Music/Writng ClassLesson PlansJanuary 14-18

Elements of music: String Family

Core Content 4.1


Students will analyze or explain the use of elements of music in a variety of music.
Timbre (tone color) - recognize different qualities of musical sounds, orchestralinstruments by family - brass, woodwind, string, percussion, how instrument sounds are produced, human voices (high voices, low voices)


Students will be actively involved in creating, notating, improvising and performing simple melodies (melodic shape/contour, meter), alone and with others


Students will sing and play simple rhythmic or tonal patterns by reading music notation, alone, and in small and large ensembles.

Learning Targets

  • I can describe how the term timbre means the different sounds people and instruments make.
  • I can explain how to create a sound on a string instrument.
  • I can list instruments in the string family.
  • (Writing Class)I can write about characteristics of the woodwind family.

Materials Needed
string Instruments
string video
string posters
Voyetra Instruments Software
McGraw Hill Instruments CD
Silver Burdette and Ginn string videos, / Vocabulary
Elements: One of the simple, basic parts of something
Timbre: An element of music; the way a particular instrument sounds
Double bass


  1. Begin by reviewing the brass, and woodwind families, having students list characteristics of each family name the instruments, and list individual qualities of each instrument such as:

How it is played


Physical qualities

  1. Introduce the string family, and list these characteristics:

They are all played by strumming, plucking or rubbing a bow across the strings.

  1. Name instruments in the string family, showing a picture of each one.
  2. Show the videos, “string Instruments, bowed” and "String instruments".
  3. Talk about the difference in tuned and non-tuned percussion instruments, as well as differences and similarities in drums from around the world.
  4. Play the string section of the online game, “Young Person’s Guide to the orchestra”
  5. Listen to McGraw Hill percussion instruments CD.

Writing classes:

Write about your favorite woodwind instrument from last week. What is your favorite instrument?
What does it look like?

How is it played?

What does it sound like?

Learning Targets

  • I can describe how the term timbre means the different sounds people and instruments make.
  • I can explain how to create a sound on a string instrument.
  • I can list instruments in the string family.
  • (Writing Class)I can write about characteristics of the woodwind family.