/ Proposed
Amendment-to-the-Amendment / Form 5B
Side 1
Amendment Proposal Number / (As provided on preliminary notice.)

Review CCCAA Constitution Article 8. Provide in detail the prescribed information. This material must be submitted electronically (attached to email in MSWord format), with a signed copy emailed in PDF format and all copies received by the CCCAA Director of Membership Services by January 15. (Adopted 2/12/15 effective 7/1/15)

Name of Originator

/ For (Conference/Sport/Affiliate Organization) / Date
Must specify effective date:
July 1
/ /
Article #
/ /
Bylaw #
/ /
Sport Championship Handbook #
Proposed Revisions: Please provide changes to the original proposal using a red /green font. Show existing wording and proposed revision. Do not “cut and paste” from pdf file. Underline additions (new wording) and strikethrough deletions. (Note: To underline or strikethrough, highlight word/s, then click on font menu and make selection. To enter a tab space, use “control” “tab”.)
Intent (Briefly state how the amendment-to-the-amendment will improve/benefit the current regulation):
Rationale (Briefly state why the amendment-to-the-amendment is needed):
Impact Regarding Gender Equity (Fill in only if change from original proposal is needed):


Financial Impact (Complete financial information only if change from original proposal is needed. Use additional pages if necessary):
If affecting event budget: Provide existing budget and budget for proposal (include team/personnel travel expenses, equipment, facilities, etc.)
If affecting college budget: Provide dollar amount increases/decreases by category, i.e., change in required personnel, equipment, facilities, etc.
Article #
/ /
Bylaw #
/ /
Championship Handbook #
Name of Originator
/ Name of President/Chair/Commissioner
For: Conference/Sport Coaches Association/Affiliate Organization / Name of CCCAA MC Sport Rep,
if applicable
Signature of Originator
/ Signature of President/Chair/Commissioner / Signature of CCCAA MC Sport Rep, if applicable
For: Conference/Sport Coaches Association/Affiliate Organization
