a information database and an email "blast" system. She is working with MrsPeaker and MrsKadour to create a way that parent council can communicate with families utilizing this system. As our current parent council email is glitching and out of date for contact info.

Mrs Cornelius commented on upcoming events. Such as, French Carnival on Feb 2nd. The Grand Theater is coming to put on a performance for the students on Feb 23rd. Gymnastics and basketball have started. Grades 3-6 are tubing in St Mary's on Feb 21st. Lastly, JK registration has opened for Fall 2018.

Upcoming Meetings

  • Tuesday, Feb 20
  • Tuesday, April 10
  • Tuesday, May 22